Dolcett Roast

Dolcett Roast


Dolcett Roast


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Her Dolcett Adventure, Gone Horribly Wrong Susan Chantell © 2012 - All Rights Reserved. DISTRIBUTION NOTICE - This story is a work of fantasy fiction and is not suitable for minors nor for adults who have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. It does not in any way mean that the authors would like to see this fantasy become reality, so if you may be swayed into doing something irrational by reading a work of fiction, the authors respectfully requests that you decline to read further. "Yay!! It's the weekend!!" Susan yelled to herself. The sun was out, the sky a rich looking blue and it was going to be a beautiful Saturday. She flipped on the weather channel and they said it would sunny with temperatures in the low 80's, and no chance of rain in the forecast for this June day. Susan bounded naked out bed as she adored sleeping in the nude and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She loved how her breasts bounced when she'd be running around naked and especially going downstairs. She knew it drove boyfriends absolutely wild. Singing to herself and being silly, "Oh I need my coffee! Coffee, coffee, coffee" she repeated musically and now giggling to herself. The classified section of the paper was on the kitchen counter where she'd left it. The night before she'd circled some garage sales she wanted to go visit. One in particular said there was a lot of antique farm equipment and more in an old barn. Being the Iowa girl she was that excited her. She'd loved exploring old barns back home when she was little and finding unique pieces of equipment and hand tools, and even old wooden buckets. Maybe she could even find something for her boyfriend's house since he was redoing it in a more country feel. "Dolcett, California … humm Dol-Cett," giggling again, "that's just a little bit north of me I can make it there in 40 minutes."  Looking at the clock it was 7:20 a.m., early but that was Susan and her country upbringing she loved being up at dawn. "Ding, pop" the coffee pot was done, and her half English muffin just popped up from the toaster. In a few minutes she stepped out of the kitchen and paused for a second looking at her naked reflection in the hall mirror. She flipped her blonde hair that flowed a third of the way down her back and smiled to herself watching her "C" cup breasts bounce, then turning and looking over her shoulder she smacked her ass saying, "Girl, you look so good, I'd even eat me out myself!", she laughed and headed back upstairs, coffee in hand to get ready. Susan jumped in the shower to freshen up and taking her daisy razor she made sure her smooth legs would absolutely glisten. She'd wear her shorts, it was always to her advantage when negotiating a good price if she showed off her legs. "Guys are just so easy, they love a little skin." She said smiling. Dried off, a little moisturizing cream, brushing out her hair, a sexy thong, washed-out blue denim shorts, pretty white lacy top that she could tie in a knot under her breasts, and her tennies and she was out the door. The air had an unusually sweet scent this morning that energized and heightened her senses.  Susan was exceptionally radiant and full of life today, she glowed and she knew it, and it increased her confidence. She got behind the wheel of her Mustang, top down, radio on her favorite station, the classifieds on the seat beside her with her handbag and headed out for her adventure. # # # Hugo Snufferman had just hammered an old stake, with dried blood on it, into the front yard with a sign attached that said, 'Barn Sale in Back.' He had lived in Dolcett his whole life and Doris was his fourth wife. Doris was about 20 years younger than him and like the women before her she knew that being married to a man in Dolcett meant that one day she wouldn't be making the dinner but she'd be the dinner for him. That was okay with Doris and she had prepared herself for if and when that day came along. Today was not going to be that day she knew. Jasper and Loretta from down the road had come over last weekend and said they'd spoken with Mayor Perro too and they loved how Doris and Hugo prepared their roasted girls. It made their mouths water just thinking of the succulent juices and sauce Doris always made to accompany her girls. The barn sale was always a great way to have meat delivered to them on foot, rather than Hugo having to go out to the market for some day old left over or have to hunt a girl down live. Living in Dolcett also meant they were immune to any missing person laws or to be prosecuted for a murder. As long as they were cooking women for dinner it was all perfectly legal. # # # Susan was enjoying her country drive with the warm wind blowing in her