Dominate Wives Stories

Dominate Wives Stories


Dominate Wives Stories


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I was over my wife's mother's house and got into an argument with my wife and lost my cool. I said, " F*** you!" to my wife in front of her mother. Her mother blew up and told my wife she should spank me like her mother said she used to do to her husband, who passed away a few years ago, "to keep him in line." I couldn't believe it. Everything became surreal with my wife's mother lecturing her about how she needed to discipline me with a hard, bare bottom spanking. I had to laugh and said bullshit. My wife got really p***** I said another swear in front of her mother and grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me over her lap. I don't know why, but I didn't resist her. I'm a big guy and I could have easily broken her hold on me. Next thing I knew she undid my pants and yanked my pants and underwear below my knees and began wailing on my ass like a woman possessed with her mother egging her on and enjoying the spectacle. My wife spanked me so hard my ass turned bright red and hurt like h*** . Maybe I was a p**** , but I cried, and didn't give my wife any s*** the rest of the night. Now at the slightest excuse, my wife spanks me and she has spanked me in front of her mother many times. Lately, she embarrasses me even more by telling her mother I love it and get an erection when she spanks me. She is also threatening to let her mother spank me. Although I do get turned on when my wife spanks me and talks about having her mother spank me, I feel like a p**** for letting her dominate and spank me. I keep saying to myself no more, but when she gets mad and pulls me over her knees, I crumble and let her have her way with me. If she tells me to let her mother spank me, I'll give in to that too. I guess I've become my wife's b**** .

Wish I can get my wife or any adult woman to discipline my bare naked bottom over their knees. If any female woman spanker interested please text me back yes and I’ll send you my text number. Tony

I was pregnant and my husband spanked me in front of my kids then I stand bare butt in the corner and if I touch my butt we do it all over again

My mother in law never spanked me but has seen me standing in the corner naked after a spanking

I wish my wife or someone’s wife would spank me

In my case my future mother-in-law spanked me for mouthing off to her, in her home. This was a week before our marriage, my future wife watched, agreed, and enjoyed the show I was putting on. The wedding gift from her mother was a bath brush. Once we were home from our honeymoon, maybe a day later I was standing in the bedroom, naked, being told the rules of this home. My wife applied that bath brush hard and fast, and while I faced the wall called her mother and said it works just right.

I met wife to be when i was 19 and she was 17 living with her mum and brother I did not know that her mum was a spanker until her brother was quite rude to his mum She slapped his face hard and told him to go to his room She then went up with a large wooden clothes brush and gave him a severe spanking which soon and the 16 year old crying and sobbing loudly When she had finished she had him come downstairs and apologise to his sister and me I was both shocked and surprised at what happened also a bit nervous if honest A few months later we were having a family BBQ with Sue's uncle aunt and cousins (both girls) An argument broke out between me and Sue's brother over football It good quite loud and Sue's mum told us both to tone it down which we did Later it kicked off again and got even louder and included one or two swear words which were heard by all present The up shot was peter was sent to his room with me also Peter told me to stand facing the wall hands on head next to him His mum came up with the brush and we both got a spanking my first for a good few years When she was finished we both had to go into the garden and apologise for our behaviour then to the lounge trousers and pants down hands on head for an hour This was the first of many punishments over the last nearly 40 years

Wives that spank their man for real offences will and do find they have the best marriages and s** . When the wife accepts that she can really lay on a sound spanking, caning or a combination of both ( whatever she uses) she will see the results of a well punished man very fast. The husband will grow to accept the strict abuse of his ass and love his wife more deeply and sincerely as a result of her taking the time to discipline him. Divorce would be almost completely eliminated I'm sure if every wife took her man in hand this way. Another tool that's very helpful to use on him is a chastity device. The internet is full of these devices and are not very costly to buy. Once he's had his o****** controlled by her, his behavior will drastically improve and he'll become very attentive, looking forward to her letting him have a release. Another form of control is her pegging him ( using a strap on) at her desire, especially if she's turned on by this idea. He should be taught how to completely flush his bowels for a clean proper f****** . Training his ass to accept larger dildoes is accomplished with him flushing first then wearing progressively larger and longer plugs. There are also lockable harnesses that will keep the plug in place as long as she likes before giving him a good riding with her strap on. This can be a pre punishment activity, having him harness up for say an hour or two before a punishment session. Then give him a good beating( with the plug in place) as you normally would. Then you can remove the plug and have your way with him while he's still in chastity. There's nothing more humiliating than being used like a s*** by your wife, especially if she o****** a couple or more times while you can't! Just a few more ideas for you wives out there that want to maintain control and have fun while doing it! Happy spanking ladies.

