Double Dp

Double Dp


Double Dp

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While many women fantasize about double penetration, very few have actually done it. For those that have, do they enjoy DP, and why?

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» Sexuality & Sexual Health » Do Women Like Double Penetration (DP)?
Although there is very limited research on the topic, many women do at least enjoy the idea of double penetration — if not the act itself. 
As we’ll talk about in just a bit, one survey found that only 9% of respondents reported actually having experienced double penetration.
Double penetration , also known as DP, is sex that involves oral, vaginal, or anal penetration using multiple body parts (including fingers) or sex toys simultaneously.
Do you fantasize about two guys inside of you at the same time? Have you ever looked at your two favorite sex toys and wondered what they’d feel like together?
If so, you may be a woman who’s going to love double penetration .
Many heterosexual men are turned on by the thought of double penetration, as well, but they’re not entirely sure whether their partners will be into the idea — or if they should even bring it up.
It’s perfectly natural to wonder if girls enjoy double penetration, so let’s dive in and find out.
Ultimately, double penetration means being penetrated twice — simultaneously — in the same orifice or multiple ones.
Double penetration sex can happen in a lot of ways:
One survey conducted in 2019, however, found that only 9% of men and women had ever been double penetrated, although it didn’t distinguish between the softcore or hardcore versions of DP.
Threesomes are a common sexual fantasy that about 30% of people have explored at some point and double penetration can certainly be a part of that.
Women may experiment with DP in other ways that don’t involve group sex, however, having it with just one partner and a sex toy, or entirely alone during masturbation with a combination of hands and sex toys, for instance.
Plenty of women can enjoy DP for a variety of reasons, as we’ll talk about next.
There’s no single reason why some women like double penetration . It all depends on what provides pleasure and the way you want to have sex.
Some of the reasons women may enjoy DP include:
Pick your own reason for loving double penetration — or at least wanting to try it, if you do.
Whatever it happens to be, that’s a perfectly good reason to enjoy DP.
How double penetration feels depends on how you do it.
Two penises (or dildos) in one vagina or double anal penetration will create a full, stretched feeling. The G-spot or A-spot may be stimulated.
A penis in the vagina and something else (penis or toy) in the anus will create a similarly full and stretched sensation.
Additionally, it can pleasure both body parts while stimulating the PS-spot (perineal sponge) — located between the vagina and anus — from both sides.
Trying a spit-roast (a penis in the vagina or anus and another in the mouth) can overwhelm your senses and make it hard to focus on any single sensation — which is often part of the fun!
If exploring DP alone, a woman may insert a butt plug into her anus while fingering herself or using a vibrator in her vagina to stimulate her G-spot, A-spot, or PS-spot.
Additionally, she might insert a finger into her mouth while penetrating her vagina or anus with a sex toy to feel the exhilaration of a threesome fantasy with two men.
Ultimately, for women who enjoy it, double penetration feels pleasurable, satisfying, fun, and orgasmic.
Double penetration isn’t for everyone. Some people won’t want to try it at all, and others will try it but won’t like how it feels.
How you feel about DP is valid, whatever that happens to be.
But plenty of women (and people in general!) love the idea of double penetration . As we mentioned earlier, however, only 9% of people had tried it.
Clearly, there’s room for more folks to experiment in their sex life if they want to.
To figure out if you’ll like double penetration, you’ll need to get naked and play with different sensations, body parts, and sex toys.
If you choose to explore double penetration, it’s important to go slowly, take time to learn what your body enjoys, and give yourself time to adjust to it.
This is especially true if your fantasy involves double vaginal penetration or one in your vagina and another in your anus.
Talk to all partners involved so everyone is on the same page about what will and won’t happen — and where your individual boundaries are.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to establish a safeword AND a safe action — a gesture that lets your partners know when to stop what they’re doing when speaking isn’t possible, such as during double oral penetration.
Women can and do enjoy double penetration in a lot of ways and for many reasons.
It’s something you can enjoy alone with multiple sex toys or with one or more partners. There’s no single “right” way to play with DP nor is there only one reason to like it.
Women use double penetration to explore new sensations, different types of stimulation, and more orgasms and ultimately — pleasure.
It’s important, however, to approach DP with the caution it deserves — whether you’re experimenting alone or with partners.
Remember, too, that you don’t have to try it at all! Your sex life is just that: YOUR sex life. Anything you choose to explore is your decision.
Is double penetration something you’ve ever considered trying — or have you? Do you think it’s a turn-on? We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with us and our readers!
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Erfahrung mit Double Penetration???