hair. "Dolcett? Humm I don't think I've ever been there. But if it's as pretty as this drive is then it must be beautiful," she thought. Singing along with the song on the car radio she was so relaxed and having fun. Driving down the highway her GPS told her to "make the next right onto Breast Milk Road" she turned off on an old county road, now laughing at the name of the turn off. "That is just too funny. Who on earth world chose to name a road that," giggling again and playing with the name, "Oh, my address is 34C Breast Milk Road and I'd like it around back thank you." She was laughing and drove past the welcome sign to Dolcett, California. Welcome to Dolcett, California. We welcome the 3 C's Women are a Delicacy and may be Captured, Cooked, and Consumed by any Resident. "Turn left in 200 feet onto Angel Thigh Way," the GPS said. "Oh, this town is just pure heaven," Susan said, "I love the street names and silhouettes of the girls on the lampposts and street signs but doggie style poses, oh that's a little much but cute.  She never noticed the spits running through each girl in the silhouettes. They really know how to cater to women here." She was watching carefully as she approached the street with the barn sale. The mechanical voice again said, "Turn right on Spit Lane." "Oh that was disappointing," she pouted. "Spit Lane that's just not original.  Let's see now just past the first bend, and look for a tan house on the left side. Watch for a mailbox that said Snuffer… something," then seeing the sign on the lawn, "Oh right here." She turned left into the gravel driveway. "It's nice and secluded back here and quiet, I could like this!" Checking her makeup in the mirror she said to herself, "Makeup's always best when it looks like I'm not wearing any at all."  Smiling, she brushed out her blonde hair and gave herself a once over and got out of the car. Doris was sweeping off the front porch of the rural home and smiled brightly, licking her lips when she saw Susan coming towards her. "Well, good morning Sweetie. How are you this beautiful Saturday?" Doris' eyes kept looking Susan up and down as she was sizing up the beautiful long pig before her. "My, my, my I must say you look simply delicious, err, oh, I'm sorry, I mean you look radiant my Dear." "Hi!  I'm Susan," Susan replied in her best cheerful sounding voice, "Thank you so much." She was a bit embarrassed whenever someone she didn't know complimented her on her looks. "Are you Mrs. Snufferman?" she asked, holding the newspaper ad in her hand. "I came over to see your barn sale." Susan paused to look at the beautiful beaded light colored leather objects for sale on the table near the driveway. There was the softest pair of gloves and a stunning beaded leather vest among the objects.  She was impressed with the richness, softness, and feel of the leather.  "These leather items, are they for sale Mrs. Snufferman?" she asked. "They are so beautifully soft, I've never felt leather like this." "Oh just call me Doris sweetie. Yes, they are for sale, and they are a very specially treated skin leather it's very rare but some of the richest most sought after skins you've ever felt." She said, "It's very special and unique to this area, she added.  I think you want to see my husband Hugo, he's in the back with Mayor Perro and Jasper our neighbor. They'd be happy can show you all we have." "Thank you Doris, I'll come back, I'd love to get some of these," she said indicating the leather products, "especially the gloves and vest, they are so nice, and I love the color too they're so natural."  Susan acknowledged smiling and headed around the side of the house towards the backyard.  Doris followed her with her eyes knowing that soon she'd be mixing the spices to cook that lovely girl, and Susan's flawless skin would also contribute to Doris' leather products collection. Sue now saw the barn about 150 feet from the back of the house. As she rounded the corner of the house Mayor Perro was the first to spot her. "Oh my, would you boys take a look at this slice of heaven that just showed up!  Hugo, your bar-be-que roast for this afternoon just arrived!" Hugo and Jasper turned to look at Susan approaching. Jasper's mouth nearly fell open as he gasped, and Hugh in his bib overalls stared in astonishment. "My God, she's perfect." Susan smiled and waved, clearly she was liked the welcome and attention displayed on their faces. She sensed she'd be able to make a good deal and get a good price if there was something she liked. As she approached she said brightly "Hi, I'm Susan." Looking at Mayor Perro, "You must be Mr. Snufferman, am I correct?" "No, my dear," he bowed, "I'm Mayor Perro Loco," and he introduced Hugo and Jasper. "Welcome to our beautiful town of Dolcett. How did you happen to come to visit with us may I ask? You