My wife hd already agreed to my begging of being her chastity locked cuckold. She told her mohter every detail. They have caught me in panties masterbating and have both bare bottom spanked me with a paddle or belt. they have told certain family members and freinds. Being os naughty and wanting a spanking i gave them reason to when they came home early from shopping one day had found me in basement on my knees giving 2 of our neighbours a b******* . Now i am entertainment at our house parties showing everyone my oral skills and watched being spanked. I want and deserve it.

Ive never spanked my husband in front of my mother but she knows I've spanked him in the past. After we were married I was venting to her and admitted I was upset and ended up spanking him. She thought I meant playing around and being a little kinky. I ended up telling her that it was real and it helped a lot both with my frustrations and his attitude and behaviors. Once we were visiting and he was being very polite and helpful, my mother told my husband he should sit down and relax then commented on how helpful he was adding 'He hasn't stopped or sat down since you got here." I told her he didn't want to sit down, she didn't get it so I showed her the wooden hairbrush in my bag. It didn't register and I told her I paddled him earlier. Her eyes lit up as she said "again?" My Aunt was there and asked about what I'd said also in disbelief. My mother quietly said to my Aunt, "She spanks him." They both were surprised and I'd admitted to having him over my lap about six times in two years of marriage. I answered some of their questions as they would look at my husband then my Aunt called him over asking if basic questions to catch up and I know she purposely asked if he wanted to sit down, He declined saying he was fine. They looked at each other then to me knowing the real reason. We are going to be moving in with my Mother and I'm contemplating spanking him while my mother is home or waiting for an opportune time. It's not that often that I spank him but when I feel he needs it I don't put it off, unless we're with others or in public. I wouldn't do it in front of her and I have kicked the idea around that I should just discuss it with her but I'm a bit uncomfortable. Amy

My mother-in-law walked in on me over my wife's knee on the living room couch (in my b'day suit), it was my 50th b'day. My mil wanted to wish me a happy b'day too & over her knee I went. Now I get spanked by both & they have told me I'll never be too old to go over their knees, true to their word, I'm still spanked naked at 65.

I have been punished in front of family and friends for the entire time I have been married to Sue (over 35 years) The first time was before we married and when I had been rude to Sue's mother when discussing the wedding arrangements It was at her house and her father was out for the evening An argument started and it got out of hand I used a swear word and her Mother got upset and left the room crying The upshot was that I got my face slapped twice very hard and was told to stand in the corner hands on head whilst Sue went to see her Mother After about half an hour they both returned and I immediately started to apologise to both Sue and her Mother This resulted in another 2 slaps to my face I did not notice that Sue had a large wooden clothes brush in her hand at the time The upshot was a telling off I still remember all these years later and one h*** of a spanking from them both until i was sobbing and begging them to stop I then had to apologise and stand trousers and pants down in the corner until Sue's father came home So embarassing ! Now all these years later most family (adults) have seen me punished and friends also

You were right Mother my wife said as I stood saying nothing. Husband can act like little boys, naughty at that. Her mother looked at me, what you need young man is a spanking, and if my daughter does not give you a spanking I will. I said nothing. Get to the bedroom young man and I quickly did as told. I waited and finally my wife came to the bedroom holding a large hair brush. She looked at me, I agree with my mother, you need to be given a spanking, like a naughty little boy would get. Down to your underpants she said sternly and I soon stood in just my underpants. Sorry I said, oh you going to be sorry young man. Mother is waiting, back to the front room, and with a sting from the hairbrush I did as told. A chair was in the middle of the room, my wife sat down and told to stand before her. These are coming down and soon my underpants were around my ankles and I was over her lap. Oh she applied that hairbrush soundly and I was kicking, squirming, pleading. Harder Dear her mother said and she did. I kicked off my underpants and when she stood me up I danced around the room, rubbing, My turn my mother-in-law said and I tried not to go over her lap, I was soon secured and my sore spanked bottom felt the hairbrush land hard, fast, and I just finally laid over her lap crying. When she stopped, get to the bathroom young man, I did as told. My wife soon came in, I was rubbing, crying, and my wife scolded me like a little child. Welcome to your new world young man, act like a child, a naughty child, I will be your Mommy, and Mommies spank naughty little boys, understand. Yes Mommy. When she was done, I was taken back to the front room, faced the wall, and the two talked. Finally told to get dress going shopping and out to lunch. Squirming at lunch both told the waitress I have acted like a naughty little boy and got a spanking. The waitress smiled, on the bare bottom I hope, oh very much so and the hairbrush did wonders. Jack

It is good to know there are women who know about the little boy in us men who desperately needs to be taken in hand and you both know exactly what will do the job. I pity him if he try’s to resist being punished for any bad behavior that you two deem worthy of a bare bottom spanking across both of your laps!

