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la fiesta anual de graduacion del colegio (voluntaria dolcett)

El comité del colegio se reunió junto a la piscina subdivisión para discutir la próxima barbacoa. La reunión estaba a punto de terminar, cuando el presidente Jones pidió a la miss Jessica yung a informar sobre los avances en las tareas previamente asignadas a ella. Ella era una miss joven de unos 25 años de rasgos asiática tenía un sexy cuerpo con escote grande sexy llamativo muy bonita y le gustaba ayudar a todos era muy dadivosa con todos y era la fantasía de los chicos del club y sus estudiantes

"Bueno, eso te lo encargo J
The conversion dolcett volunteer of the sexy miss teacher Maritza

In a town where Dolcett customs where the human flesh trade had become legally cooked any woman of 18 or more each year a meat festival where the best cuts of pork offered was organized recently had authorized the marketing of female meat .

Maritza was one of the sexiest and most beautiful girls of the masterful 29-year-old well-kept sexy youth who liked to dress very sexy and provocative with tight mini dresses worked to help her family had a small daughter even with her work Teacher did not reach her

That year the festival would be the most important meat company of the m
Sur Dolcett, son obscénité Chez Dolcett, le sadisme consiste à traiter un, une autre comme chose d'usage, puisqu'elle va être traitée comme un animal à griller. Le traitement d'autrui comme objet, y compris la part d'autrui qui contient la persona, la personnalité publique considérée et respectée selon des degrés, fait entrer dans le règne mystérieux de l'obscène, mal connu autant qu'il est répandu. Est obscène la métamorphose de la persona en chose d'usage, mais surtout et singulièrement lorsque la persona se maintient dans l'opération. Comment faire ? L'art remédie à l'impasse rencontrée dans la réalité, où la chose d'usage consommée, donc anéantie sauf les restes, ne peut laisser intacte la persona qui s'y attachait. User de la persona comme chose est un mode de consommation, et en prenant à la lettre cette définition, on arrive à l'idée de « consommer » quelqu'un, de le manger : anthropophagie, gynophagie si le choix se fait sur des femmes. Comment la persona se
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This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

Welcome to rodo , a collection of dark and interesting stories that have been
culled from the Internet. These are stories that appealed to readers of a
certain sense of fantasty. They are intended to only be fantasty, there is no
"real life" involved. Many of the stories have a supernatural or fantastic
aspect to them.
Previously, this site was a forum. However after a series of spammers and
hackers, it wasn't possible to keep running with the current system. It was also
infesible to convert over to a new forum so the site was created as a static
site that is rebuilt as needed.
Welcome to rodo , an archive of erotic and violent stories that cater to a
wide range of interests including ponies, cannibalism, and snuff. There is
probably something that will offend you on this site, but many of these stories
disappeared off the Internet in the deluge of other content and the
thought they merit giving some attention.

