Dominant Mother In Law Stories

Dominant Mother In Law Stories


Dominant Mother In Law Stories
Marcie Strang was a very happy young lady. She was getting married in two
days. She had found true love in Kevin Young. She thought she had a real
catch. He was polite and always treated her with the greatest respect. She was
doing the last try-on before the wedding of her wedding dress. Her mother was
assisting her.
Her mother said, "That dress is perfect. You look like a doll with
everything just perfect. Now, did you do like I asked you about Kevin?"
Marcie said, "No, I know he will be faithful to me. This is the new age
Mother, get with it."
Her mother said, "I thought your father would be faithful to me but he made
a pass at one of the bridesmaids on our wedding night. The next day I had him
in panties and a bra. He wore them until the car accident took his life. The
undertaker said he had seen lots of men in panties and bras. He said they die
too. You better follow my advice, you know your grandma kept grandpa in
panties and a bra to keep him from straying."
Marcie said, "Kevin isn't like that. I know he will be faithful."
Her mother said, "If he is faithful he has nothing to worry about. You will
be the only one to see him in his underwear. So there is no question about
what he should be wearing. If you don't do something about it, I will!"
Marcie changed the subject and her mother calmed down. Everything was going
great again. The next night was the wedding rehearsal. Marcie didn't see her
mother take Kevin aside.
Her mother said, "Kevin there's something I have to talk to you about. For
generations all the men that have married into our family have worn something
to prove their faithfulness to their bride. I have them in this bag and I want
you to wear it tomorrow. If you don't the wedding is off."
He looked in the bag and saw the panties and bra. He said, "I can't wear
those for the wedding!"
Marcie's mother said, "Then the wedding is off. I will contest it when the
minister asks if there is anyone who objects to the wedding. If you think I am
kidding try me!"
Five minutes later Kevin agreed to wear the panties and bra. Marcie's
mother was all smiles and after rehearsal doted on Kevin. He was uneasy
thinking about having to wear the articles of women's clothes.
As he was getting ready for the wedding Kevin put the panties on. They felt
light and sensuous against his skin. He slipped the bra on and it took him a
good five minutes to get it hooked. He put his undershirt on and looked in the
mirror. He couldn't see any trace of the bra. He wondered if he took it off if
Marcie's mother would know the difference. He decided not to chance it. He
finished dressing and left for the church.
Right after he entered the church Marcie's mother came up to him and gave
him a kiss on the cheek. As she was doing that her hand rubbed the front of
his shirt. She was all smiles and reassured him that he was welcome in their
The wedding went off without a hitch. After the wedding Kevin and Marcie
kissed many times. Marcie noticed he was wearing a bra. He explained about
what her mother had said. She told him he should have stood up to her. He told
her he was afraid of losing her. When he said he would get it off she told him
to keep it on. He didn't know what to do.
That night in the bridal suite as they were getting undressed Marcie looked
at his bra and panties. She told him they were top of the line and to keep
them on. They went to bed and made love. Marcie rubbed his breasts through the
silky fabric of the bra. The next morning when he came out of the shower
Marcie told him not to forget to put his bra and panties on. They checked out
and headed for her mother's house for the gift opening.
After the gift opening they left to put the gifts in their apartment. As
they drove they went past a Sears store. Marcie told him to turn around that
she wanted to stop at Sears. They went into the store and Marcie led him to
the lingerie section. She told him to pick out at least six more bras. He told
her he would rather not as he had no intention of keeping on wearing them. She
angrily told him he already was wearing one and he would continue to wear one.
He looked at the floor and wondered what he had gotten into. Marcie told him
if he had stood up to her mother this would never have happened. He didn't
make any move to select any bras.
Marcie started to select the most feminine ones in dark colors she could
find. He asked if they had to be so lacy and she told him he wasn't selecting
any so she would. She finished selecting them and led him by the panties. She
told him to pick out what he wanted for panties. He looked and picked a
three-pack of plain nylon briefs in white. Marcie told him he should pick
colors to match the bras and put the white ones back. The only ones he could
find that matched had a two-inch lace edge on the legs.
