Dominant Girlfriend

Dominant Girlfriend


Dominant Girlfriend
READ ALSO: Emotionally Damaged Woman – Is She One?
Authority In Mind Control Attraction Strategies
Very few men realize how important DOMINANCE is to a woman.
But believe me, because this is true:
Unless you’re the “Shot Caller” in her life…
…you’re going to get dumped. (It’s just a matter of time.)
Dating a dominant woman is one of the trickiest things you can ever do.
Even for guys with alpha personalities and dark triad characteristics . The “dominant woman” problem is a handful for everyone.
This Shogun Method guide will help you navigate these murky waters, and more.
Unfortunately with some women it’s pretty much impossible to win with them.
No matter how hard you try to dominate her it just doesn’t work.
(You know what I’m talking about, those “ strong, independent women ”… they are quite a handful to handle.)
Let’s say you’re dating one of these women…
… and it’s driving you up the wall.
You can’t figure out how she thinks when it comes to love and relationships…
(Or how you can gain control over her.)
And you want to know how to treat a dominant woman and make her less dominant.
Well, here’s an example of how I did this in my own life:
Many moons ago I met this girl called Sandra.
There are signs a woman is dominant and she showed every one of them:
And as our relationship progressed it got worse .
Eventually I felt like her pet Chihuahua.
Looking back, I realize this was because I was WEAK . 
Instead of trying to get the upper hand I let her walk all over me.
Things came to a head one night when I took her out for dinner…
There was a wait at the restaurant and so we sat at the bar.
Suddenly she saw these two guys she knew from college.
They came over to us and guess what happened?
She starts talking and laughing with them…
…while not even bothering to introduce me.
Later on I realized this was because Sandra was what you’d call a “ High Maintenance Woman ” .
Her dominance wasn’t because she was a “strong, independent woman.”
Nope, it hinged almost entirely upon my WEAKNESS.
And the reason why she treated me like a doormat is because that I WAS ONE.
The problem wasn’t HER… it was ME . 
Women don’t want clingy “Nice Guy” doormats. 
They want a strong man who makes them submit .
She’s ONLY going to be happy if you DOMINATE her. 
But this is also a HUGE warning sign.
As I just said, your girlfriend isn’t dominant .
And it seems this way because you’re WEAK.
And you’re on borrowed time. Why? Because you’re eventually going to get dumped… if you don’t act fast .
So what does a dominant woman want then?
And get her to dial down the dominating behavior?
How to do it without creating conflict that ends the relationship?
To achieve all this you have to accept is that her mind has flaws .
Guess what? Calling the female mind “flawed” is the understatement of the century.
In fact, the female mind is pretty much BONKERS .
And the key to success is learning to understand and manipulate these flaws.
I’ll give you a good example of how to manipulate a woman in action, so pay attention.
In Shogun Method I talk about something called the “Action Limit” and the “Pain Limit” .
These are concepts related to your attractiveness in her eyes. You can think of them on a scale from 1-10.
The Action Limit is how desirable you need to be for her to say YES .
For example, getting a supermodel’s phone number may have an Action Limit of 10.
(Basically it’s extremely difficult even if you have “game” .)
And Pain Limit refers to the discomfort she feels in relation to her actions with you.
These two Limits are related this way:
Once a woman reaches her Pain Limit, her Action Limit goes down temporarily.
In the supermodel example above, a supermodel may happily give you her digits… if you make it uncomfortable for her to keep it from you.
(Her Pain Limit is reached, and her Action Limit goes down.)
Now here’s why I say the female mind is crazy .
(And how you can use this to your advantage.)
Both men and women are FAR more motivated by pain than by pleasure. 
Think about a painful situation in your life you’d do ANYTHING to escape.
And it’s this pain which LEADS to ACTION .
YOU can be the CAUSE of someone’s pain…
And at the same time position yourself as the SOLUTION to that pain.
This is the key to making almost any woman fall in love with you…
…and it’s also how you make her less dominant.
It’s as simple as putting her on an emotional rollercoaster of pain and drama…
Do this right and you’ll gain total control over her.
She will become compliant with your every need and want…
…and eventually transform into the low maintenance, submissive girlfriend or wife of your dreams. 
Before I reveal the “secret sauce” there’s something you need to know…
Right now you’re dealing with a dominant woman, right?
And sorry as I am to say this… but it means you’re probably a WEAK guy.
Which also means you might think this technique is, “manipulative” or even “abusive.”
