Dorothy Stratten Playboy

Dorothy Stratten Playboy



Будущая модель Плейбой и голливудская актриса родилась в 1960году в бедном районе Ванкувера, где закончила школу и, не имея особых перспектив, пошла работать кассиром в супермаркет. Здесь-то юную красавицу (несовершеннолетнюю по канадским законам) заприметил жиголо и начинающий фотограф Пол Снайдер. Взрослый, богатый, щедрый и хитрый мужчина водил девицу в дорогие рестораны и модные клубы, осыпал роскошными подарками и постепенно готовил к реализации своего плана. Пришел день и любовник уговорил девушку раздеться для эротической фотосессии, лучшие эпизоды которой отправились в редакцию журнала Плейбой. Знаменитый Хью Хефнер, владелец Playboy, разглядел в Дороти Страттен те же таланты, что и никому не известный канадский сутенер и красавица получила билет в Лос-Анджелес, куда с ней отправился прыткий сожитель.

Дороти с мужем и своим убийцей Полом Снайдером, 1980 год

В начале 1979-го Дороти Страттен и Пол Снайдер приехали завоевывать город Ангелов, а уже в августе канадская красотка стала Девушкой месяца и получила первую роль в кино, за которая пришла вторая, третья и главная в комедийной секс-фантастике “Галаксина”.
Она была на пороге славы и больших денег, когда предусмотрительный любовник уговорил официально оформить их отношения. Все друзья и знакомые отговаривали актрису от замужества, но провинциалка, даже охладев к первой любви, все ещё чувствовала себя обязанной и зависимой от своего “папика” и совершила роковой поступок, в итоге стоивший ей жизни. Получив штамп в паспорте, безработный жиголо не успокоился и постоянно мучил жену приступами ревности.

Когда Дороти Страттен уезжала на съемки, то вслед за ней отправлялся частный детектив, нанятый на её же деньги. До поры до времени никаких порочащих сведений ревнивец не получал, а потом как гром среди ясного неба летом 1980-го актриса приехала со съемок и объявила, что встретила мужчину своей мечты и хочет развод. В Нью-Йорке Дороти  работала вместе с Одри Хепберн и Беном Газзарой над картиной “Все они смеялись”, которая должна была стать прорывом для молодой артистки. Режиссером проекта выступал Питер Богданович и между ними вспыхнул бурный роман, который заставил актрису вернуться домой и попросить супруга развестись. Пока жена общалась с адвокатами и хотела напоследок щедро одарить бывшего любимого, Пол Снайдер сгорал от ярости и начал планировать убийство Дороти Страттен.

C Питером Богдановичем

Снайдер купил ружье 12-го калибра и стал ждать визита пока ещё законной жены.  Дороти Страттен приехала к своему убийце 14 августа 1980. Юристы настаивали решить все вопросы без её участия, но наивная провинциалка хотела переговорить с Полом с глазу на глаз, попробовать разойтись по-хорошему и остаться друзьями. Но расставание совершенно не входило в планы отчаянного ревнивца – Пол Снайдер застрелил Дороти Страттен, затем изнасиловал её холодный труп, а после, ужаснувшись содеянному, совершил самоубийство, упав замертво с телом убитой актрисы. В таком виде их и нашли друзья.

