Double Teens 18

Double Teens 18


1965 Double Murder of Teen Couple at Lovers’ Lane Solved
On June 2, 1956, 16-year-old high school junior Patricia Kalitzke and her boyfriend, 18-year-old airman Lloyd Bogle, went on a date at their local drive-in theatre in Great Falls, Montana. After the movie ended at 9 pm, the pair drove to a popular area frequented by young couples in love known as Lovers’ Lane near Wadsworth Park along Sun River.
Patricia was to attend classes early the next morning and told her parents she would be home early, but she never came home at all and neither did Lloyd.
The next morning, three boys hiking along Sun River stumbled upon Lloyd’s deceased body lying on the ground near his car, which was still running. His hands were tied behind his back with his own belt and he had been shot in the head while on his knees. The bullet was found lodged in a nearby cottonwood tree, 33 years later.
Patricia’s body was found the very next day by a road worker lying at the bottom of a 20-foot embankment only five miles away, near Hill 57. She too had been shot execution-style in the head while on her knees.
Robbery was ruled out as a motive since the couple’s wallets containing money and an expensive camera had been left behind.
DNA was collected at the scene and in 2001, advanced forensic technology showed that Patricia had been raped and that sperm found inside her did not belong to her boyfriend Lloyd.
Over the years, 35 different men were ruled out using DNA. Serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards confessed to five murders including Patricia and Lloyd’s, but he too was ultimately ruled out.
In 2019, genetic genealogy finally led detectives to the real killer — Kenneth Gould. DNA evidence preserved from the crime scene was uploaded to a voluntary online genealogy database. It showed a family connection to Kenneth’s children who happily provided detectives with DNA samples which verified that Kenneth was in fact responsible for the double homicide.
Kenneth had married a 16-year-old girl when he was 25. The couple lived with their children just one mile from Patricia’s home at the time of the murders and Kenneth worked with horses mere blocks from her residence. Two years after the murders in 1967, he abruptly sold their home and moved his family to Missouri, never to return again. Now his children know why.
Kenneth died in Missouri in 2007 and was cremated. He did not have a criminal record nor did he have any known connection to Patricia or Lloyd prior to the murders. His motive is unknown.
The 65-year double murder is believed to be the oldest case solved as of yet.
Sources: AP Press, The Electric, Billings Gazette
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