Be a naughty little boy in front of my friends, my mother, and I will treat you as such, that means a spanking. My wife informed me of this recently, I pleaded with her not to do such. Best be good she said. A week later I stood in the front room, my wife and my mother-in-law both calling me a very naughty little boy. Please in the bedroom I said to my wife, and she corrected me, who am I when you have been naughty, I said Mommy. Best do as Mommy tells you, I said yes. I stood there as she lowered my pants, underpants, and my mother-in-law looking on. Over my lap, Yes Mommy and she wasted no time spanking my bare bottom with her hand. My mother-in-law left the room, returned with the hairbrush and then pulled my pants and underpants off. I kicked, squirmed, pleaded, but my wife insured I learned my lesson. When she finally stood me up I ran to the bathroom, had to pee, she followed, sit, no standing and squirming on the toilet seat I peed. When done she told me to wipe my p**** and wash my hands. Taken back to the front room, I stood facing the wall. Finally when told I could leave the wall I said I was sorry and would be a good little boy. My mother-in-law was holding the hairbrush and I was soon over her lap and my sore spanked bottom was getting another spanking. I danced around the room, my wife took me to the bedroom, I was told to put on my pajamas and back to the front room. Very nice dear, very nice indeed my mother-in-law said and I stood facing the wall and Mommy pulled down the bottoms to display my very red spanked bare bottom. Going to be a good little boy my wife said, Yes Mommy. Your going to bed early, Yes Mommy, your getting a bath in the morning, Yes Mommy and you will be wearing your pajamas tomorrow until I say otherwise, Yes Mommy. Now get to bed, Yes Mommy.

I bet he is a very well behaved little husband!

We have used erotic spankings throughout our 40 years of marriage, mostly the Wife giving them to me. Recently her mother came to visit and being a typical stupid man I decided to self pleasure while sniffing and rubbing her mother's panty and of course just as I was unloading in them there my Mother In Law stood, watching it all. I almost died of embarrassment as I dropped the messy panty and excused myself from the bedroom while uttering stupid sounding apologies. She just stared and raised her eyebrows. Soon my wife came home from work and barely through the door, Mom, holding her sticky panty proceeded to tell on me in very explicate detail as I stood there red faced apologizing. I got the scolding from both sides hearing my wife saying how my mother used to paddle my bare butt for masturbating and her mom chiming in about tanning her sons bottoms for the same thing. Wife just said "go get the hairbrush young man!!" Returning, almost breathless knowing what's to come, I was told to drop my pants and bend over the table chair and took I've no ide how many hard hits before she calmly said "your turn mom" and then came another OMG couldn't even count. Had to stay bent over that chair as they exchanged small talk and each added a few more sound swats before being sent to the corner shirt up hands at my side. Shortening this up MOM took advantage of wife's permission to paddle my butt as she saw fit and yeah, she did!!

My mother-in-law has seen my p**** , but could care less, enjoys seeing my red spanked bottom. If she is present when being spanked that is even better.

My wife prior to our marriage told me that the females in her family take charge. She also said that when husbands act like naughty little boys and they do, a male thing, they get punished like a naughty little boy, a spanking. Three months into our marriage I learned that she meant every word. I had agreed to this, so no way out. I wanted something and my wife said no, I made an issue of this in front of my mother-in-law thinking this would help. I learned quickly it did not. My wife pulled a chair from the kitchen table, told me stand before her, she scolded me like a naughty little boy and then in front of my mother-in-law pulled my pants down and told to step out of them, the did the same with my underpants. I went over her lap and was soon saying I would be good. Mother she said, get me my hairbrush, this naughty little boy needs to remember this spanking. Once the spanking was over, I was dancing and rubbing until told to stop. You will stop rubbing my wife said sternly, you will address me as Mommy, understand. I said yes Mommy. Then the shock of it all my mother-in-law took a seat in the chair and over her lap I went and the hairbrush applied ever harder than my wife. I promised to be good, and then the spanking stopped I was taken to the bathroom and had my mouth washed out with soap. Naked from the waist down I stood facing the wall, while the two talked. My wife then said to me go get you pajamas on, Yes Mommy and quickly did as told. Coming back to the front room in my pajamas, I was told I was going to bed early, I would be given a bath in the morning and I would call her Mommy until told otherwise.

I love that arrangement. You are wise to obey your wife and know that as addressing her as Mommy from now on, youWILL go across her lap more frequently from now on.

My mother-in-law purchased some little boy pajamas. A visit to her home she showed me and said this is what I'll be wearing when I'm a naughty little boy. It was a month or
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