Питер Богданович о Дороти:
Она смотрела на мир с любовью и нежностью, считая, что абсолютно все люди на земле добрые. Думала, что даже отъявленные негодяи в глубине души хорошие и чистые. Суровая жизнь доказала, что Дороти жестоко ошибалась.
После убийства Дороти, режиссер начал ухаживать за больной матерью своей покойной любовницы. Спустя восемь лет после смерти любимой он женится на её младшей сестре Луизе, когда той исполнилось 20 - столько же было Дороти Страттен.
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Жаль девушку:( Вот как защищаться от уродов? Конечно, можно сказать, что надо быть умнее и предусмотрительнее, но ведь многие просто могут быть добрыми и наивными как она. Жить в постоянном недоверии?
Sowa76, предусмотрительнее и допускать, что он тебе вышибет мозги из ружья? Ну такое)) Вот замуж точно не стоило выходить, но это снова не гарантия
что за жесть...
а Богданович женился на младшей сестер своей убитой любовницы, это же тоже жесть полная
m-joie, я уже писала как-то. Училась с одной девочкой. Она вышла замуж. Через какое-то время парень уехал на подработку в Москву, где сгорел в бытовке.
Погоревав какое-то время, она вышла замуж за его брата-близнеца. Сейчас так и живут, детей родили.
Вот это, по-моему, реальная жесть.
Radiocatt, горе иногда сближает. тем более они прожили вместе лет 20
katerushechka, ну как бы именно к Богдановичу у меня нет особых вопросов: он мог перенести свои чувства на младшую сестру, которая была похожа на Дороти.
Но конкретно в описанном мной случае я нахожу просто жутким, что эта девочка сошлась с близнецом покойного (они реально были ОЧЕНЬ похожи).
Слышала эту историю раньше, очень жаль девушку толком и не жила.
Если не ошибаюсь, по мотивам это истории сняли фильм. И Дороти играет Джейми Ли Кертис
Annushka_z, играет внучка Хэмингуэя и Эрик Робертс. Старое кино, но смотреть можно.
Dita_von_Teese, нет, вы, наверное, о другом фильме вспомнили. Тот называется "Трагедия Дороти Страттен" или похоже. Надо загуглить.
Annushka_z, не "Звезда-80", помню Робертс там безумно красив, это еще до аварии было. Он конечно внешне гораздо круче реального ублюдка (извините)
krasovskaya, еще бы. Молодой Эрик Робертс необычайно крут. Люблю его в специалисте.
Dita_von_Teese, в Специалисте он уже корявый, профиль сломан видно. Но согласна, он там чертовски хорош. Еще мне он нравится в фильме Поезд-беглец
Это история не о несчастной красавице, это история о больных уродах. Один убийца и некрофил, второй женился на 20 летней сестре.
Сколько дебилов то, мамочки((((
Красивая очень девушка. Жаль.
Про женитьбу на сестре тоже кажется мерзким. Я сама тут недавно узнала, что у знакомой сестра тайно с её мужем спала долго. Теперь обе замужем. Короче, таких мерзких историй много.
MissJuliett, ну здесь-то никто тайно ни с кем не спал, по-моему, некорректно такое сравнивать
Про эту историю Боб Фосси (режиссер "Кабаре") снял фильм "Звезда 80х". Рекомендую, как и все его фильмы
Звездные пары 12 марта 2021, 08:39 17753 61
Битва платьев 12 марта 2021, 07:45 21788 19
Звездные дети 11 марта 2021, 22:15 28361 68
Звездные дети 11 марта 2021, 19:00 15057 29
Светская жизнь 11 марта 2021, 18:15 12744 31
Монархии 11 марта 2021, 17:13 58544 382
Монархии 11 марта 2021, 16:23 29102 77
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Director of U.S. Coast Guard SPARS during World War II, see Dorothy C. Stratton.
Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten (February 28, 1960 – August 14, 1980), known professionally as Dorothy Stratten, was a Canadian Playboy Playmate, model, and actress. Stratten was the Playboy Playmate of the Month for August 1979 and Playmate of the Year in 1980.[1] Stratten appeared in three comedy films and in at least two episodes of shows broadcast on US network television. She was murdered at the age of 20 by her estranged husband and manager Paul Snider, who died by suicide on the same day. Her death inspired two motion pictures, the 1981 TV movie Death of a Centerfold and the 1983 theatrical release Star 80,[2] as well as the book The Killing of the Unicorn and the songs "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, "The Best Was Yet to Come" by Bryan Adams and "Cover Girl" by the Canadian rock band Prism.
Stratten was born in Grace Maternity Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, on February 28, 1960, to Simon and Nelly Hoogstraten, who had emigrated from the Netherlands.[1][3] In 1961, her brother John Arthur was born and, in May 1968, her sister Louise Stratten.
In 1977, Stratten was attending Centennial High School in Coquitlam, British Columbia. Concurrently, she was working part-time at a local Dairy Queen, where she met 26-year-old Vancouver-area club promoter and pimp Paul Snider, who began dating her. Snider later had a photographer take professional nude photos of her which were sent to Playboy magazine in the summer of 1978. She was under the age of 19 (the legal age of majority in British Columbia), so she had to persuade her mother to sign the model release form.[3]
