Download Giora Feidman - The Dance of Joy (1998) Album

Download Giora Feidman - The Dance of Joy (1998) Album


Giora Feidman - The Dance of Joy Mediafire rar Album 320 kbps m4a Mega


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1. Ani Ole L'Yerushalim/Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
2. Song for the Earth
3. Dance of Joy
4. The Wedding Waltz
5. Shpiel Zhe Mir a Liedele
6. L'Chaim
7. Song for Two
8. The Freilach Dance
9. Rue Du Bac (Encore)
10. Rue Du Bac
11. Forget the Tears, It's Beautiful
12. If I Were a Rich Man
13. Chassidic dance
14. Giora, for Your Neshama
15. Yankelle
16. Somebody Loves Me
17. The Dance of Fire


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