Down Throat

Down Throat


Down Throat



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This procedure is carried out with a small, tube-like device which is inserted inside the area through the mouth. The device, called the endoscope, contains a small viewing instrument which makes it possible for the health experts to observe the inside of the above mentioned areas of the human body.
Basically, during endoscopy, the health practitioner tries to find ulcers, inflammation, tumors or bleeding, collecting tissue samples for biopsy or removing any polyps. Thus, endoscopy allows the doctor to obtain a better insight into your health, observing more than he/she could through an X-ray scan. Once the information about your esophageal health has been obtained, the doctor can decide whether you need surgery or not, planning the future course of your treatment.
Also, endoscopy is used once the patient has been vomiting blood or has already been treated for stomach ulcers. Hence, endoscopy can be used for monitoring the patient's recovery process.
In order to prepare yourself for the process of endoscopy, you are advised to inform your doctor of any allergic reactions you are likely to have if you are given certain medications. Also, tell the doctor if you are taking any medications at the moment, especially if these are blood-thinners or similar. Pregnancy, diabetes or any previous surgeries carried out on the GI or esophageal area should be reported as well.
Before the procedure however, several tests will be done, including blood tests. If all requirements are met, your will be given a painkiller medicine or an IV sedative. Then, you will have to lie down on the left side of your body, with your head bent forward a bit and a mouth guard in your mouth, keeping you safe from the endoscope. It is important to stay calm and relaxed once the
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