I’ll admit that it’s manipulative, but hardly abusive. And once you’ve tried it for yourself you’ll understand.
Now the way to put women on an emotional roller coaster is with FRACTIONATION. 
Fractionation is a simple Mind Control technique . And it works like magic .
For example, remember earlier when I told you about my date with Sandra?
Those guys came over both hugged her.
She’s talking with them and laughing and reminiscing about past times…
…and I’m basically sitting there like a chump.
So I started to get them to fractionate .
And pretty soon I have the group’s undivided attention.
They’re eating out of my hand and hanging on every word.
Before long she’s forgotten completely about the college boys. (Who then left to get their table.)
(Better yet… they both spent the whole night throwing jealous looks at me.)
Bottom line: it’s ALL about dominance. 
And Fractionation works to make you the dominant partner in the relationship.
With it you can put her on a rollercoaster of wild emotions.
More importantly, Fractionation allows you to become the psychological authority in her life.
And this lets you further dominate every part of her mind.
Remember, my bedrock philosophy is this…
(And it’s worked very well for me.)
So, if this makes you feel guilty then you need to get over it. 
Another thing you should realize is this:
Most women have almost NO self-awareness. 
They go through life wondering why they can’t “find a good man.”
And why they always wind up with “losers.”
With Fractionation you can break this pattern…
…and give her what she really wants.
You can become the strong man she’s always craved. 
And overnight she’ll transform into your dream girl…
…and become the type of women you’ve always wanted.
The man who dominates his women also enjoys her slavish attention.
You must experience this for yourself to know how true it is.
In my Online Masterclass you’ll learn the ins and outs of Fractionation (and a portfolio of Mind Control tactics.)
To request your invite, click on this link below :
After you click the link, a registration form will come up. Enter your best email address because I will email you your Invite (if you qualify.)
PS: Questions? Comments? Stuck with a dominant woman, and you need help? Let me know by posting your message below.
Do You Want Power And Dominance In Your Relationships?
I'll show you how to dominate your woman using Mind Control in my special Online Masterclass today. To get your Private Invite, enter your details below now.
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Derek Rake is the founder of Shogun Method, the world's one and only dating system based on authentic Mind Control technology. He is widely acknowledged as the leading international authority on using Mind Control and extreme persuasion in dating and relationships. Shogun Method's "Enslavement, Not Seduction!" philosophy makes it one-of-a-kind in the dating coaching world. Attend his legendary Masterclass - click here .
I would love meet a dominant lady in taunton
I am here just to give you an advice (really just my own opinion). You really offer great value and unlike others, you’re genuine in your articles! Kudos!
Good luck Derek – I will always support you and Shogun Method. You’re doing a good thing for mankind!
No way to dominate a dominant woman. That’s just abuse. Just submit to her instead. It makes her feel empowered.
Some girls enjoy being as dominant as any man. If you’re going into the relationship with the idea that women can’t stand being dominant, you’re in trouble.
You don’t always want to tame a dominant woman. Trust me! I am dominant and my boyfriend loves me!
You haven’t met the right man to fall in love with. When you meet a Shogun, pray for God to have mercy on your soul, dominant woman.
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Derek Rake is the founder and chief coach of one of the world’s largest dating and relationship coaching companies, specializing in Mind Control and deep persuasive psychology.
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Why a Dominating Girlfriend is Good for You
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Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together.

A dominant wife may need to take control of every situation. Her goal is to keep things in order and make sure everything is handled in the best possible way. 
She doesn’t believe she’s being unreasonable but standing for what’s right and making sure her spouse or partner follows suit. Sometimes she doesn’t realize her manipulation or attempts to have things her way.
Still, the tools used to control the spouse’s behavior are much more manipulative to dominate a mate’s behavior, often to the point, there’s a part of them that almost believes it’s warranted. This kind of dominance in marriage is unhealthy .
A domineering wife has little respect for the spouse . She will approach their partner with aggression and criticize them mercilessly, whether it be on social media work events in front of family and friends. 
Showing that kind of blatant disregard is almost like saying your husband falls somewhere beneath you. It’s a toxic situation.
When you interrupt your husband who might be involved in something else, whether it be a conversation with someone, watching a program they were looking forward to, or working on something that needs taking care of because you want their time and attention right then for something else that’s domineering.
You can tell you’re dominating when you choose to yell and throw a fit over minor things instead of attempting to handle them reasonably.
Controlling wife behaviors is related to a power imbalance in the marriage. The dominant wife causes intimidation for her spouse and insecurity and guilt. 
