Dolphin Vagina

Dolphin Vagina


Dolphin Vagina

By Allison Gasparini October 13, 2022

By James R. Riordon October 11, 2022

By Jennifer Schmidt October 3, 2022

By James R. Riordon October 11, 2022

By James R. Riordon October 4, 2022

Female dolphins have a clitoris much like humans’

Similarities between the species suggest female dolphins experience sexual pleasure

By James R. Riordon October 11, 2022

By Claudia Lopez Lloreda September 30, 2022

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The similarities between the human and dolphin clitoris suggest the cetaceans experience sexual pleasure, which may explain why the species is so randy all the time.
Stuart Westmorland/Getty Images Plus
Dolphins have active sex lives, with frequent dalliances not just for reproduction. One reason may be that the prominent female dolphin clitoris provides sexual pleasure.
A new up-close look at clitoral tissue from common bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) reveals many similarities to the human clitoris . Abundant sensory nerves and spongy tissues in the genitalia of our female flippered friends suggest the dolphin clitoris may be highly sensitive to physical contact, researchers report January 10 in Current Biology .
The findings suggest that the bottlenose dolphin clitoris likely provides pleasure during sex, which adds up since dolphins have sex all the time, says Patricia Brennan, an evolutionary biologist at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass.
Heterosexual and homosexual sex is common in wild dolphins, including female-female sex. “What that looks like is females stimulating each other’s clitoris,” with snouts, flippers or flukes, Brennan says. Females also masturbate by rubbing their clitoris against objects on the sea bottom.
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Like female reproductive anatomy generally, the clitoris — in many species, not just dolphins — is poorly studied in contrast to male genitalia. The first rigorous study of clitoral anatomy in humans wasn’t published until 1998.
During Brennan’s recent research on dolphin vaginal anatomy , the large size of the common bottlenose dolphin clitoris aroused her curiosity ( SN: 12/15/17 ). The paucity of prior research prompted Brennan and colleagues to examine the organ and look under the hood — including under the wrinkled clitoral hood — an area of enlarged erectile tissue near the vaginal entrance where contact and penile stimulation during copulation is likely.
Excising the clitorises from dolphin specimens that died of natural causes, Brennan’s team found that the dolphin clitoral body is supplied by abundant large nerves at the skin surface. “So just like humans,” she says, “these are areas of high sensitivity.”
CT scans and dissection also revealed many structural features similar to the human clitoris, though differing in shape and with more spongy tissues. Like in humans, the dolphin clitoris has erectile bodies with dense layers of connective tissue, comprised of collagen and elastin fiber that maintains structural integrity under pressure. The team also found genital corpuscles, encapsulated sensory nerve endings called “corpuscles of pleasure” in humans.
Clitoral shape also differs between young and adult dolphins, the researchers report. Juvenile females have a C-shaped clitoris, whereas it is larger and S-shaped in reproductively mature females. These bendy shapes, Brennan predicts, represent a relaxed rather than engorged state. “When that tissue fills up with blood, it’s going to straighten up,” she explains.
These new findings are “striking but not surprising,” notes Teri Orr, a physiological ecologist at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces who was not involved in this study. Orr, a former postdoc of Brennan, studies genitalia across species. Like bonobos and chimps, she says, dolphin group dynamics involve bonding and pleasure-seeking through sex.
However, there are at least two other potential hypotheses for the evolution of an enlarged clitoris in female dolphins, Orr says. The thicket of nerves supplying the clitoris may reflect its shared embryological root with the penis in males. During development both arise from the same types of tissues, and the penis is also well-supplied with nerves, so it’s not too surprising that the clitoris is as well.
Additionally, although modern dolphins do not have ovulation that is induced by an external stimulus, in dolphin ancestors, clitoral stimulation could have played a role in stimulating ovulation, Orr speculates. Across species, theories abound about why female clitoral stimulation can lead to orgasm, and perhaps pleasure and fertility coevolved.
With a historical and persistent gender bias in reproductive biology research, there is much about female sexuality in all species that we still don’t know. Dolphins “might have something to tell us about ourselves,” Brennan says. “We have a lot to learn from nature.”
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This story was updated on January 10, 2022, to clarify the connection between ovulation and clitoral stimulation in modern dolphins and their ancestors.
A version of this article appears in the February 12, 2022 issue of Science News .
P.L.R. Brennan, J.R. Cowart and D.N. Orbach. Evidence of a functional clitoris in dolphins . Current Biology . Published online January 10, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.11.020.
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A place to discuss a way to obtain the sacred dolphin jelly, the ultimate aphrodisiac and the last you'll try.
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Apparently it's real lol Female Dolphins Have Great Vaginal Control. Female dolphin's are capable of manipulating their vaginal muscles in order to provide maximum pleasure for the male dolphin. The Dolphin Vagina. In certain dolphin species, namely Bottlenose, female vaginal tracts secrete an organic chemical while mating that allow a male to orgasm for as long as the penis remains within the vaginal tract, resulting in multiple continuous ejaculations. This is speculated to increase chances of fertilization for each act of reproduction. It has been tested and proven in controlled environments that this same organic chemical produces identical effects in similar dolphin species, and in mammals with less than sufficient genetic disparity, including primate and primate families. Due to a combination of carbon compounds and other organically produced enzymes, the chemical maintains properties that effectively eliminate the 'refractory period' wherein the male penis involuntarily becomes and remains flaccid for a varying amount of time, during which ejaculation is physically impossible. It is hypothesized that a male could remain united, the penis within the vaginal tract, for potentially up to several hours at a time. While this would result in a constant state of orgasm and resulting ejaculation for the hypothesized period of several hours, it is unlikely that either the male or female would remain in this state for such an extended period of time. This would also have the negative side-effect of significantly lowering the males sperm count, due to the constant state of ejaculation, resulting in an indeterminate hiatus from successful reproduction until the sperm count of the male returned to the standard level of fertile sperm.
Now we gotta ask them where they found out
Yep, digging time, dig dig dig dig dig
Probably a hoax. I wish people wouldn't invent stuff like this because the Chinese will go out in boats and harvest dolphins for their "secretions".
Can’t we just turkey baster it out, or is it like jello consistency.