When they got home Marcie made sure the bras and panties were packed in
Kevin's suitcase. That night she rubbed his breasts again as they made love.
She liked the feel of the soft material, as did Kevin.
The next day they left on their honeymoon. Everyday Kevin was thankful that
his colored tee shirts hid the bras. By the second day he could hook the bra
quickly and forgot about wearing it. It became a part of him. Several times
Marcie noticed the outline of the bra under his tee shirt but didn't say
anything. They returned home from the honeymoon and unpacked.
They went to visit her mother and when they arrived her mother kissed both
of them on the cheek. As she kissed Kevin she rubbed her hand on his chest.
She was all smiles after feeling the bra he had on. They sat and were having a
pleasant chat. Marcie told her all about the honeymoon and how much fun they
had had.
Marcie's mother excused herself and left for about two minutes. She came
back and stood in front of Kevin. She said his face lacked color and before he
could do anything she applied lipstick to his lips.
He jumped up immediately and grabbed some tissue and rubbed his lips. He
angrily asked, "What did you do that for?"
Marcie's mother said, "I just wanted to make your face look a little more
colorful. You looked pale and maybe a little on the sickly side. I am just
trying to help."
Kevin didn't see any lipstick on the tissue so he settled down. A little
while later he had to go to the bathroom. He was completely shocked to see his
shiny red lips. When he returned he was very angry.
Kevin said, "The lipstick is still on. How do I get it off?"
Marcie's mother said, "Of course it's still on. It is a special brand I
use. I use it because it stays for three or four days without having to
refresh it. And if you want it to be shinier all you have to do is rub it."
Kevin said, "What about work tomorrow? I can't go to work wearing lipstick!
Now, how do you get this off?"
Marcie's mother said, "It wears off in about three days. There is no
remover so you might as well enjoy that now your face has some color to it."
Kevin was so upset they had to leave. When thy got home Marcie suggested he
try her make-up remover. He took some on a tissue and rubbed his lips. To him
they looked shinier. Marcie had to agree. He got very upset. When Marcie got
him quieted down she suggested they try a make-up seller to see if they had
something to remove it. Kevin didn't like the thought of going out anywhere
like he was but reluctantly agreed. They went to a local drug store and the
woman in the cosmetic department when she heard what it was told them there
was no remover that she knew of. Kevin was completely heart-broken.
They returned home and Kevin told Marcie there was no way he was going to
work wearing lipstick. Marcie agreed that he probably should stay home until
the lipstick was gone. When they kissed Marcie could feel the lipstick with
her lips. It was not an unpleasant feeling to her. She got Kevin settled down
as much as she could and they relaxed.
The next day Kevin called in to work and told them he would be off probably
three or four days. Marcie went to work and Kevin was bored so he cleaned the
apartment. Marcie was very happy to see how nice the apartment looked. She
thanked him and told him he would be paid that night in bed. He was all smiles
when he heard that.
The next day Kevin's boss called and told Kevin that because this was his
fourth absence this year he was being terminated. Kevin tried to argue but his
boss said he had to follow company policy. Kevin felt like the world had
fallen out from under him. When Marcie got home she immediately knew something
was wrong.
Kevin told her while sobbing that he was fired for absenteeism. Marcie held
him and wiped his tears. Then she told him to come with her. He asked where
they were going and she told him to her mothers.
Marcie said, "Mother caused this by putting lipstick on you. Now, we are
going to let her know what a mistake she made. Maybe she'll feel bad enough to
let you stop wearing bras and panties."
Kevin asked, "Why does she have the right to make that decision? I thought
you were the one who wanted me in a bra and panties."
Marcie said, "No, I told mother you would be faithful but when I saw she
had you in them I figured it would make her happy so I carried it on. To me it
doesn't make a lot of difference what you wear."
Kevin said, "I am beginning to wonder about your mother. No offense but she
seems pretty stubborn on some things."