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Rosa was ecstatic when she got her new job. She couldn't believe she had beat out dozens of other girls to get a dancing job at the Casa De Dolcett club! The club was the richest and trendiest nightclub in all of San Juan and soon she would be a star attraction! It had all began months ago when she and her friend Tina began to look for a job in the local clubs. Competition was fierce since these days there were simply too many girls willing to do anything for a living. Rosa remembered hearing something about overpopulation and how there were way too many people in the world. Also seems like most people being born today were girls, which made it hard for a hot young senorita like her to stand out. San Juan was a jungle overrun with hundreds of thousands of young chics with nothing to do but party and screw around. Even so, a girl had to make a living, and flaunting her flesh was the easiest way to do it.
Since she was very pretty, she could easily get a job at any one of the dozens of strip joints that lined the beaches. She had an angelic face, with high cheekbones, full pouting lips and deep jet black eyes, topped off by coal black hair that she kept in a cute tomboy bob. Her breasts were only average, but very firm and proportioned, with prominent, easily aroused nipples. Her best assets were her long, well toned legs, topped by a large, curvaceous ass. Her lovely dark complexion was like creamed coffee. Her only flaw was that she had put on weight recently, and even had a slight pudge on her tanned belly. Even her toned thighs now had a tiny hint of soft girl's fat. Still, Rosa was a hot item, and had enough boyfriends to prove it. Even her hot temper and high-strung personality only added to her sultry Spanish charm. Everyone, including her friend Tina, envied her steamy looks..
Even so, she never dreamed she would get a job at Dolcett's. The club had opened last year, and quickly developed a reputation for the very best dining and Entertainment in all of Puerto Rico. Rich and beautiful people came from all over the world to enjoy the cuisine and exotic shows. The club was very secretive, which only added to its allure. Girls from all over Latin America were simply dying to get a job there, and competition was fierce at the weekly auditions. Rosa wondered briefly why there were so many vacancies, but someone told her that most dancers quickly got jobs overseas. Something about working in the food industry.
She was also a bit surprised that the dancing audition was so brief. It started before sunrise and both Rosa and Tina dressed in their sexiest lingerie for the judges. Tina was dressed in a snow-white teddy, with matching heals, while Rosa went for the slutty look with a lacy white thong bikini and white vinyl boots. They planned on doing their girl on girl bump and grind routine, which was their favorite, and never failed to get the audience worked up. Rosa looked forward to the satiny feel of her friend's skin against her face as they got it on for the judges.
Unfortunately, girls had barely worked up a sweat before it was over. The girls all formed a line, while the judges closely inspected each one. Tina whispered with a smirk that the judges paid more attention to their thighs and butts than their dancing. Rosa did get an uncomfortable feeling about the way the judges looked at her. She was used to being looked over, but there was something about how their eyes gleamed when she stretched in front of them and how they kept licking their lips all through her dance routine. One judge, who was a distinguished looking Hispanic gentleman, took one look at her thighs and the gentle curve of her slightly plump belly and nodded to his companions. She felt like she was starring in a cattle auction rather than an audition. In any case, both friends exploded in joy when they were picked along with two dozen other girls. They were told they would be leaving for the club right away and all the dancers positively ran to the waiting bus. One judge was telling the girls who didn't make the cut to come back next week, and he'd make sure everyone got picked sooner or later. He also was telling them to put on some more weight, since the club expected its dancers to have a lot of healthy stamina. Rosa gave the dejected girls an arrogant sneer as she waltzed pass them on her way to her hot new career.
Both Puerto-Rican girls were in a state of awe when they got to the club. It was on a thousand-acre wooded estate outside of San Juan, with a huge, palm treed beach. Several staff members met them at the entrance and warmly introduced themselves to every girl. They then gave each girl a nametag, so the club members could also get a chance to meet them and say hello before dinner. Rosa could also see several staff people digging some large pits on the beach, and Tina chirped that it looked like they were going to have a luau tonight. Rosa desperately hoped she would be invited since she simply loved barbecues. The diggers waved cheerfully at the girls as they got off the bus, and Rosa heard several catcalls as the dancers waved back. A couple of club members wandered over and began to introduce themselves to the senoritas. Rosa overheard some of them cheerfully inviting the ladies to dinner after they got through dancing. Everyone seemed so happy and friendly!