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Published June 14, 2014 11:00PM (EDT)

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It is safe to say that Margaret Howe Lovatt will from here on out be known as the woman who had “sex” with a dolphin.
This week, the media went nuts over revelations in a BBC documentary about Lovatt's interactions with a male dolphin during a NASA-funded experiment in the 1960s. “He would rub himself on my knee, my foot or my hand and I allowed that,” she said. "I wasn't uncomfortable, as long as it wasn't too rough. It was just easier to incorporate that and let it happen." Eventually, it became routine. "It would just become part of what was going on, like an itch, just get rid of that scratch and we would be done and move on,” she said. During the segment , a narrator intones, "Margaret felt the best way of focusing his mind back on the lessons was to relieve his desires herself, manually." She makes sure to clarify: "It was sexual on his part, it was not sexual on mine -- sensual perhaps."
Then came the headlines. "Woman reveals sex with dolphin." "The woman who lived in sin with a dolphin." "The dolphin who loved me." "This Woman Jerked Off A Dolphin -- And Liked It!" "Scientist Says Relationship With Dolphin Was 'Sensuous.'" "Woman waxes poetic about giving precious, sensual hand-jobs to a dolphin." "'I had a sexual relationship with a dolphin'" (despite the quotes, she never actually said that).
Judging from the collective horrified response, you would think that a human giving a handy to an animal was an aberrant, unthinkable act. But such fondling isn't unheard of in the realm of animal research.
There are two major published examples. The first: In 1970, anthropologist Francis Burton published "Sexual Climax in female Macaca mulatta." She wanted to answer the question of whether female monkeys experienced orgasm. Burton placed the primates in dog harnesses and cat collars to restrict their movement. Then the researcher put a “penis-simulator” into “the animal's vagina with vaseline as lubricant,” and moved it at a pace of two to five thrusts a second. Burton wasn’t able to definitively conclude that female monkeys could orgasm, but she did identify an excitement, plateau and resolution phase, as Masters and Johnson had identified in humans.
“I think in the field it is generally thought that a similar study would never get through an institutional animal use and care committee,” says Kim Wallen, a psychology professor at Emory University who specializes in primate sexual behavior.
The second case is that of psychologist Frank Beach and his research on beagles in the '80s. “Most of the work he did was behavioral, looking at the effects of prenatal androgens on sexual differentiation, but some of his treated animals were unable to copulate and he wanted to know if they showed normal genital reflexes, even though they did not copulate,” says Wallen. So, he masturbated the dogs and observed their responses.
There are more recent, although also less formal, examples. In Daniel Bergner’s “What Do Women Want?,” he details a demonstration made by a graduate student of researcher Jim Pfaus:
The student picked up a female rat and, with a tiny brush, stroked the clitoris, which protruded from the genitalia like a little eraser head. She stroked a few times, then put the animal back down in her cage. Swiftly the creature poked her nose out of the open door. She clamped her teeth on the white sleeve of the student’s lab coat and tugged the woman’s hand inside the cage. The student brushed the rat’s clitoris again, set her down again. And again the rodent bit into the sleeve, pulling, communicating unmistakably what she craved. This went on and on and on.
In the field of sex work, these are exceptional cases. Truth is, these hands-on techniques have a far more common, everyday application: the breeding of animals. How else do you think semen samples are collected? Manual stimulation is the most common way, according to "The Encyclopedia of Animal Science." Elephant semen is collected with the help of a hand shoved up their rear to stimulate their prostate. Should you wish to see it, there are YouTube videos available of a trainer at Sea World masturbating a killer whale's enormous pink schlong , a man getting handsy with an echidna's four-headed penis , a dog being jerked off by a prim-looking middle-aged woman -- and so many others. It's like the Noah's Ark of human-animal hand jobs. These cases don't make headlines -- but allowing a dolphin to hump your foot until he ejaculates does.
I asked Wallen why it's considered acceptable to manually stimulate animals in order to collect semen for breeding purposes when the same behavior is often forbidden in a research context. “It is strange, isn’t it, that masturbation for commerce is seen as normal and appropriate, but masturbation where its end point is sexual arousal is not,” said Wallen. Sex has an uncanny way of revealing the inconsistencies in our thinking. “I have always suspected that it reflects the odd feelings we have about sexual pleasure," says Wallen. "It is not pleasure in general, but specifically sexual pleasure.” It's an important distinction: We think nothing of scratching under a cat's chin while it purrs, of course, but look askance at a human stimulating a cat in heat. (Although -- surprise! -- there are videos of people doing that on YouTube too.) As Lovatt learned this week, sex is one arena where nuance is forbidden.
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