Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute

Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute


Dosanko Gyaru Is Mega Cute
Natsukawa Tsubasa has just moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido, in the middle of winter. Not quite appreciating how far towns are in the country, he gets off the taxi at the next town over from his destination, so he can see the sights around his home. But he is shocked when he learns the "next town" is 3 hours walk away. But he also meets a cute Dosanko (born and raised in Hokkaido) gyaru named Fuyuki Minami who is braving 8 degrees celcius below 0 weather in the standard gyaru outfit of short skirts and bare legs!
the author is just fooling around at this point. First, the senpai that approached and showed affection to mc but then rejected, looks like akino is next LMAO. Why don't the author just choose that "girl" in the cover and let this manga be done..
Can this guy just fuck date both of them. It would solve so many problems
If he don't choose her im dropping ong, main girl is ass
this turning to Rent-A-Girl.... bruuuhh
That's so disrespectful... Rent a girl is straight trash
Ffs just end it! This shouldn’t have dragged this long, she should have just said yes instead of her dumb rejection and ended the manga
This shit has dragged on for too long now
Just end the readers suffering already
The dumber they come, the better Tsubasa likes them. Let me elaborate.
After getting jerked around by the two women in his life (mother, grandmother) and having no experience with dating girls, he's probably ultra-weak against bubbly, airheaded, flirty types. And no girl in this manga fits the bill better than Fuyuki.
Sempai-girl couldn't make it because she's too high-performance and probably makes Tsubasa a bit insecure. His mom also sabotaged their relationship by "okaying" it.
Akino changed her style/behavior to better match the airheaded archetype Tsubasa is weak against, but does she have the personality to be as non-threatening and stimulating as Fuyuki? It sucks, but I doubt it.
You might be unto something with this.
Ugh, we know how this will play out eventually but I want Akino to win.
Observation Haki : He's going to find a bullshit reason to go out with Akino, Fuyuki pops up and my nigga is gonna say he's in love with fuyuki and break akino's heart just like how he did my main girl senpai
Ngl that felt like 3pg lol… End our suffering already
Well we know what the author would do its gonna turn out like senpai
for the first time I want the side girl to win... :)
please not again. i'm not strong enough
Akino should at least be Shiki's first time before he eventually hooks up with Fuyuki.
She better fucking win. Main girl's so boring now. They did senpai dirty. I'm just hopeful cause the manga name does not have the main girl's name on it. We need the twist.
Seriously! I swear I'm dropping this thing if (when) Akino gets rejected, she was my favorite from her introduction.
Lol no way is author gonna let best girl(s) win! Main girl is gonna win ffs authors hate us I swear
We all know they’re trying to fool us
Bro please just stop this just make more moments with your the main girl
Why? authors keep making main girl extremely great then ruin it all(in this case a illogical brainless rejection and instant regret afterwards) then after making us frustrated with her proceeds to make the other girls so much better and then reject them one by one! It’s just the trend these days with harem manga/anime! BTW, what is she resting her right elbow on in the car at the end?
This is fucked up. Look at all those build up, making it seem like she has a chance. Same thing happened to the senpai girl. I don't think I've read any other romcoms that tried this hard to fool the readers into thinking that the side heroines had any chances. And if they do, it usually ends with harem. This clearly wont end with a harem
She looks like she's bout to make Shiki call her mommy in the last panel lol Sayuri should win
But they won’t cause it’s just the way these authors go
Bro polygamy is the one and only solution
God dam! She looks like a Boss in the last panel. Guessing her rejection scene is coming……. pain
I really hate these parts in rom mangas when things get all complicated it was so nice until chap 60
Drama is trash in mangas cause for the sake of plot, staging things and dragging things out authors make the characters do unrealistic dumb stuff!
god dammit the author really is annoying I mean there's no way in hell she has a chance ryt? y tf play with hearts Sayurin needs justice
Don't fuck with us like this author, if you start putting wind in these sails you better not make the ship sink later.
Goddamn right. I want justice for this ship
More like the authors putting wind on the sails to steer the ship into crashing an iceberg
I think sometimes side character needs to win but I know Fuyuki will win in the end
Sometimes the side girls deserve justice
I want Akino to win. Even if this story continues to the point of them being married in the future, I'm fine if he's at least dated Akino at some point lol she deserves it.
“But in game we’re married” Aye she’s just like me……. Hurry up with the rejection already ffs. We all know it’s coming