The club itself was an elegant white mansion fronting the beach. The décor was exquisite, and most girls simply gaped at the teak paneling, fine crystals and thick carpets. The opulence made the place seem more like a palace than a social club. Rosa noticed the rich leather furniture, and found herself stroking the smooth surfaces. She had never felt anything so smooth and soft and she wondered were they got it from. Her thoughts were interrupted by a polite 'ahem'. She turned and found herself facing a man and woman who were obviously club members. The man was very handsome, with strong dark features and a muscular build. He held himself with a natural, easy grace that made Rosa's heart flutter. He gazed at her with a look of frank admiration, which was eagerly returned. She couldn't help but like his rugged features and powerful body. She idly wondered how good he would be in bed. She hadn't had a new lover in nearly a week, and she felt a tingle of pleasure as his eyes traveled over her young body. Like everyone she met today, he seemed very interested in her gorgeous little ass. Rosa gave a little smirk as she wiggled her ass slightly just to get his attention. His eyes widened slightly in appreciation. She could barely suppress a giggle as he looked her over like a piece of meat. She knew damm sure that she would let him sample her merchandise if she ever got a chance.
If Rosa was aroused by the attention from the man, she was positively intimidated by the looks she was getting from the woman. She was a stunning beauty, with long jet-black hair, smooth white skin and a voluptuous body that Rosa would give an arm and leg to have. She was obviously at least part Spanish, with finely sculpted features and a naturally aristocratic grace. Her most arresting feature were her deep gray eyes that were almost hypnotic in their intensity. The woman held Rosa's gaze for a second, then gave her a broad friendly smile. The warmth of the smile broke the ice, and Rosa found herself almost instantly liking this regal young woman. The lady held out her hand, which Rosa shyly shook. The grip was soft, but suprisingly strong, 'Hi, my name is Catherine, and this,' she said with obvious affection in her voice, ' is my intended, Richard.' You must be one of the dancers we've heard so much about' Her rich voice was warm and friendly, and very soothing. Richard also introduced himself "my beloved Catherine and I are getting married this evening. We're here for the first time ourselves', he continued in a deep baritone, 'and I have to say you girls are as mouthwatering as we have heard." Rosa finally gave in to the temptation to giggle as the couple took her by the arms and began to show her around the rooms. Catherine absently stroked her arm as they admired the decor, and Rosa was beginning to get aroused by the gentle pressure of the woman's fingers on her soft flesh. Even more arousing were the occasional 'accidental' brushings of Richard's hands against her breasts and rump as he guided her around and showed off various art works. She remembered him saying something about his ranch back in Chile, while Catherine seemed to be a chef somewhere. They were going to be married tonight and spend their honeymoon here at the club and on a world tour. They were looking forward to trying out the local cuisine wherever they went.
After a while, they found themselves in the main hallway admiring a portrait of a darkly handsome, aristocratic looking gentleman. Richard explained to her that the man was the mighty Dolcett himself. Rosa had never heard of him, but Richard told her that he was the leader of a brotherhood that already held power in several third world countries, and would soon rule the world. Rosa giggled at the idea of someone ruling the world, but her friends assured her it was already well under way. He also owned a chain of exclusive leisure resorts around the world, as well as financing projects like Richards ranch and the cooking school where Catherine taught. Their deep reverence for this man was obvious.
What was also obvious was the increasingly sexual nature of her friend's 'tour'. Richard stood behind Rosa, with his bulging pants pressed against her wide buttocks. The Spanish girl felt the hardness pressing into her, and yearned to open up and receive it. He was massaging her shoulders, with his powerful fingers kneading her muscles and slowly testing every ounce of soft brown flesh. Catherine stood to her side, with her face almost touching Rosa's, while her hands slowly stroked the inside of her arm. Rosa was blushing furiously from the deeply erotic teasing. and her skin had grown moist from sweat. She would have dropped to the floor in an instant for either the man or woman. Though she preferred men, she had several affairs with other woman in the past (including a current one with her friend Tina), and the thought of submitting to the love of such a beautiful and stronger woman left her squishy with pleasure. The idea of being shared between them was almost too much to bear. It was therefore almost physically painful when a man who appeared to be the head butler