Dolcett Tales

Dolcett Tales


Dolcett Tales
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la fiesta anual de graduacion del colegio (voluntaria dolcett)

El comité del colegio se reunió junto a la piscina subdivisión para discutir la próxima barbacoa. La reunión estaba a punto de terminar, cuando el presidente Jones pidió a la miss Jessica yung a informar sobre los avances en las tareas previamente asignadas a ella. Ella era una miss joven de unos 25 años de rasgos asiática tenía un sexy cuerpo con escote grande sexy llamativo muy bonita y le gustaba ayudar a todos era muy dadivosa con todos y era la fantasía de los chicos del club y sus estudiantes

"Bueno, eso te lo encargo J
The conversion dolcett volunteer of the sexy miss teacher Maritza

In a town where Dolcett customs where the human flesh trade had become legally cooked any woman of 18 or more each year a meat festival where the best cuts of pork offered was organized recently had authorized the marketing of female meat .

Maritza was one of the sexiest and most beautiful girls of the masterful 29-year-old well-kept sexy youth who liked to dress very sexy and provocative with tight mini dresses worked to help her family had a small daughter even with her work Teacher did not reach her

That year the festival would be the most important meat company of the m
Sur Dolcett, son obscénité Chez Dolcett, le sadisme consiste à traiter un, une autre comme chose d'usage, puisqu'elle va être traitée comme un animal à griller. Le traitement d'autrui comme objet, y compris la part d'autrui qui contient la persona, la personnalité publique considérée et respectée selon des degrés, fait entrer dans le règne mystérieux de l'obscène, mal connu autant qu'il est répandu. Est obscène la métamorphose de la persona en chose d'usage, mais surtout et singulièrement lorsque la persona se maintient dans l'opération. Comment faire ? L'art remédie à l'impasse rencontrée dans la réalité, où la chose d'usage consommée, donc anéantie sauf les restes, ne peut laisser intacte la persona qui s'y attachait. User de la persona comme chose est un mode de consommation, et en prenant à la lettre cette définition, on arrive à l'idée de « consommer » quelqu'un, de le manger : anthropophagie, gynophagie si le choix se fait sur des femmes. Comment la persona se
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(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, apocalypse, rednecks, shooting, decapitation, grilling, dismemberment, character study) Redneck brothers Ned & Roger bagged themselves a young filly in this post-apocalpytic short story, then gets locked in a debate about how should one appreciate the meat of long pig. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, oriental, historic fiction, spitroast) The Emperor of Northern China feasts with his good friend and lieutenant, challenging each other with a game of culinary "have you ever?" Little does the Emperor know, his close friend has a trump card up his sleeve and a story to shock even the battle hardened ruler. My very own story which was planned as a 1st two chapters of a larger story, so ratings doesn't apply. Enjoy at your leisure!  Read here 
(cannibalism, how-to, violence, dismemberment) Not so much a story, but an instructional piece on how to butcher the human carcass. Discovered this classic piece of writing in the earlier days of the cannibal internet community in the mid 90's. A must read. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, period piece, ghost story, gourmet, tragedy, violence, lesbianism) A young nun gets lost in the woods in this period piece set in France, then meets a cripple who leads her to a sinister castle. This tale is evil, evil, evil. Devout Christians might want to stay clear of this one if they value their faith. But then again with our kind of fantasy, we're all going to hell anyway. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, secret society, live-butchering, violence) Stef, Viv, Bonnie... One by one, the girlfriends of Marc, Frank, Tom and Ralf had apparently disappeared without a trace, and soon, Marc's new girlfriend, Gretchen would find out how and why. Started strong, though pulling up a little short on the follow through. Still, another solid outing from Menagerie. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, boiling, live-cooking, jungle natives) A rainforest biologist is captured by natives and prepared for the pot. Short, sweet, and a fairly formulaic read, recommended for its careful depiction of the victim's slow death by boiling. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, semi-consensual, oven, sex, rape, live-cooking, jungle natives, plump) A straightforward jungle themed tale, with our shipwrecked protagonist, Fran captured, prepared and plumped up for a jungle cannibal feast. But what stands out is that the elements of the story is more submissive and sexual in nature, focusing on the build-up but not so much on the "culinary" half of the fantasy, the eating. All in all, a story for the "eatees" not so much the "eaters", and somewhat a refreshing read from the XX-chromosome point of view. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, lesbian, deceit, oven-roasting, turkey, eating) Jane and Kelly tricks gullible Emily into becoming a 'turkey' for the company Thanksgiving party. It's all in good fun, though, or is it? A light hearted tale filled with deception and backstabbery. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, relationship, plot-driven) Jack and Jill went up the hill to look for a girl to slaughter. But their quarry was much more than just a nameless victim which puts the couple's relationship to the test. Hisdinner has a wonderful writing style which is good enough to be publishable if she desires that career. This story, although light on the fetish aspect, is wonderfully original and is an example of what she does best. Character building. Excellent read! Read here 