At this point I can only blame the author if this goes badly. The initial romance was already pretty well set up and then they went for stupid drama. Not to mention gave the two subjectively better girls a real shot afterwards even tho they will probably lose anyway..
I'll literally take any win from the girls EXCEPT the main girl.
HOLYY MOTHERRRR SHE IS THE ONE BRO that change gmfu I did not think she could get even better
Dumb ass female MC needs to get rejected when she's ready to confess.
Hoping with all my heart and soul that the main girl loses hard after all the shit she's pulled. It won't happen most likely but man I hope it does. The other two deserve to win way more holy shit.
can you tell me what other shit has she pulled since rejecting MC? i havnt been following much since then
@Nautical479 she’s just been avoiding him so much by doing a lot of shit to keep herself busy
OMFG, well that’s one way to really take top spot, especially after main girl be ruining her popularity with mistake after mistake
Ngl I wasn’t expecting much from her haircut, but Mommy?!!!
Girl stfu you still lose, author likes to do it .
"I'm gonna reject you for liking me"
*boy goes with another girl*
"Oh nooo!! I'm a victim !! "
Can we just skip to the part where he gets with Fuyuki finally after probably another misunderstanding? The author doesn’t need to hurt Akino like this man :(
its so painful cuz the winner is the worst girl
End Sayuri’s misery already…. I can’t take my favorite girl taking an L Again!! :(
how many more do i have to endure the this indesicive wimp
Shiki isn't the one being indecisive. He has chosen Fuyuki but she is completely avoiding him.
well fuyuki is the one avoiding him mygot what would he do in that situation a perfect mc is not always necessary
If he ends up picking a girl over the others ima drop this, i wont be able to handle the heartbreak
the misunderstanding in this manga is on a whole other level, they dont even bother to use it for comedic purposes, its literally the plot
Bro why do they feel the need to build up akino when everyone damn well knows that fuyuki will win
Because unlike other current RomCom's it's called Dosanko Gyaru is Mega Cute (Hokkaido Gal's are Mega Cute) not Fuyuki-Chan is Mega Cute. Akino and Fuyuki are both technically Dosanko Gyaru. Maybe it'll go in the direction of Ichigo 100% and the girl we all thought would win doesn't.
Damn gotta unsubscribe from Ichigo 100% now since it's been spoiled.
There are 5 girls in Ichigo 100%. Finish it. The author is amazing and I promise, you have no idea who it is I'm talking about.
Nooooo akino!! Don’t do it, cut it in the bud right now!! Save yourself from indecisive beta cuck male.. you deserve better
i’m actually going to kill myself if nothing good happens within the next chapter
Okay I hope Momo-Imouto can switch things around with Minami. Highly doubt it but we need to get back on the Tsunami flow here.
gotta love how akino's tits grow in each panel, that ramen is blessed
This girl is crazy insecure or simply a moron huh. Thr guy confesses and she shoots him down cuz her other simp needs an answer then sees him with another girl she knows he's friends with and suddenly she's a victim.
I have only one thing to say about this ch: That was a nice ass pg22
Was good at the start but turned into a prolonged basic harem romance W at start L now
Come on guys. Both girls are tagged as gyaru in manga. And both are the main characters so both akino and fuyuki fans should cheer for them in hope of getting together with MC.
Ayo what happened, I found this recently and read it, starting chapters are pure delight, but then this shit goes straight to trash bin and now new turn like wtf, is author experimenting new things, if he is then please someone tell him to bring that wholesomeness back, fr if he would hast stick to that lovey dovey chapters, so many people would have liked this.
Did we really dump Senpai just to go back to Sayuri? Again? Please Ikada-sensei just make up your mind.
Maann, this manga was really good at early chapter with wholesome interaction between MC and the gyarus. But why the author create "misunderstanding" plot and start from that the development become messed up? I don't know, my opinion is the story right now is like typical romcom that the development between the main character and the heroine is just a tug of war that feels annoying, which very contrasted different with the early chapter
Really author? You just forced fuyuki to win and then Fuyuki will just avoid the mc? Is this rent-a-trash in a new level? With the girl being a bish lmao
Ok im reallly gunna drop this if hes gunna start a whole relationship with sayuri just to fuck her over and choose fuyuki in the end anyway
another prolonged side story. alright then i'm just going to turn off my brain and stop hoping for this
Is it an unspoken rule that if you make a harem manga you have to artificially extend and ruin it or what??
Would have been so much better if author just split the timeline about a dozen chapters ago, and then wrote "what if...." -> 3 good endings
Right? Like take a page out of We Never Learn.
Well. Whatever.
At this point fuyuki sabotaged herself. He let natsukawa go. So now he's left with sayuri.