A spouse can experience these emotions through physical, psychological, sexual, financial control—some signs of a dominating wife.
The dominant wife will begin gradually and subtly but complaining about time spent with friends and family is a first step in a wife- dominated marriage. 
The idea is that you no longer have a support system to turn to when things are rough at home, making it harder for them to stand up against you.
These issues can start over minor issues but begin to include everything from the way your spouse dresses, how they handle chores, to their manner of eating. 
After a while, it’s impossible to find yourself valued in the partnership or loved without condition when you’re being criticized over all your daily habits.
Threats made by a dominant wife don’t have to be physical against you. They can be insinuated threats against themselves, the idea that they’ll leave, that privileges will be stopped, or other manipulative tactics . 
In some cases, a wife dominating a husband will go so far as to use the kids against him.
If you go on a diet and lose that extra weight, I’ll find you that much more attractive. If you get the promotion at work, we’ll get along so much better. 
The you that you are right now is not good enough, but if you had finished college to talk to your dominant wife friends and make some other vast improvements, you would just about make the grade.
Each time you do a favor for the other person, it’s supposed to be something appreciated, and it’s known that ultimately they’ll do something for you when you need it. 
Unfortunately, a dominant wife doesn’t leave it to chance. She keeps a tally of how often she does something for her spouse and lets them know quite often.
Characteristics of a dominant wife include shrew manipulations capable of making their partner feel guilt about day-to-day happenings. 
Spouses don’t like the idea of feeling guilty and will do what they need to, including letting go of their personal opinion and relenting to the control of the dominant wife.
In the beginning, when you start dating, you might be lavished with expensive gifts, driving a luxury car, staying at her nice place, taking you to extravagant meals, outings. 
It makes it more difficult for you to walk away from the controlling person if warning signs begin to pop up.
Whether snooping behind your backing or demanding to be privy to private information, they feel they deserve full disclosure despite that being a violation of personal boundaries. 
They might go into your email, check your phone, or track your internet history consistently. There should be a level of trust. This steps over the line.
Jealousy in the start is often viewed as cute and endearing, a sign of how much someone has become attached. When it grows intense, it becomes possessive and can be scary. 
A mate who looks at every interaction you encounter as flirting finds suspicion with or feels threatened by many people you meet or blames you for leading people on could be an anxious, insecure, and paranoid person, not to mention controlling.
All couples need time apart to enjoy personal interests, alone time, personal space . Dominant wife rules don’t allow this time; they don’t respect alone time for their spouse, instead of making them feel guilty for even requesting such a thing. 
Just because a dominant wife might not need the time on her own, it’s good for some people to recharge and rejuvenate. It’s wise to discuss the topic with someone less controlling to talk with.
The idea of having to earn trust after being with someone for a significant period seems like a personal issue more than an issue with the spouse. 
But the spouse is the one who needs to get the third degree when he is a little late from the office or if he stops somewhere on the way home, or maybe he stepped out for lunch. He shouldn’t have to speak about his whereabouts every second day.
A wife controls marriage and can manipulate each situation, so you believe you’re guilty before you even know what happened. Typically, you’ll come into an angry demeanor regarding something they decided while you were away. 
The assumption is it was criminal. It’s their way to keep you in line, so you don’t do it again.
While some dominant wife marriages like to fly in under the radar, others embrace arguments and openly and boisterously join in conflict with their partners often. 
It’s especially true when a mate is especially passive. The dominant wife has a greater likelihood of coming out on top in each disagreement in many cases because the controlling partner is exhausted from all the arguments. 
Watch this video for more perspective on dealing with a controlling partner .
If you have specific cultural traditions, a particular take on politics, or a long-standing faith, it’s nice to have these discussions with a partner to get their take and see things from a different side of the spectrum. 
That doesn’t mean you’ll change your view. It’s awful when a dominant wife belittles your views and tries to change your mind to their way of thinking.
A dominant wife wants you to feel grateful that you’re in a relationship with her. She expresses how much more attractive she is, how much more accomplished, more friends, even goes so far as to compare you to previous dates. 
It creates an atmosphere where a spouse wants to work harder to keep their special wife, which is part of her control tactic.
A controlling person can often use ridicule as a form of interacting to bring humor or teasing to the conversation. It needs to be appreciated by both people involved instead of a thinly veiled excuse for emotional abuse . 
Not everyone will see the humor in being belittled or put down for the other person’s good time.
Check out this informative book on what to do when control takes over, and you want to find a way to let go of it.
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