(gynophagia, demon cannibalism, rape, non-consensual, live eating, vore) A girl named Amber is abducted by the narrator who proceeds to summon a demon for the sacrificial ritual. This straight-to-the-point tale is light on the backstory but takes its time during the best parts, the lovemaking and the eating, not holding back on the gory description. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, boiling, live-cooking) Sally came to Chadd's Ford and found the hot tub particularly irresistable. Unfortunately for her, Steve, the hot-tub repairman also thinks of her the same way, and with some minor adjustments to the hot-tub... A decent read with not many surprises. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, live-cooking, oven, secret society) Frank was a privileged member of an annual exclusive cruise, where one can 'sample' their menu before it is served at the Captain's Banquet. A far-fetched notion, but Menagerie seems to pull this off anyway with style. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, semi-consensual, family, holiday, oven) A plane crash survivor is being taken care of by a deranged family during Thanksgiving. Reading this tender little story is like being read a bedtime story while hugging a soft teddy bear and thinking warm thoughts... right up till the end, of course. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia) Dave audaciously tells his loan officer, Ms. Winters that he plans to open a cannibal restaurant. Why so bold? Surely he must have something up his sleeve? As brief as a Monty Python sketch, still compelling enough a read. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, hanging, asphyxiation consensual & non-consensual, decapitation, secret society) Karen and Rachel are two high end escorts who find more than what they bargained for when their clients turn out to be... well you already know the answer. With a simple premise, this story still finds some way to feel original, sexy and extremely kinky with two spectrums of emotions regarding the fetish between the two call-girls. A can't miss read for Dolcett purists. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, sisters, clowns, mainstream lit, non-consensual, horror, spitroasting) A story about a pair of sisters who got themselves lost in a forest during a school day trip. It's safe to say that they're not alone in the forest! Came across this story while browsing back in the day for some good cannibal tale and this was quite an interesting discovery. Manages to be graphic despite being a mainstream story. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, gutting, non-consensual, violence, celebrity, live cooking, kidnapping, secret society, spitroasting, sci-fi) A strange but hilarious tale where celebrities get robo-cloned, and their real selves are served on the dining table for a hi-tech secret society. A rather far-fetched story with crazy ideas, but that could be a good thing for some. I mean, how could one resist an opening line like "KABOOM! Tori Amos exploded." Still, a purposeful read for its uniqueness. Read here 
(keywords coming soon) In a world of sultans and slaves, comes a sprawling tale of an up and coming food merchant of the 'forbidden' kind who is hand-picked by a royal vizier to prepare a lavish dish fit for a king. Mystery, intrigue abound. Here, the cannibalism aspect may be integral to the plot but it is almost treated as a condiment which shows how strong the main plot is written. One of the best out there & highly recommended! Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, rape, BDSM, torture, non-consensual, Club X, decapitation, kidnapping, multiple victims, coprophilia, spitroasting, secret society) Young girls in their prime are kidnapped from a casino in Monte Carlo and are subject to the most brutal treatment by a secret society of cannibalistic upper-classes. A "Club X" tale to end all "Club X" tales. This story is so outrageous, descriptive and imaginative that I can't be helped but be impressed by this epic, despite some quite unecessary elements of coprophilia. A can't miss read for Dolcett fans if you can spare the time. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, semi-consensual, sword & sorcery, violence) Halkorr, the Wench and Milady are caught in a snowstorm without food. Safe to say, one of them is going to end up as nourishment for the others, but who? This is an intriguing tale from a writer that shows much promise with well fleshed-out characters and decent enough storyline that could pass off as mainstream literature. A pity that the cannibal aspect of the writing wasn't expanded enough, though a good enough read for me to wish to see more from the author. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, serial killer) Five students investigate an abandoned school to put a stop to a serial killer responsible for the disappearances of their fellow schoolmates. A simple read with a lot of implied cannibalism. Somewhat more story driven & may disappoint if you're looking for a more arousing tale. Read here
(cannibalism, gynophagia, semi-consensual, fairy tale, live-cooking, boiling) Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Renée... and a couple of hungry witches too. Somehow, this fairy tale maintains its cheerful and light-hearted manner despite its macabre subject matter, something that the author is an expert at doing. Cannibalism doesn't have to be a dark matter. Read here 
(gynophagia, non-consensual, mystery thriller, mainstream literature) I can't remember where I found this story, but it was a very pleasant surprise to know that some good mainstream short stories out there do cater to our fantasies. This thriller follows Sarah, who found a used roll of 24 print film with some mysterious and unnerving pictures. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, torture, live-cooking, multiple victims, oven, Club X) Latina chick gets recruited as a dancer in an exclusive club. Little does she know... you get the idea. A run-of-the-mill club Dolcett type theme, the only difference that sets this one apart from the rest is some excellent writing. If you're a fan of extreme BDSM torture rife with many of the Dolcett themed stories, you might like this one. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, blowjob, kidnap, violence, decapitation, guillotine) A quickie introduction on the "true" accounts of a serial cannibal, starting off with a young teenage girl named Ashley. Seems to be part 1 of a series which I don't seem to have at the moment. Read here 
