Donate Books - Why You Shouldn't Have to Pay For New Books Anymore

Donate Books - Why You Shouldn't Have to Pay For New Books Anymore

A couple of days ago, came to me a site called donation drop box. It's a simple directory, which provides a space for people who want to donate their used books, magazine s, papers, and many other useful items to those in poor need without spending too much money for them. If you're unfamiliar with donation drop box, it's a very simple idea. All you do is browse the site and select the items you want to donate and you are done.

You might think, what's the catch? Why don't they just make a donation box in front of every store and say "please donate your used book here, the less money we make the less money we can spend on advertising". No, in my opinion donation drop boxes provide a better solution. Here are some reasons why:

* Helps Those in Need - When someone in your community wants to buy new books but can't because there is no one in their area to help them, what do you do? That's right, you donate those old books to your local school library. How does it work? Once you donate the book, they will help you deliver the book to your local school. Not only does this help the person in need, it also helps the local school get new books.

* Helps Schools Build Capital - By donating these old books to your school library, you will be able to build up capital for your district. Can you imagine what a wonderful investment that would be for your district? Can you imagine how much your school could raise if you had enough donations from those in your area who want to give old books away? The money would help pay for new bus fares for the students, new computer equipment and more.

* Doesn't Cost You a cent - Another reason why you should donate those old books to your local library is because it costs you absolutely nothing. There is no shipping cost or handling fee and you don't have to worry about doing anything else with the books other than putting them in the donation bin. Can you just imagine how much time and effort it would save for you to just set up the book donation drop box near me? You wouldn't have to drive all over town trying to find someone to pickup the books.

Don't forget that you don't even have to spend any money in order to benefit from these donation drop boxes. Some donation organizations even help you mail the old books. Some of them even come to your house and pick them up for you. Isn't that nice of them?

The best part about donating the old books is that you can do it even when you are at work. It's a simple process. Just give them instructions on how you want the box near me filled and you are good to go! I love being able to help people out of the state of depression that happens when you lose your job. It's one less thing that my husband has to worry about.

If you have some old books that you would really like to get rid off your shelf but you just can't seem to find a way to do it, then why not just take advantage of the donation services near me? You will be helping a great cause at the same time. And if you have some extra old books lying around, then you know that you can't keep them just sitting around in your garage, right?

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