Dominant Wives Club

Dominant Wives Club


Dominant Wives Club
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After reading "A Husband's Essay", I asked permission from my wife to write
this. She definitely believes in unearned spankings. Obviously, I am
punished whenever I break one of her rules, but she prefers to avoid the
unpleasantness of my breaking a rule and requiring punishment. She believes
that since the husband is usually physically stronger than his wife, it is
essential that she constantly reasserts her position as the dominant member
of the marriage, lest he gets to feeling too frisky, and is tempted to flaunt
one or more rules. As a result, I am spanked every Sunday right after we
return from church.

Since she believes that when a spanking is given, a woman should appear her
most feminine, which emphasizes female dominance, the timing of my spankings
are a convenience to her. She is already in dress and hose as opposed to
jeans she wears normally. We enter the house, and there is no question as to
what happens next. Straight to the bedroom where she sits on her spanking
chair and watches me remove my suit. I don't have to ask any questions, I
simply bring her the hairbrush, the paddle, and her cane. I am to stand
beside her while she drops my pants and shorts, then I am told to fold her
skirt back (which avoids wrinkling)

At this point, she is in no hurry. I receive a lecture on the facts that
women are men's natural superiors, and that they have the right to absolute
obedience from their husbands and that she expects exactly that from me. She
explains that though I have behaved pretty well the previous week, the
spanking I am going to receive is to assure that I continue to do so in the
coming week. Then she very calmly instructs me to get across her lap. What
I get then also varies from one time to the next, but usually she applies a
couple of dozen severe swats with the hairbrush, then pauses to ask me if I
am learning anything, or to ask me if I appreciate what she is doing for me.
Then comes the paddle, never fewer than thirty,and usually a dozen or so more
than that.

By this time I am normally sobbing and VERY aware that my wife is the boss in
our house. But she is not finished yet, I know her rules, and she expects me
to report any infraction that occurs when I am away from her. She asks me if
any such thing occurred that I failed to report in the previous week, which,
of course, would have earned me a spanking on the spot. If I confess to one
or more of these (and I have been trained to the point that I would not think
of lying to her) she picks up the cane and tells me to get into position by
grasping my ankles. She hasn't had the cane long, but she has become quite
adept with it. I can expect a minimum of five on my already sore bottom,
and, depending on her mood or the number or type of infraction, it is
sometimes more.

Then it is off to the corner for me while she chats on the phone with one of
our kids, or one of her friends and watches me to be sure that I do not rub
any of the pain away. Sometimes, I am left in the corner longer than that
while she has lunch, or what ever else she wishes to do. Everything is
structured to assure her that she has impressed on me again that women are
superior to men. Frankly, it works. I very seldom need a spanking during
the week, and she is spared experiencing the behavior that warrants one.
When she first insisted on my accepting a spanking from her years ago, I
resisted until she made it clear to me that I had no choice. Since then, she
has redefined our relationship. There is no bickering let alone arguing in
our home. I have accepted the fact that my wife is my superior and really I
am much happier because of it. They should put "love, honor, and obey" back
in the marriage vows, but it is the groom who should take that vow while the
bride vows to "love, honor, and correct"

We are an Italian couple and Domestic Discipline is a part of our lives. It
started before the marriage, like a play, in order to make more funny our sex

But once I catched him getting fantasies (turned on) in front of the computer
screen. I did not act like my mother would have (you know: keeping silent in
the right moment, then sustaining, moaning, sobbing all life long). I took
vigorously my part and he had a well deserved spanking session. I ordered him
to get up from his chair, to pull him pant down and stand still. I Caught him
wrists with one hand and with the other I worked him bottom till it has
become red.

He guessed to have sex after. When the session was over, he put him hand on
mine, and I said 'So what ?'. He tried to push me to the bed and I stopped
him, put him again over my knee and I had to work again. But he understood
the lesson.

Our relation grew up till marriage, who happened almost two years ago. I use
to spank him when he misbehave, and he has to follow right rules. First of
all respect & honour me, his Boss. It is the only way to show love: when I
come back home he has to kneel in front of me, put the sleepers on my foot,
after having them well rubbed. That begun shortly after marriage, and was him
to start, in order to show love and devotion. He has to confess me every
thought on sex, better kneeling and
naked in front of our bed (I find it so exciting, maybe because I am grown up
as Catholic) while I am sitting. After the confession I plane the way to
better punish him. If there are not thoughts to consider I put my attention
on him way to do home working.