Marcie said, "I know mother is stubborn and when she gets an idea in her
head you might as well go along with it or there will be hell to pay. She is
used to getting her own way and will do anything to keep it that way."
They arrived at her mothers. When Marcie angrily told her mother that Kevin
had been fired because he couldn't go to work wearing lipstick and it was all
her fault her mother seemed sorry.
No one spoke for a couple of minutes then her mother said, "I'm sorry I
cost you your job. Maybe I can make it up to you. How much did you make a week
working there?"
He told her he took a little over five hundred a week home. She continued,
"Well, this house had five bedrooms and is a lot for me to keep up. I'll tell
you what; I'll pay you six hundred dollars a week to work for me. You in your
lipstick don't bother me and I sure can use the help. What do you say?"
He and Marcie went outside to discuss it. In the end Marcie talked him into
it. He had reservations, as he didn't trust her mother. They went back inside
and told her mother that he would take the job. Her mother was very happy
about it.
Then her mother said, "I know how you can save more money. I have all those
empty bedrooms up there and they just sit there of. You two can move in here
and forget about paying rent. That way Kevin won't have to drive over here
every day. You can have my bedroom as it is the biggest or you can have your
old room back. It is almost as big as mine. What do you say?"
Marcie didn't even consult with Kevin. She said that would be great and
that their lease was up next month. She said they could move in anytime. Kevin
didn't like the sound of it but didn't want to raise any objections and start
an argument.
Marcie's mother told him he could call her Lydia and that now that he was
going to be employed by her that she would tell him exactly what she wanted
done and in some cases how to do it. She told him she would see him tomorrow
After they left and were on their way home Marcie told him he might have to
stand up to her mother if she asked something that he didn't think was right.
When he asked what she thought her mother would all have him do she said that
probably the yard work and maybe some cleaning. He said that wouldn't be too
bad. He said he liked that she had told him to call her Lydia.
The next morning Marcie left for her job as a physical therapist and Kevin
left for her mother's house. He was wearing a tee shirt and shorts. He arrived
and Lydia told him to make her bed and hang her nightgown on the closet door.
He went and did what she said. When he was done she told him to wash the dirty
dishes. He got the water ready in the sink and Lydia came up to him with an
apron. She told him it was to protect his clothes. He protested but she
persisted and he ended up with her slipping it on him. She snapped it in the
back and tied a big bow around in back at his waist. It was a frilly
full-bibbed apron that went almost all the way to the floor.
When she looked at him it looked like he had a dress on. She smiled and
thought, this is going to be easier than I thought. When he finished the
dishes she had him start to clean the living room. She watched as he cleaned.
She stopped him to prepare lunch. She instructed him on how she wanted it
made. As they ate he was happy with how it tasted. It didn't seem that hard to
cook. After lunch he had to clean the dishes and finish the living room. When
it was finished she told him to sit down that she wanted to talk to him.
She said, "I think you will work out fine but there is a couple of things I
want to get straight. First, As soon as you arrive I want you to put the apron
on. Do you have a problem with that?"
He assured her he didn't have a problem with that. She continued, "I see
you are wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. I will arrange for you to have
clothing more fitting for a domestic. That should not be a problem should it?"
He told her it shouldn't be a problem so she continued, "You have a couple
of hours before supper so you can start to move some of your stuff today. How
does that sound?"
He told her it sounded good and when he went to remove the apron he was
surprised when she had to undo the clasp at the top. When he got it off he
looked at the clasp and saw it was actually a lock that needed a key to open.
He didn't say anything about it but was hurt that she had locked the apron on
He was testing the CD stereo system when Marcie walked in the room. She
said it would be different having a stereo in their bedroom. She made a joke
about romantic music while they made love. She looked in the empty closet and
it brought back many happy memories. She gave Kevin a big kiss.