approached her and told her it was time to get ready for her dancing. She gave Richard and Catherine a tearful look, but they gently laughed and let go of her arms. Richard held her hand and to her immense relief promised her that they would be seeing a lot of her later. He kissed her lightly on the lips, and Rosa shuddered in lust when she felt the rasp of his tongue across her lips. Catherine also kissed her slowly on her lips, her tongue actually sliding into her mouth and slowly exploring the insides of her mouth before lovingly reassuring her that she would be more than welcome to have dinner with them. For some reason, they both found this be a bit funny, but Rosa was too horny to take notice of it. With a mournful little pout, she promised to join them later for dinner, then headed of to the locker room.
Rosa got quite a shock when she entered the locker room. She was expecting the usual bunch of beat-up lockers in some dingy room. Instead, the place was right out of a very upscale healthclub. There was a sauna, pool, and exercise equipment; there was even a hot tub! Several young ladies dressed as maids came and lay out fresh snowy towels and invited them to use the facilities however they pleased. The maids were from all over the world, and seemed very interested in the dancers comfort. Rosa overheard one Oriental server whisper say something about 'left-overs' but she was too busy to think about it. The rather cute Asian gave Rosa a heap of towels and offered to massage her before she went on stage. Again, Rosa was awed by how friendly everyone was. No wonder everyone said dancing at Dolcetts was the event of a lifetime! Rosa and Tina got lockers next to one another and began to strip. Rosa's panties were soaked in front and she had to peel the frilly undies off. She played with herself for a minute as she remembered the feel of Catherine's hands on her body. Tina saw where her fingers were and gave her a knowing wink. Tina's panties were also a bit wet, and Rosa figured she had made some new friends too. Both senoritas giggled as they related their experiences. Tina's eyes grew wide as Rosa told her about how she had been seduced by Richard and his bride and how she longed to share their wedding night. Both girls screwed around with tourists for money, but the thought of striking it rich and becoming a pampered house toy for some rich couple was a real prize. Tina also had been 'picked up', and by three gorgeous lesbians no less. They had gone off by the pool for a quickie, which turned into an hour long face sitting session. The three sappho's were deeply turned on by Tina's soft dark body, and they all took turns fucking her with animal fury. Tina admitted she had never been screwed so hard, even by a man, and she had loved every second. The nice (and very rich) young ladies had even invited Tina out to the beach for a Luau tonight! Rosa was a bit envious, not only of losing her friend to another woman, (or women), but that she might miss the luau. Rosa simply loved cookouts. Maybe, if she was really lucky Richard and Catherine would invite her to the barbecue too.
All the girls began to get ready by taking a long hot shower. There was the usual cattiness as the girls compared their assets to those of their shower mates. Rosa couldn't resist flaunting her exquisite body in front of the other bitches! Rosa considered them all cows next to her loveliness and made sure they knew it. She noticed many of the senoritas were even plumper than she was, and made several nasty remarks to them about it. The insults were returned, soon the locker room was in a state of anarchy as the fiery Puerto-Ricans began to pull each other hair and scratch away at one another. Rosa and Tina had ganged up on one very dark-skinned Brazilian girl and were getting ready to kick her fat ass when several staff members rushed in to stop the catfights. Rosa laughed at the furiously cursing Brazilian and haughtily strutted back to her locker.
Rosa certainly liked the costume picked out for her. It was a snow-white silk two-piece outfit, with matching high-heals. There was a set of lacy white socks and garter belts, as well as a gorgeous set of white feathers that fit on the back of the panties. The bra was made of frilly lace, and Rosa smiled as she saw that her taut nipples clearly showed thorough the fabric. The pants were even tighter, and they barely fit over her smooth brown buttocks. She noticed that her some of her pubic hair pushed showed on the sides. She knew that some customers liked this, put she didn't want to look too sleazy at a classy place like this. After all, this was her big break! With a sigh, she stripped naked again and went to the shower to shave off the rich mound of musky hair. Most of the girls were doing the same thing, and everyone began laughing as they had a group shave. Several staff and club members wandered in to watch, and the girls happily put on a show for them. After all, everyone was being so nice that it seemed wrong not to give something back. Several of the men even offered to give the ladies a nice massage to 'tenderize' them. To Rosa's immense relief she saw that Richard was among them. She eagerly pulled
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