We are happy and have a very pleasent sexual life He act like the polite
hubby he has to be, althought he always needs some correction. We have a nice
house, who is mostly nice and clean; and we have much friends. But our life
style is a secret for ourselves only: you know, Italian are mostly
macho-oriented, and it would be hard to be understood. So he is forced by me
to find something exciting on the Internet (now I can trust in letting him
with him PC) and we discovered your wonderful site. If you think we could
appreciate your lair, I will be glad.

Sorry but I don't speak a nice English, and my husband has to help me in
order to translate and he has a bad English too.

My husband, Sebastian and I love each other dearly and have been into
spanking for many years. Your site, Aunt Kay, has helped us focus this
activity in a much more productive and marriage-enriching way. Let me give
you an example.

Sebastian is a strong personality and can get out of line with his mouth
quite easily. We had been visiting friends one evening about a month ago, and
on the way home Sebastian started saying some very unkind things to me about
what I had said during the evening. By the time we got home, I was just so
angry! He deserved such a thrashing, but I felt as if I would kill him if I
dealt with him then, so I waited! We hardly spoke when we got home, and in
bed we were 'back to back', and in our bed, that meant we were about 4 feet

I got up early next morning and dressed for work. We have a business, and I
need to look smart, so I wear a tailored suit with tightish fitting skirt,
black stockings, etc. - Sebastian finds it a 'turn on' and so, I think, do a
lot of the men coming in to our place! Eventually Sebastian came down
expecting breakfast, but I knew there was something he needed more than

"Come straight up to my study" I said as soon as he appeared. We live in the
UK and are fortunate in having a large house. I administer correction with a
number of implements, but the traditional English school cane has been my
favourite for years, and with a spacious study and plenty of 'swinging' room,
Sebastian has learnt many painful lessons curled round my caning chair!

I led the way. "Stand in front of my desk", I said as I went over to the
chest of drawers where the canes, straps, etc. are kept. Placing the cane on
the desk, I fixed my eyes on Sebastian who was looking quite forlorn. His
eyes kept moving nervously to the cane as I said "I am not going to have you
speaking to me as you did last night. You know you were completely out of
order, and I will not put up with it. I'm going to teach you a lesson that
you won't forget in a hurry, and then we'll see what you have to say! 18
strokes of the cane for you this morning!"

I rose and picked up my rattan cane. It's 30 inches long, 6 mm in diameter,
crook handled and very, very flexible. I took an end in each hand and flexed
it, whilst Sebastian's eyes silently pleaded with me - in vain! Ladies, at
such times we must be resolute!

I pointed to my caning chair at the far end of the study.

"Go to the chair and stand behind it" I said. Knowing that any disobedience
during a punishment session will result in extra strokes, he walked to the
chair and stood behind it, facing the wall.

"Trousers down". Over the years he has learnt to obey quickly. "And now your
pants, Sebastian". In no time trousers and pants were around his ankles and
he stood bare-bottomed, with an expression of humiliation.

"Bend over". I watched as he stretched over the chair and rested his hands on
the seat of the chair. "Right over, Sebastian!" I have found that if the
chair back is the right height (I took Sebastian from store to store
measuring him against chairs until I found a strong one with the upright back
just short of his waist), then having him bend right over and actually
grasping the front legs will pull his bottom tissues tightly against the
underlying bone. Since discovering this little trick, my canings have been so
very much more effective.

His taut little bottom looked so inviting!

"And now I am going to teach you some manners" I said, "and I do not want to
hear one word from you until I've finished".

I drew back the cane. Swinging it forward with all the strength I could
muster, it whistled through the air, the final flick of my wrist causing the
business end to thrash into the tense tissues of both cheeks. Sebastian
gasped and jerked forward. Starting to pant, he turned his head to look my
way, his eyes pleading for mercy. But at such times I really am resolute!

I again drew back the cane. Sebastian closed his eyes. I paused, and after a
few seconds he opened his eyes and looked round. As he did so, I swung the
cane rapidly through the air, again thrashing into the target area, just
below the welt already starting to glow from the first stroke. Sebastian gave
another involuntary shout and again jerked forward with the impact, and
started to sob.

Whack! And another shout, as I thrashed into the flesh below the first 2
welts. Whack! Shout! Whack! Shout!