are quite the lovely morsel to grace our village. You must stay and be our guest at this evening's bar-be-que dinner." Oh, thank you Mayor, I'm honored." She acknowledged and smiled at both Jasper and Hugo as well. "I would love to join you but I'm sorry, I'm only over here for the morning." Turning to face Hugo, "I saw your ad for the Barn Sale Mr. Snufferman." "Well, that's a shame you won't be with us to enjoy dinner my Dear," Mayor Perro added, "but you'll be with us in spirit I'm certain." He kissed Susan's hand and stepped away to speak to Jasper alone. "Oh, thank you Mayor," Susan said, as Perro released her hand. She was thinking, 'humm, that happened again. I'm a morsel, I look delicious, Doris looking at me like I was being sized up, and now a dinner invitation too. This is a little peculiar, but if this is the hospitality of the town I may like it here.' She dismissed it as them being overly friendly. Turning to greet Hugo, she began, "Hi Hugo. That was so nice of the Mayor to extend a dinner invitation to me when we'd only just met. Does that happen often here?" "Please Susan, call me Chef Hugo. The Mayor is extremely fond of young ladies who come to visit Dolcett and so many as lovely as you have even chosen to stay for the rest of their lives here.  Few are as beautiful as you, and you do look very nice and lean I must say. You'd be the most perfect guest of honor." Now more cautious, "Thank you Chef Hugo. If you don't mind I'd love to see the barn. She turned toward the barn with Hugo and mentioned some of the objects she was hoping to find. "What kind of a Chef are you Hugo and will you be doing the cooking for the Bar-be-que the Mayor talked about?" "Yes, I will my dear. I specialize in whole skinless roasts. You did meet my wife Doris. She is a tanner and loves making the leather products you saw out front. She uses the very special hides from our BBQ's it's a very delicate skin to work with and it's such an art she has. You must contribute to her craft too before you leave us." As Hugo opened the barn and stepped inside he held the door for Susan and hastily threw a canvas tarp over trophy heads of Mandyy, Jenny, and LJBaby. He had just finished mounting them this morning for other townsmen and council members, but Doris and Hugo intended to keep Jenny for themselves. When the door closed he placed a wooden bar across the door to prevent it from being opened. Susan watched that action and for the first time she became visibly uncomfortable. Watching how Hugo looked at her, her voice started to crack and she asked, "ah," looking about the interior of the barn there were large instruments, sharpened poles, an arrangement of cutting tools, overhead ropes and pulleys, and a large table with D rings and heavy leather straps on the legs. "I, ah, I don't think this is for me Hugo. I was, ah, looking for some smaller old things like gardening and maybe a wooden bucket, but err… thank you so much. I think I'll go back up front and maybe get some of the leather products from your wife. You'll have to excuse me please!" Jasper quietly entered another side door of the barn and closed it behind him. "Don't be silly my dear," Hugo replied.  "You'll soon be one of those leather products yourself. Your skin is gorgeous and Doris will just love to tan and ply your lovely skin to such fine leather." "WHAT! Oh my God! You can't be serious." Fear had now taken over and Susan felt her heart pounding beneath her breast. Beads of perspiration were now on her forehead and her hands ever visibly shaking. "Susan," Jasper said. She turned sharply startled to see Jasper had entered the barn, "you came here voluntarily. You know what you were getting yourself into and we couldn't be more pleased to have you here." "No," shaking her head, "No I don't! I answered an ad for a barn sale that's all. Now you are frightening me please stop." "Look Susan," Hugo said, "you are in the town of Dolcett. Don't try to tell us you have no idea what's happening. You are a delicacy and we just want to thoroughly enjoy you." Her eyes widened in complete disbelief what her ears were hearing. "You drove past the town limits sign," Jasper said. "You saw the three C's. You are a beautiful woman and you can be Captured, Cooked, and Consumed here and it's all legal, and that's what we intend to do." "After all, Mayor Perro invited you to say for dinner. Not as a guest to enjoy the BBQ, but to be the BBQ main course." Hugo said as he approached Susan. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs! # # # Doris walked out in the front of the house and took the barn sale sign off the lawn smiling to herself.  