Download Abdal Hakim Murad - Sira: A Journey of Transformation (2019) Album

Download Abdal Hakim Murad - Sira: A Journey of Transformation (2019) Album


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1. About Cambridge Muslim College
2. The Best Story
3. The Mafia & Tribalism: A Comparison
4. The Hanafiyya in Arabia
5. The Birth of the Prophet ﷺ
6. Judeo-Christian Anticipation of the Coming
7. The Prophet's ﷺ Early Childhood
8. Bahira the Monk and the Prophetic Seal
9. The Prophet's ﷺ Early Adulthood
10. Khadija (Ra) & The Blessed Marriage
11. Al-Amin – The Trustworthy One ﷺ
12. A Majestic & Timeless Story
13. The First Revelation
14. Waraqa Bin Nawfal
15. Picturing the Majesty of Revelation
16. Significance of the Black Stone
17. The Heart, The Ka’aba and Purification
18. The Earliest Converts
19. The Prophet's ﷺ Message Becomes Public
20. The House of Al-Arqam
21. Persecution of the Weak
22. The First Migration: Abyssinia
23. Sifting Fact from Fiction
24. Quraysh Send an Embassy
25. The Muslim Delegation
26. An Appeal to Common Ground
27. On Jesus, Son of Mary
28. The Conversion of Umar (Ra)
29. The Transformative Power of the Qur’an
30. The Year of Sadness
31. Hope in Abandonment
32. The Night Journey
33. The Symbolism of the Journey
34. The Physical Landscape of Arabia
35. Salat & the Chalice of Milk
36. Appointing Abu Bakr as "as-Siddiq"
37. Aisha's (Ra) Betrothal to the Prophet ﷺ
38. A Political Opening
39. The Migration to Yathrib
40. In Madina: Islam as a Public Reality
41. The Prophet's ﷺ Arrival in Yathrib
42. Al-Qaswa, The Prophet's ﷺ Camel
43. The Emergence of the Hypocrites
44. The Jews of Madina
45. Abraham, Hajar & Ismail (As)
46. The Adhan
47. A Transnational Ummah
48. Permission Granted to Fight
49. Preparations for the Battle of Badr
50. A Poem on Saintly Warriorhood
51. Nobility in Warfare
52. The Principle of Sacred Warriorhood
53. Angelic Intervention at Badr
54. Exploring the Ancient Idea of Primordial Battle
55. After Badr
56. The Demise of Monotheism & the Rise of Paganism
57. The Marriage of Hazrat Ali and Sayyida Fatima (Ra)
58. The Emergence of Ahl Al-Bayt
59. Spiritual Developments After the Hijrah
60. The Political Story After Badr
61. The Epic: A Journey Back to Ourselves
62. The Battle of Uhud
63. Uhud Ends
64. Formation of the Confederates
65. Building the Trench
66. The Battle of the Trench
67. The Return of the Ishmaelites
68. The Forbidding of Alcohol
69. The Prophet's ﷺ Marriage to Umm Salamah
70. Evolution of Muslim Economic History
71. The Story of the Lie: Aisha's (Ra) Necklace
72. The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
73. Advantages of the Treaty
74. Attempt to Poison the Prophet ﷺ
75. Spiritual Victories of Islam
76. Khalid Al Walid's (Ra) Conversion
77. Sadness and Tragedy in the Prophet's ﷺ Life
78. Hashemite Mecca: Pagan and Poor
79. Redefining Prophetic Lineage
80. The Truce Period
81. Violation of the Treaty
82. Abu Sufyan's Conversion
83. The Conquest of Mecca
84. The Demise of Paganism
85. Final Military Expeditions
86. An Interfaith Encounter
87. The Prophet's ﷺ Death
88. The End of the Epic
89. Events Foreshadowing the Chosen One ﷺ


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