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1. März 2011 um 13:09


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Hi an alle, ich gehe seit einiger Zeit mit einem guten Freund öfters in einen Swingerclub und wir haben dort auch schon die ein oder andere Bekanntschaft gemacht. Nun kam die Frage von meinem Freund ob ich mir mal Double Penetration vorstellen könnte. Also vaginal und gleichzeitig anal Sex. Ich hatte schon einige male Anal Sex und das gefällt mir auch, aber das ist ja dann doch noch mal was ganz anderes. Gibt es jemanden unter euch der damit bereits Erfahrungen hat? Wäre euch sehr dankbar!
Zwei Schwänze in einer Pussy? Und wie halten dann die Kondome?
Allerdings... wenn ein gewisser Bekanntheitsgrad da ist.... somit eine Vertrautheit, wie bei Nachbarn oder einem Kumpel Deines Partners, dann sollte auch gleich zu Anfang die andere Kombination funktionieren.
Was jemand mit emotionaler Intelligenz zwischen den Zeilen liest... "Außerdem würde ich so Gründen der Rücksichtnahme und Vertrautheit empfehlen, dass dein Freund bei den ersten Versuchen den analen Part übernimmt." Rücksichtnahme? Klingt sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, wenn Du das schreibst. Du meinst natürlich, wie es der Satz jedenfalls impliziert, vor allem Rücksichtnahme auf die Deinigen weiblichen Bedürfnisse und die des neuen Stechers. Bei einem Dreier würde ich immer zunächst auf die Bedürfnisse meiner Partnerin (meines Partners) eingehen, erst dann auf die Bedürfnisse von Fremden, die im Allgemeinen eine lustvolle Zugabe sein sollten. Im Idealfall frage ich also zuerst, was meine Partnerin/ mein Partner denn gerne möchte. Und mit Dritten tunlichst nur safer. Aber bei Dir oder Santavagina wundere ich mich eigentlich über nichts mehr. Gelebte Egozentrik.
Zwei Schwänze in einer Pussy? Und wie halten dann die Kondome?
Zwei Schwänze in einer Pussy? Und wie halten dann die Kondome?
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Nee, bei Tinahotpants denke ich bestimmt nicht kompliziert... ...ich reagiere sehr sensibel auf Satzbauweisen und meine, in den allermeisten Fällen auch direkt zu erfassen, was mein Gegenüber ausdrücken möchte. Arbeitskollegen des Freundes, Nachbarn, Kumpels des Freundes....Tina ist allem Anschein nach nicht unbedingt eine Frau, die sich um den Partner Gedanken macht.
Zwei Schwänze in einer Pussy? Und wie halten dann die Kondome?
Fehlt mir die Kreativität? Moment mal, ich versuch mir grad vorzustellen wie das gehen soll, 2 Schwänze in einer Vagina? Gleichzeitig nicht abwechselnt wie setzt man so was denn technisch um?wer mit welchem Körperteil wo - ach verdammt, ich schau wohl zu wenig Pornos
Nee, bei Tinahotpants denke ich bestimmt nicht kompliziert... ...ich reagiere sehr sensibel auf Satzbauweisen und meine, in den allermeisten Fällen auch direkt zu erfassen, was mein Gegenüber ausdrücken möchte. Arbeitskollegen des Freundes, Nachbarn, Kumpels des Freundes....Tina ist allem Anschein nach nicht unbedingt eine Frau, die sich um den Partner Gedanken macht.
Egozentrik Nur was ist daran verwerflich. Tina ist eine junge unabhängige Frau, die gerne experimentiert und dabei halt alle auf Abstand hält (was sie für die Männer natürlich besonders attraktiv erscheinen lässt). Das Motiv für ihr Verhalten ist wohl auch mit Neugier und einem großen Wissensdurst zu erklären.

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A double play occurs when two offensive players are ruled out within the same play. It's often referred to as "a pitcher's best friend" because it's twice as helpful toward his cause as any given out.
Double plays can be made in any number of ways, but the most common form is on a ground ball with a runner on first. In this case, the defense typically throws the ball to second base to get the first out before throwing the ball to first base for the second out.
A double play can be recorded on a flyout if a fielder throws out a runner who strayed off his base or was trying to advance. Double plays also don't necessarily need to feature a force out at second. If the defense gets the out at first base, then tags another runner out on the bases, that counts as a double play as well.
Pitchers who record the highest number of double plays typically induce a high frequency of ground balls. And defenses that are adept at turning double plays generally have two very good middle infielders who are skilled at both starting the double play and at making a quick catch and throw from second base.
"turned two," "doubled up," "twin killing," "pitcher's best friend"
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