Eloise across the street saw Doris and waved, "Good morning Doris. It looks as though you have fresh meat this morning." "Oh my, yes we do Ellie. She arrived just a while ago and is quite exquisite. Please you and Dean come join us for dinner later. Mayor Perro & Meatmuffin and Jasper & Loretta are coming as well. I'm certain she'll be more than enough meat for eight of us. Tell Dean she's blonde too, I know he loves that kind of white meat." "Oh yes he does!  He doesn't get it too often because it's more expensive!  Dean was going to go to Hill's to get nice rump and legs but fresh is so delectable, I'll tell him, we'll be happy to come. Does she have a nice skin for your leather?" "Yes, and her complexion is nearly flawless. I don't think she could be more than a 34C so a bit petite, but Grade A perfect skin. Will you bring your tanning salts over later? I think in the next couple of hours I'll have her hide off her and cooled and ready to be salt rubbed. You know if we miss that time window we may as well throw her hide away. These fair girls can decay so quickly if we don't watch." "I'm running downtown for a few items Doris, and I'll pick up some of the supplies at Hill's Tannery. I'll be back in an hour," Ellie waved and left. Doris then placed sign in the back of Susan's Mustang and started the car and drove it to the back of the barn. # # # Susan was panicking and shoved her way past Jasper and pushed open the side door right into the vice grip hands of Mayor Perro. "No, No, Susan. It's not time for you to leave us. That won't occur until a few more hours when you're spitted over the fire, and you'll be relaxed and drift off in ecstasy." Susan was screaming and desperately thrashing in Perro's grip to no avail. "Now young lady it's time you were in the capable hands of Chef Hugo." Doris entered the barn watching as the Mayor passed Susan to Hugo who harshly slammed her down on the large table. Dried blood was in the grain of the old wood blocks. "Hugo!" Doris yelled, "Be careful damn it. I want that skin unmarked and unbruised." Susan's eyes caught a glazed view of Doris upside down, for a second before she fainted, a combination of panic, shock, and having the wind knocked out of her from being slammed on the butcher block table. In a short time she was strapped to the table as she groggily started to come to. Her haze was trying to tell her it was a nightmare and just couldn't be real as she opened her eyes she couldn't move her arms and legs. Her vision slowly cleared to see Hugo standing over her with a set of shears and a knife in his hands. Pleading in a soft voice, "Oh please tell me it's not true," tears blurring her view as she tried to look deep into Hugo's eyes. "Those leather items you saw my dear," Doris spoke, "You'll make a beautiful contribution to them." Turning to her husband, "Ellie's picking up the tanning products from Hill's.  She and Dean will join us for dinner later too.  She's telling Dean that this one's a blonde and he adores white meat."  Doris left the barn to prepare the seasoning for cooking. Susan closed her eyes sobbing as Hugo and Jasper started to cut away all of Susan's clothing. "So how are we going to cook this one?" Jasper asked. "She's too pretty not to preserve her for a trophy you know." "Well Jas, that's going to be a lil tricky. Doris wants her hide for leather and I want her head." Susan was drifting in and out of consciousness but still hearing the conversation. She was hearing them say how she was going to be murdered, but worse. They were talking of skinning and beheading and cooking her and people were going to eat her. Her body shook uncontrollably and knots of fear caused her to convulse. "She's only about 5' 6" Jas, get me that spit. The 9 foot one. I want room so as she cooks I can take her head off so it's not ruined in the fire." Once Susan was completely naked on the table Hugo slipped his hands under her shoulders and pulled her so her neck rested on the edge of the table and her head hung over the edge. Her mouth was open while softly sobbing. The sight of her naked body and her mouth open at his cock was too much for Hugo. He dropped his pants and his cock was already erect and hard. He grasped her head and slid his cock into the soft wet warmth of her mouth. He closed his eyes rocking back and forth delighting in the seemingly consensual skull fucking of his gorgeous meat doll. Jasper watching started to caress Susan's legs. They felt so silken and smooth to his touch from her shaving them only a couple of hours earlier that morning.  Jasper's breathing quickened as he ran his hand up her so delicate inner thighs and under her buttocks. Jasper had seen beautiful pussy's before but not one as soft and completely shaven as Susan's was. Her slit started to glisten as her body even in fear was naturally reacting to the erotic gentle soft touches and Hugo's cock deep in her mouth. Jasper touched her vagina and let his fingers slip in
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