In August 1978, she moved to Los Angeles, where she was chosen as a finalist for the 25th Anniversary Great Playmate Hunt.[3] Snider joined her in October, and in June the following year, they married. With her surname shortened to Stratten, she became Playboy's Miss August 1979, and began working as a bunny at the Playboy Club in Century City, Los Angeles.[3] Hugh Hefner had high hopes that Stratten could have meaningful crossover success as an actress.[3] She featured in episodes of the television series Buck Rogers and Fantasy Island. She also had small roles in 1979 in Americathon and the roller disco comedy Skatetown, U.S.A., and a lead role in the exploitation film Autumn Born.
Hefner reportedly encouraged Stratten to sever ties with Snider, calling him a "hustler and a pimp."[3] Rosanne Katon and other friends warned Stratten about Snider's behavior. Stratten began an affair with Peter Bogdanovich while he was directing They All Laughed (1981).[3]
When Stratten arrived at the Playboy Mansion for the 25th Anniversary Playmate Hunt she was very shy and naive. She was very uncomfortable with the casual nudity and sex. Several contemporary playmates including Pamela Bryant, Gail Stanton and Marcy Hanson befriended Stratten and protected her from some of Hefner's friends whom they considered to be predators.
On March 22, 1980, Stratten flew to New York City to begin work on what became her last film project, They All Laughed, a romantic comedy being directed by Bogdanovich.[4] Laughed would be Stratten's fifth movie in a career that had only begun the year before and represented her first substantial role in a big-budget picture, playing the unhappily-married love interest of John Ritter, one of the film's stars.[a] Bogdanovich, who also wrote the screenplay, said in an interview that he had based the backstory of Stratten's character on what he'd learned about her marriage to Snider.[5]
Stratten had spent the first two and a half months of 1980 completing her Playmate of the Year shoot and making her previous movie, Galaxina, in Southern California. With all her work close to home, Snider assumed the role of his wife's chauffeur, as well as her ersatz manager and acting coach. But Snider's near-constant presence, as well as his criticism of and almost daily arguments with his wife, caused Stratten so much stress that her co-workers at Playboy and the Galaxina set took notice of the tension in the relationship. As the spring of 1980 approached, Snider insisted on accompanying his wife to New York, but Stratten at least recognized the problems he could cause while she was making the most important picture of her young career. Also wanting the freedom to pursue a relationship with Bogdanovich, Stratten convinced Snider to remain in Los Angeles after explaining that the director had decided to close the set of his new film to all but the cast and immediate crew.[3]
Stratten and Bogdanovich consummated their affair on the day after her arrival in New York.[6]
In April, Stratten briefly returned to California to prepare for her upcoming introduction as the new Playmate of the Year and follow-on publicity tour.[7] With several months of filming left to be completed in New York, this was the last time that she would live with Snider in their Los Angeles-area home.
On Wednesday, April 30, at a luncheon held on the grounds of Hefner's mansion, Stratten was presented to the assembled entertainment press as the 1980 Playmate of the Year.[8] In his introductory remarks, Hefner noted that Stratten was from Canada and had received $200,000 in cash and gifts in addition to the title. In a fleeting comment, Hefner also acknowledged the effect that Stratten's charming combination of beauty, intelligence, and sensitivity had on many who knew her when he said, "... and she is something rather special. They always are, but Dorothy is really quite unique." After taking the lectern, Stratten thanked Mario Casilli, the photographer who shot both her Playmate of the Month and Year pictorials, several Playboy executives, and finally Hefner, who she declared "has made me probably the happiest girl in the world today."[9]
Later that evening, Stratten appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.[3]
The next day Stratten began a two-week promotional tour of Canada. Having no events scheduled over the first weekend, she flew to New York on a whim to surprise Bogdanovich. Conflicted about her marriage now more than ever, Stratten wrote to her husband from Canada asking for more freedom in their relationship. With his wife beyond his immediate control and fearing the worst, upon reading her letter, Snider telephoned from Los Angeles and flew into a rage when Stratten answered. The Canadian tour was arranged to end in her hometown of Vancouver so Stratten might relax for a few days with family before returning to work on They All Laughed. However, Snider appeared in Vancouver at the last minute, where he coerced her into spending some of her brief vacation making personal appearances at several local nightclubs. Since Snider knew many of the club owners, he personally negotiated and collected Stratten's appearance fees and then pocketed the entire sum when she returned to Bogdanovich in New York City.[8]
During this time in Vancouver, it was reported that Stratten and Snider had a particularly heated argument. At some point during the fight, Stratten offered to give up her acting career and suggested the couple permanently return to Canada; however, Snider rebuffed his wife's attempt to save their marriage.[3]
