Domination animée

Domination animée


Domination animée

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Dominatrix Anime Available Exclusively With Subs

BY Jeremy Kaplowitz ON July 28, 2021
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TOKYO — A new Japanese anime show titled Whip It: The Dominatrix Tale has ended it’s first season and will be available in the United States with subtitles, also known as subs, and no option for dubs.
“Like the characters dominated by our hero Yua Kurokawa in Whip It: The Dominatrix Tale , our show will cater exclusively to the sub community,” explained showrunner Asuka Takahashi. “The weak little viewers that want to watch our show in English will be forced to read every bit of dialogue, just like mommy wants. And by the way, the free version is just in Japanese. If you want English subtitles, you’re going to have to subscribe to our channel for $5 a month. Subs who want subs will have to sub.”
The decision to not include any dubs of the popular anime has been met with horny, positive disdain from fans of the series.
“Oooooohhh I wish I could watch this anime in the background while I watch dishes, but now it needs my full attention if I want to know what’s going on, oh god, yes,” said American anime fan Gabriel Kearns. “Oh fuck, I want to hear Americans try to match the dialogue of the show with the mouth movements of the characters speaking Japanese, but I’ve been so bad, so I can’t. I’ve been a very bad boy, oh yessss. Oooh goddd my naughty eyes are going to miss so much of the action trying to follow along with the words at the bottom of the screen. Fuck!”
When asked about the English subtitle release date, Takahashi said that the anime would come only when she said it was allowed to come.

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