God they really are playing an options game rather than developing a story about how they get together aren't they?
Oh god, another pointless interruption into a forced side arc
If that's me I would choose senpai she's so beautiful
It's dragging on now. I don't care much anymore. It had really nice moments but they were wasted by making them pointless later on.
Asuka seems great. Forget the MC Sayuri & go for the Yuri route!!!
Bruh the main female character huh? She’s absolute trash now! Just say no if you don’t want to! Instead of lying! FFS! an absolute bitch! Funny how the ending is author just starting the next reject’s arc
I'd say that the main female character's behavior accurately reflects her personality: bubbly and fickle.

The whole manga reads like a case study about some guy with no experience getting pulled along by a girl who falls in and out of love easily. He stumbles blindly forward, stalling and rejecting anyone other than the idea of female MC that lives in his head, all while female MC gets bored and becomes so "busy" that she couldn't give him time of the day anymore.

You read, you think back on your own experiences and think to yourself that he should just cut his losses, accept that he's blinded by romantic feelings and move on. But life (manga) ain't that simple and my bet is, that gyaru gets a ton of "this is why she did those things, so don't be mad, dear reader" sort of exposition and bam, they're together.
This is why harem ending is superior
"The game of love takes a new turn?!"

Yea,straight into the dumpster
God blonde is such a raging bitch it’s obnoxious
yo let’s go, let’s milk this shit for 30more chapters
Then another girl will also slain because of the fmc barriers , then okay Im not busy and no sht interruption , now Lets go out.
Really author ? My ship already sunk so I don't really care, but did he really just made the MC make his mind up to confess again, only to shove it all aside cuz the gyaru chick is "busy" and THEN try to steer the conv to trick us into thinking that the gamer girl have a chance when she obviously don't, ALL in one chapter ?
Damn and here I thought that confession misunderstanding was forced even for harem standards, author proved me wrong
Yeah it’s obvious what author us doing! Making us think the other chick got a chance lmao what the hell! the gyaru bitch will win after being the worse human in the world
Hey, it's not 'closure' until every single girl has been completely rejected, it'll make the reconfession with FMC who's taking a backseat as a side character for now all the more worth the wait! Man, I've seen some cheap runtime squeezes but this one's really bad...
kids, this is what it's like to have no balls
Zzzzzzzz fucking dogshit arc with another girl because main girl is being a bitch
this just make me want to become a manga author and go with "FUCK CLICHÉ" slogan. The author has literally zero balls.
If they would let Fuyuki win in the end, at least they should make alternate arcs/endings for the other girls ffs. why bother put the "harem" tag. Learn from We Never Learn. Cliched but one of the best harem mangas ive seen
By that logic TQQ isn’t harem either then
Well tbf by that logic yeah, that was also the reason why some of the readers got frustrated since they are divided with who is the best girl so they got dissapointed. On the other hand, WNL has different endings make some of the fans satisfied as well.
We never learn would have been amazing if it got even 1 ending cause they didn’t have trash like gal here
Expect dissapointment so you wouldn't get dissapointed
She's too good for him guys! She'll find her love in college.
Am done with this...was hoping, no matter how small the chance, that the author would go for the senpai route...nkt! ...
But the senpai is more waifu though
Damn, these are some emotionally healthy high schoolers. A very refreshing story in this genre.
Atleast he's sincere, he also likes senpai too (cuz everyone do) but he cant lie to his true feelings .
This chapter was upsetting, but it was damn beautiful.
Ahhh the manga where best girl always lose
Hopefully this doesn’t get an anime, cuz I aint trying cry twice…