Set in the 1970's, three African American women in the heart of Washington D.C. discovers the taste for human flesh. Though much is shown about the characters' backgrounds, not enough depth with the personalities makes it easy to interchange characters without affecting the storyline. Overall, a decent series for plumper fans with a good variety of the choice of victims and preparation methods. Part 1: Getting Started (cannibalism, gynophagia, plump, femcan, non-consensual, violence, decapitation, butchering, spit roast) Part 2: Varying their Diet (cannibalism, androphagia) Part 3: Canadian Bacon (cannibalism, gynophagia, plump, femcan, non-consensual, violence, butchering, spitroast) Part 4: Flower Child (cannibalism, gynophagia, plump, femcan, non-consensual, violence, butchering, gourmet) Part 5: Mindy Chili (cannibalism, gynophagia, femcan, non-consensual, violence, butchering, gourmet, oven-roast) Part 6: A Lovely June Day in November (cannibalism, gynophagia, femcan, non-consensual, plumper, violence, butchering, gourmet, oven-roast) Part 7: Ruth's Turn (cannibalism, gynophagia, femcan, semi-consensual, plumper, nubian, roleplay, livegutting, lifestuffing, livespitting, spit-roast, twist ending) Part 8: Robin's Souper Adventure (cannibalism, gynophagia, jungle natives, flashbacks, consensual, plumper, multiple victims, decapitation, spitroast, livegutting, liveroasting, boiling) 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, Asian, dining, semi-consensual, secret society, eating, oven) Bangkok, sin city, where women are treated like commodity, and some treated much much worse. This story follows one such lady who gave herself to free her family from debt, and her fate is described in horrible yet delicious detail. Light on the foreplay but one of the best descriptions of the eating, and that's Classic Chewy at his best! Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, hunting, carrying, necrophilia) Young hunter has an obsession with his high-school english teacher. Much of the story revolves around necrophilia and cannibalism is only mentioned as an afterthought. Still, mildly interesting. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, sisters, decapitation, gutting, butchering, oral, dismemberment, non-consensual, secret society, gourmet) Dorothy & Zilpha are invited to the swankiest eatery in London, but find themselves biting more than they can chew. Clearly written as a fantasy fetish tale for Dorothy & Zilpha, as even the writer, Riwa, makes an appearance. Despite this, the story has more substance than other short story dedications and method of how the girls are dispatched is especially memorable. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, secret society, gourmet) The rich take from the poor in the most ultimate form in this rather thought-provoking piece, from a writer who has one of the best descriptive narratives I've ever come across. I'm quite convinced that the author may be a professional writer in his public life. My only criticism is that it is quite devoid of sensualism which to me is an important ingredient in a fine cannibal story. Nonetheless, a must-read, especially for the description of the banquet. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, decapitation, violence, butchering, multiple victims, processing plant, secret society) Five American volunteers in Bangkok find out that the dark underbelly of the City of Sin hides a dark and gruesome secret giving a new meaning to the words, "flesh trade." The elements of the story touches on a common theme, but written in such a fresh and original style that I can't help but feel as if I was reading these kind of stories for the first time. Read here 
(gynophagia, cannibalism, plump, lesbian, live-cooking, oven-roasting, feast, secret society, non-consensial) A rich heiress seduces and grooms a young plump woman for something other than her lesbian desires. This well-written tale is long on the tease, nicely drawn out pre-cooking scenes but in the end, ends up as a rather straight-forward gynophagia fetish tale with a simple plot. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, consensual, human cattle, incest, sex, rape, cannibalism as a common occurrence, fictitious world, hunting) This story follows the adventures of siblings, Esther and Guy, in a world where cannibalism is a commonplace occurrence. This long and epic tale needs a lot of patience to get used to and is hampered with a rather plodding and plain writing style. Only starts getting interesting around chapter 8 when we're introduced to Ruth. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, rape, spitroast, hunting) A standard tale of Asian girls being hunted for food. Nothing that stands out here, only for its better than average writing. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, violence, butchering, decapitation) Hitchhikers beware, for you might meet people like Eleanor and Edmond here. That was what poor Susan and Nancy found out. A pretty standard cannibal fare, but surprisingly erotic for such a simple read. My only problem was... what happened to Nancy? Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, serial killer, femcann, violence, butchering, decapitation, plot driven) This story, originally in German, consists of excerpts from a cannibal's diary. The story turns when one of his victims begins to show signs of sharing his cannibalistic fantasies. An excellent piece with an interesting twist at the end with the characters being well developed enough that you feel the circumstances are almost realistic enough to make sense in real life. One of the best stories featured here. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, rape, deserted island, gutting, spitroast, decapitation) Vicky had a special gift, and she would use this gift to experience an event, nobody on the history on earth would ever see. Read to find out. Menagerie always seem to come up with many new ideas that translates to great stories. Read here 
(cannibalism, gynophagia, non-consensual, hunting, rape, live-gutting, spitroast) The story has a pretty basic 'girl gets hunted like wild game' storyline. But what's interesting about this stor
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