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By Guest | 184 posts, last post a month ago

Iliriana Bisha Tagani, MD
answered this
Normal Semen: How To Increase Your Ejaculate

I'm 24 and whenever I masturbate, my sperm doesn't shoot out like it used to. It now kind of just squeezes out. The volume is about the same I think but there isn't much force behind it as before where it would shoot out a foot or so. Could this be a prostate issue?

I'm having the same issue. any advice?

No, its perfectly normal. Some people shoot, some dribble and some can do both or switch around. Its all normal.

i'm 28 yr male who is experiencing the same delima i used to shoot and i really noticed after taking tetra or doxycycline for chlyamidia that i could no longer shoot and sperm was watery is this ok cause i sure am worried???

Sublingal B vitamins will help make it shoot again.

Guys!!you really need help coz if u experience these symptoms like less ejaculation or if ur sperms watery........STOP Masturbating/sex for a while it like once in a week(i know........CONTROL!)

Well mist of the time that happens it's because your mind is getting
used to you masturbating and will not shoot out as much as it did before.
Each time you masturbate your mind understands that it's not you having sex
it's just you pleasuring yourself. In a sense the mind is telling your body to save
the sperm when you are actually having sexual intercourse. I too have had that
sane problem and that all changes when I have sex with my partner. It also depends
on how much pleasure you put into it. If you have your mind set on someone and you
fantasize about them then you will shoot out more because you picture yourself there.
Unlike porn fantisizing is much better because u have that feel that you are actually there
and unlike porn where you see someone else with the woman or man.

Guys Please Help.... Previouslyy my sPurms were getting out. like when i was masturbating or like that.. but now it doesnt get out... what to do? :-(((((( i m tensedd.....

my sperm doesnt even come out when i masturbate
its not even watery but when i m not masturbating and just check my penis there a white paper like circle around the glans

If you dont shoot usually it means u sperm count is either nothing or borderline close to nothing

My sperm has never shot out, it just squeezes out. Will it ever shoot out?

In reply to anonymous on 2010-10-23 - click to read

I'd like to know upon what you are basing this opinion. It is my experience that you only can see this distance or force through masturbation or manual manipulation...and there are so many variables that it would be hard to pin it down to sperm count. Also, to answer another posting, your body wouldn't know whether you were with a man or woman, and so wouldn't care. Sorry to burst your bubble. It's my understanding that most men experience a reduction in force as they age. no mystery about it.

If you find a reduced flow of urine this could also be a sign of a stricture... A stricture is a narrowing of the urethra, I currently have the same problem but know that the reason hardly anything comes out is because of that. If you do find a reduced flow of urine when you go to the toilet you should see a doctor as it can result a complete blockage such as what I have now requiring a catheter to be introduced... In my case through the stomach.

Im 41 and have had the same issue until I started taking a good quality fish oil ..(5 per day whole foods brand) I can put your eye out now from across the room.

Its because you masterbate too much and your sperm is very low. wait like a week or two, and do it again. Have you ever heard of a cum storm? You dont have sex/masterbate for like six months and when you do its as if its raining sperm.Β 


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No, thanks


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Sperm not shooting out

im 15 and my semen kind of dribbles out

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precum or sperm

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Is it safe to shoot klonopin?

14 year old think cant produce white sperm

does sperm always come out when you masterbate?

When will I ejaculate? whenever I masturbate only a little bit of sperm comes out.

Problems with Ejaculation

Sperm doesn't shoot out. Can this decrease my chances of having a baby?Β 

can most guys shoot their semen?

When I masturbate I get this clear fluid that doesn't shoot out a lot, is that semen?

my sperm is clear

pre-cum or ejaculation?

the sticky stuff doesnt come out of my penis!!!!???

Why does my sperm barely come out when I masturbate?

why doesn't my semen shoot?

If I masterbate too much,will I run out sperm??

No force during ejaculation.....

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