Do’s and Don’ts When Controlling Fleas

Do’s and Don’ts When Controlling Fleas

Mark's Pest Control Adelaide

Summer season allows you to happily step out of your home and enjoy the pleasant weather. But you are not the only one who is enjoying outside in summers. Fleas also come out in summers and breed like anything. Flea infestation in summer season is a common problem which could cause serious health hazards to you and your pets.

A flea infested home is a nightmare and hotbed for various kinds of diseases. Hence, flea control is important and should be done carefully to kick out every single flea. But the tedious process of Flea Control Treatment requires proper attention.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts which you must while controlling fleas to make the entire process easier and more efficient.

#1 Know your Flea Control Products

It is essential to use the right flea control product at the right place and at the right time. Use effective flea elimination products to treat every side of the house. Also, keep the closets closed with everything inside as fleas and their eggs can easily jump to your clothes, shoes and other fabrics in the house.

Check for an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) which is rated to kills fleas efficiently before they grow big enough to lay eggs. Use home tick eradication products to kill ticks found along with fleas. You can also take the help of the professional service if the situation is too worse. They also give warranty over residual fleas after the process is over.

#2 Keep your Pets Clean

Use tick remover devices to remove ticks from the fur of your pet. There are good tick removers available in the market which can remove ticks deep from the skin. You can also take the help of the tweezers to extract fleas easily without hurting your pet. Also, visit your veterinary doctor if the skin of pet swells, red or it feels itchiness in the affected area.

#3 Don’t Rely On your Skills Only

Pest control of fleas is a war which fought at different levels and from different sides. Don’t think that just using quality equipment and pest control insecticides can ensure absolute flea control in and out of your house. Also, just keeping your pet clean isn’t the solution to flea prevention. Sometimes, you will not know the source of fleas entering the house. Take professional help in such cases to keep the home environment safe pleasant.

#4 Follow Flea Control Product Guidelines for your Pet

Do not use any flea infestation removal product over your pet. Always purchase good quality flea removal product and read its usage guidelines carefully. For instance, check whether the body weight of your pet is matching with the weight parameters mentioned on the label of the product. In case of any confusion, consult customer support of the product manufacturer to ensure proper usage. Never use a combination of two products. It is hazardous for the health of pets and humans as well.

How we can help you?

We at Mark's Pest Control Adelaide are there to assist you with best flea control treatments. So if you are fed up of fleas in your house then can contact Local Pest Control Adelaide service providers. 

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