After 6 strokes he started to writhe, but curled tightly around the chair,
his bottom continued to take the punishment. Every stroke resulted in a
shriek, and a few seconds after each stroke, another followed as I worked my
way down to the top of his thighs. His face covered with beads of
perspiration, and with loud sobs, he shook uncontrollably. 18 raised welts
were already turning a beautiful purple, and would remind him for many days
of his disgraceful behaviour that evening, and of the punishment received for

I waited a minute or two until he was a little more composed. "Stand up, pull
your trousers back up, and come and stand in front of my desk again".

Red eyed, and with a tear stained face, Sebastian looked the picture of
misery as he stood in front of my desk. He appeared to be studying his shoes! "Look at me when I'm speaking to you! You will never ever again speak to me
as you did yesterday evening. Do you understand". "Yes" he replied, with a
sob in his voice. "Then apologise and tell me so" I said.

"I am sorry for last night" he stammered out, "And I promise it will never
happen again. Really it won't".

"All right, I accept your apology" I said. "But you will go and face that
wall, take your trousers and pants down again, and you can spend a little
while thinking about your conduct while I have my breakfast. And when I've
finished, I'll come and inspect your bottom and make sure you really mean
what you say".

I went back to the dining room for my breakfast, feeling that I had
accomplished so much already that day. And while I enjoyed my cereal and
orange juice, Sebastian would be standing bare-bottomed facing the wall,
thinking back over his rude behaviour and the correction it had earned. Yes,
today was going to be a good day! And our marriage, already a most satisfying
marriage, was going to be even better in the days ahead. And I had a curious
feeling that, at the end of the day, we would be having a very passionate
night together!

You have a wonderful, informative and entertaining site. One of the
best I've seen.

I just read 'A Husband's Essay' which deals with the issue of distinguishing
fun, sexy spankings from real disciplinary whippings, paddlings or canings.
This is a common topic among your writers, and not surprisingly so. It is
difficult for lovers to engage in spanking without arousing some sexual

At our house, we have several types of spankings. Some are purely fun, brief
'warm-ups' that are almost solely erotic. Towards the other end of the
spectrum are punishments for various degrees of discipline. Of course, most
of these arouse some degree of eroticism as your readers have noted.

My wife and I wanted a way to execute a purely punishment spanking when one
was truly appropriate without arousing, to any degree, sexual feelings in me.
This was a difficult issue because my wife,who is very athletic and strong,
is neither vicious nor brutal (as I'm sure most DWC wives are not). Also, I
can take a very hard whipping or caning, so it takes a lot to focus my
attention on JUST the discipline. We have a solution which works very well
in our household and which may also interest other readers.

Disciplinary spankings are rated by degrees from 1 to 10. Most offenses fall
in the 3 to 7 range. The rare offense that is rated 9.0 to 10.0 is considered
a severe offense which is punished in a manner that virtually assures that
the husband will experience none of the sexual arousal which could make the
punishment more tolerable or blur
its effects. My wife administer these punishment sessions only after I have
been completely relieved sexually. After that, you can rest assured that I
will beg, plead, apologize and promise anything to get out of the punishment
which awaits me. I can absolutely assure you that the whipping or caning
that follows is one in which I will be completely focused on the offense and
the discipline. The session truly makes a lasting impression, and it
unequivocally discourages the offending behavior. It is also the only way
I've ever been brought to tears by discipline.

As you can well imagine, I do not at any level look forward to these
sessions. My only fond memory of such a session is that I have willing and
completely submitted to my wife, accepted her judgment and endured her
punishment. For her part, it is extremely rare for an offense to be rated
9.0 or higher which, we think, helps keep things in perspective for both of
us. She is a kind, wonderful wife, and I know that a 9.0 or higher offense
means that I've done something, thoughtlessly or carelessly, that deeply
upset her. That is something that I really don't want to do, but I am after
all just a man and do make mistakes. I am forever glad that I'm
appropriately punished for them.

My wife is, of course, ultimately responsible for determining whether an
offense merits a 9.0, 9.5 or 10.0 (a most unspeakable offense), but I am
allowed 30 seconds to appeal her decision. Ultimately, I guess I'm glad that
she doesn't change her mind easily. We treat these sessions much like a
court-ordered punishment. A date and time is set. These are not
administered on the spot (unlike discipline for lesser offenses which is
often carried out on the spot or later the same day). It is up to me to make
all the preparations and assure that everything (including me!) is in place
at the scheduled time.

One thing which we haven't done but believe may be appropriate is have a
witness. My wife feels that a witness would be appropriate as with public
floggings in the old days. Some quasi-public humiliation would add to my
contriteness. Perhaps some members of DWC would be inte
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