I'm not surprised since they showed they were working towards Fuyuki being with him. But my god did this chapter disappoint despite them having good chemistry and a very familiar and enjoyable relationship.
They were equals in that short lived time and it's regrettable that the actual non-toxic relationship is being discarded.
Damn the art is fkn beautiful in that chapter
Author first work, of course gotta go with cliche route and dumb choices
Commentors first work, ofc he vents his unfounded anger about a total expected outcome
I liked the collage of their time spent together and the coloring in the last pages, really was a great touch.
and of course for no fucking reason at all watch it be MC be the one to confess again even though this time it should be Fuyuki since shes the one that fucked up
You can literally dislike an ending based upon story elements. Especially if so much time was dedicated to shaping natsukawa as a potential heroine. I was hoping this manga would go with a route different than pretty much every other harem route. I have nothing against fuyuki and i can see their compatibility and potential as a relationship. But at the same time this co-equal relationship had potential and going with it would have been an enjoyable difference. Much like how QQ subverted all expectations and actually stuck to the one that was built up for a while early on.
It's valid to express disappointment about the selection.
If yall so mad I'm sure you know you don't have to keep reading it
Bro we can be angry or mad it’s a harem manga pick your favorite girl
Well we all saw this coming from a decade away, trash shall win, the thing was Fuyuki win wasn’t an issue you know, when she was first introduced and all she was hella popular, but her cliché ass dumb decisions have dropped her to the depths of hell! Very trash character these days!
Bro I’m waiting for a manga where every girl is on the same level of likability and any of them can win
True, whereas we are at a time where the first girl to be introduced must win no matter what L sadge
my god why author. why why. why u pick the stupid one instead the charming one.
Called it, Bad ending it is then. Thanks author for forcing Fuyuki to win
Natsukawa > Akino > Being alone > Eating just rice > Sleeping on the cold floor > Being broke > Fuyuki.
Insert this one into there above Fuyuki: "Being in Vietnam when the trees start speaking Vietnamese"
the main girl is the worst out of the three XD
Nah fuck that, I mean it's good that he doesn't just start loving someone else immediately after getting rejected, but the cause for fuyuki rejecting him was so fucking stupid that she doesn't deserve it. Natsukawa is too good for this manga
Exactly! Fuyuki broke her own heart and then have the guts to worry and get angry like some tragic heroine, on top of that she’s now worried about some fuck boy
nope. not going to have my hope up it's going to sink. i know it the author won't have the balls to change love target
Yeah for sure! It’s literally in the name of the whole thing
this whole thing was just one big misunderstanding and lie by the author. Its so stupid, they didn’t show the response because the author doesn’t want us to know that he rejected her, and is instead leading us and the other girls on. Open your eyes guys they aren’t dating, the mc asked why senpai was brought up and every time anything related to his relationship with senpai is spoken of as soon as mc starts to talk he gets cut off. Y’all falling for the oldest trick in the book smh
Lmao everyone knows they aren’t dating! He probably didn’t reject and said he needs time and the last chapter is him preparing to give an answer which will be rejecting IMO!
Well bois, its coming. Senpai will probably be reject, she will suffer and it sucks, but the sooner the better chance for her to find someone else. It's clear that MC loves Fuyuki, to date senpai would be akin to lying to her.
Clear? Well I mean he did confess hahah
clear that he STILL loves her, even after the "rejection", I meant :p
Lmao while the main girl who author will force win is out here rejecting MC, breaking her own heart, worried about another guy, probably will do more stuff to ruin her character! MC is literally preparing to give L to senpai and akino!
Ohhh God no!!!!! I want senpai win!!!!!!
I wish this was less predictable. I'm enjoying it but I knew 50 chapters ago that fuyuki will win, natsukawa will be the second choice that gets dumped for main girl and sayuri will never even have a chance
Facts very veeery predictable! It wasn’t and all of a sudden typical stuff started happening as soon as harem and characters got established
its here bois the time when senpai gets her feelings hurt
I didn't even realize that it was the last chapter I'm reading........ I think chapter 75 is going to be the best part (I don't know but it's just speculation of mine)
This chapter in a nutshell: "I'm gonna raise up their levels to make it seem like there is still a stiff compe
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