Then she said, "I really appreciate that you are going along with this. We
can save so much money now with not having to pay rent. You are too good for
They kissed then Marcie went to talk to her mother and Kevin left to go
home. When Marcie arrived at home Kevin had a lot of small things packed. He
had marked the boxes with what was in them. Marcie was impressed with his way
of handling the move. She never knew he was so organized. They had an
enjoyable evening and Kevin was going to tell her about the locking apron but
decided not to. He just wanted to keep Marcie happy.
The next morning he arrived and Lydia had him make her some breakfast. He
was a fast learner and she told him the breakfast was delicious. He was very
pleased at the compliment. He did the dirty dishes and went to make up the
bed. Lydia was happy that he had put the apron on as soon as he got there. He
came down to see what else there was to do and found Lydia talking to another
woman. Lydia said the woman had to measure him for his new outfits. She said
she had filled the woman in with what she wanted and all the woman had to do
was measure him. The woman measured him and he wondered about all of the
measuring that was done but thought that was necessary to get the right fit.

After the woman had left Lydia told him to clean all the bedrooms. He was
humming to himself as he cleaned. He thought this isn't a bad job and Lydia
seems to like him more and more. He made lunch for the two of them without any
help from Lydia. She told him she was impressed with all of his work and
especially impressed with his attitude.
That night he and Marcie got two more loads of stuff moved. All that was
left was their clothes and the linens on their bed. Kevin was dismayed when
before they left Lydia redid his lipstick. He told Marcie he didn't think that
was necessary. Marcie placated him saying that her mother was telling her that
he was a lifesaver the way he worked and all that he had accomplished so far.
She told him that her mother didn't hand out compliments easily and he should
feel proud.
The next day being Saturday the rest of the belongings were moved and put
away. Lydia had told Kevin he could have the day off and he was happy that
Marcie wouldn't be seeing him the apron. In the afternoon they swam in the
swimming pool in the back yard. They felt like royalty after enjoying a swim
and Kevin got the three of them some iced tea to drink as they sat around the
patio table.
Lydia said, "It is so nice to see the pool being used and life back in the
house again. When I was here alone it seemed like a lot more house than I
needed. I was seriously thinking of selling the house but now I am glad I
didn't. You two have made me so happy moving in and bringing me so much joy."
Marcie told her, "It is us who should be thanking you. You are opening your
house to us."
Kevin spoke in agreement and thought Lydia isn't so bad after all.
Sometimes she may get carried away a bit but she seems to have accepted him as
part of the family. He took the opportunity to ask if he could have Saturdays
and Sundays off to be with Marcie. Lydia agreed saying she only needed a
domestic from Monday to Friday. Kevin felt very happy about that.
Sunday Kevin and Marcie slept in. They didn't get up until nine o'clock.
Kevin made them some pancakes for breakfast. Lydia and Marcie both marveled at
how well he was doing in the cooking department. Lydia was going to tell him
to put the apron on but didn't. Kevin thought about putting the apron on but
decided to see if Lydia would say anything. He was very happy when she didn't.
Sunday evening Kevin and Marcie went to a movie. Kevin was self-conscious
about his red lips but Marcie gave him reassurance that no one would probably
notice. The outing went well with no one seeming to notice his red lips.
Monday morning Kevin was putting the breakfast dishes away when he heard
Lydia calling him. He was putting the last of the dishes away so it wasn't
long at all before he was in the living room to see what she wanted. He saw
the woman who had measured him was there and that she had two garment bags and
several other bags with her. Lydia told him his new outfits were there and now
he could look like a proper domestic.
She told him to strip down to his underwear. He was reluctant to appear
before the two women in his bra and panties. Lydia told him they both knew he
was wearing a bra and panties and that they both had seen people in bras and
panties. He slowly removed his shirt and shorts. Lydia told him to take his
shoes off also. He was quickly standing in front of them in just his
underwear. He blushed when the woman told him his underwear was cute and so
feminine. He was surprised when the woman unhooked his bra and told him to
take it off for a couple of minutes.
He was completely shocked when she removed some backing on a pair of breast
forms and attached them to him. He tried to talk but nothing came out. The
woman put the bra back on him
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