In the days and weeks after Snider returned to Los Angeles, he found it increasingly difficult to get in touch with Stratten. In late June, just a few weeks after their first wedding anniversary, Snider received another letter from her, this one announcing that they were now physically and financially separated. Snider had several responses to the second letter; he emptied the couples' joint bank account, he had a brief affair with an old girlfriend, and, now convinced that Stratten was having an affair of her own with Bogdanovich, Snider hired a private detective to gather evidence of his wife's infidelity.[10]
As a foreign national living in the US without a green card that would allow him to hold a job and having no other source of regular income, Snider relied on Stratten, now through her business manager, to pay the monthly household bills. Little was left over for extravagances, such as the expenses incurred by a private detective working a case 3,000 miles from home. Therefore, over the summer of 1980, Snider began selling Stratten's Playmate of the Year prizes at a loss for quick cash, the most notable example being a Jaguar sports car that Playboy had valued at $26,000.[11][12]
By mid-July, principal photography on They All Laughed was completed and the New York production wrapped.[13] On Wednesday, July 30, Stratten and Bogdanovich returned to Los Angeles after having spent a ten-day holiday together in England. Stratten's official L.A. residence was now at the address of a newly-rented Beverly Hills apartment, but in actuality she had quietly moved into Bogdanovich's mansion in Bel Air.[3]
On the night of July 31, 1980, Snider, by now aware that his estranged wife was back in L.A. and living with Bogdanovich, hid among the shadows just outside the director's estate carrying a borrowed handgun, intending to shoot anyone who appeared at the entrance to the property. After several hours of inactivity, Snider grew impatient and left, drove up into the hills overlooking the city and, admitting later to a friend, had thoughts of suicide.[14]
At approximately noon on Friday, August 8, Stratten and Snider saw each other for the first time in nearly three months at Snider's (and Stratten's former) house in West Los Angeles. After having already persuaded Stratten to pose for Playboy and then marry him, Snider was supremely confident before the meeting that he would convince his wife to take him back. But his hopes of a reconciliation were quickly shattered when Stratten admitted that she had fallen in love with Bogdanovich and wanted to finalize their separation. A dejected Snider agreed to meet Stratten one more time the following week to discuss a monetary settlement.[3][15]
Later that afternoon, less than a week before Stratten's murder, Snider had to return the borrowed gun to its owner.[3] Over the next five days, he would become obsessed with getting another.
On August 9, the day after his meeting with Stratten, Snider and the private detective he'd hired went to a local gun store. After being told that the store couldn't sell him a firearm because of his Canadian citizenship, Snider asked the detective to buy the gun Snider wanted for him. The man said no.[16] When Snider saw the private detective again the following day, he tried to convince the man to buy him a machine gun, for "home protection" as Snider explained, but the detective talked him out of the idea.[3] The next day, August 11, Snider drove out into the San Fernando Valley to look at a gun he'd found for sale in a newspaper. He got lost, however, and eventually gave up and went home before finding the owner's address.[16]
August 13, 1980 marked the two-year anniversary of the day that Stratten had first arrived in Los Angeles to begin her acting and modeling career.[17]
On August 13, 1980, the day before Stratten was murdered, Snider bought a used, 12-gauge, pump action shotgun from a private seller he found in a local classified ad.[3][16] Later that evening in a conversation with friends, Snider described how he had purchased a gun that day and finished his story by cryptically declaring that he was "going to take up hunting."[16]
During the same conversation, barely more than 12 hours before the murder,[18] an otherwise jovial Snider casually brought up the subject of Playmates who had unexpectedly died. In particular, he spoke of Claudia Jennings, an actress and former Playmate of the Year who had been killed in a car accident the year before.[16] Snider made several morbid remarks to his companions related to the problems at Playboy magazine caused by Jennings' death, including a comment about how the editors will pull nude photos of a dead Playmate from the next issue if there's time.[16][18]
Stratten arrived for her meeting with Snider at his rented West Los Angeles house at approximately noon on Thursday, August 14.[3][19] She had spent the morning conferring with her business manager, and one of the topics the pair discussed was the amount of the property settlement the Playmate would offer her estranged husband that afternoon.[20] The police later found $1,100 in cash among Stratten's belongings in the house, which she had apparently brought for Snider as a down payment.[3]
Towards the end of her morning meeting, Stratten's business
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