Доклады На Тему Проблемное Поле Социологии Искусства. Постановка Проблемы

Доклады На Тему Проблемное Поле Социологии Искусства. Постановка Проблемы


By: Iva
The article about the topic of "The Problem of Sociology of Art" is published in the Russian journal "Kul'tura i obrazovanie" (Culture and Education). The author of the article is M.Yu.Zapysnyk. The article contains the following information:
- the concept of "the problem of sociology of art";
- literature concerning the problem;
- reasons for the emergence of such phenomenon.

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The book is a compilation of selected papers from the conference, which was held at the University of St. Petersburg in May 2001. The conference was organized by the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Economics and Social Work of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. The papers were presented by the leading researchers in the field of sociology of art, art history, and art criticism.
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The most important problem that has to be solved in the field of art is the problem of the identity of art and science. The problem is not only about the relationship of science and art, but also about the relation of scientific knowledge and the general culture of society.

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