Dog Penetration

Dog Penetration


Dog Penetration
Volume 62 , February 2019 , Pages 112-114
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.
Rare case of anal lesions caused by a dog's penis penetration.
Case reported at the youngest age and the first on a girl.
Diagnosis confirmed by 8-year paediatric follow-up and psychiatric reassessment.
We present the case of a six year and two months old girl who showed a large anal tear, attributed to the penetration of pet dog's penis. After several interviews with the child, as well as her parents, the paediatric psychiatrist assessed the account of events as authentic, understanding by that her narration of events approaches to the subject's truth. According with the guidelines the patient was discharged home with strict follow up by her paediatrician. The girl continued to be followed up by the same paediatrician for eight years. Currently, she is 14 years and 3 months old, without any pathologies and a good school performance. A new evaluation by a psychiatrist not involved with the healthcare team, confirmed the diagnosis of anal tear due to the penetration of the pet's penis.
The present report is the third in the literature regarding anal lesions in children caused by the penetration of a dog penis. It is the one at a youngest age and the first on a girl. It concerns a truly rare situation, but it still should be taken into account when the mechanism is alleged. The seriousness of overlooking child abuse, as well as a potential wrong diagnosis, are indications for thorough initial physical and psychosocial evaluations.
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March 28, 2022 February 9, 2022 by Ritesh
The sexuality of dogs is a big mystery for most pet parents and even breeders. For example, many ask us: do female dogs have orgasms like humans? Do they hump? We answer all these questions in the article below.
Sexual desires are present in most animals, including dogs. Sexual intercourse or activities related to any form of sex come naturally. However, in the case of dogs, sexual urges are less visible or pronounced. This is not to say that female dogs do not feel the need to act because of those desires. 
Suppose you are thinking of keeping a female dog as a pet. In that case, it is important to understand her sexual desires and behaviors to know what to expect. It will also help you care better for your dog when she is in heat. So keep reading to learn. 
Similar to most animals and humans, dogs masturbate and pleasure themselves. You may notice your dog humping, rubbing against objects, or licking their genitals. This behavior is seen in both male and female dogs. 
It is a common misconception that only intact (not neutered) male dogs masturbate. If you have a female dog and observe carefully, you will notice that she too displays similar sexual behavior. 
However, it is possible that a female dog may not be as aggressive as a male dog, and this means that while she will display such desires, her’s will be less pronounced than that of a male dog. 
Since it is evident that sexual behavior is displayed by both male and female dogs, it is important to understand if they derive pleasure from it. An orgasm is supposed to be a pleasurable climax of sexual acts. 
While it is possible for humans, an extensive study of animal behavior is necessary in the case of dogs. Unfortunately, there is no study, as of now, to suggest that, like most humans, dogs masturbate for sexual pleasure. 
It is also difficult to understand whether a female dog orgasms during penetrative sex. No evidence suggests dogs receive satisfaction akin to orgasm from any sexual act. Therefore, you cannot determine if your female dog is having an orgasm at any point during masturbation or intercourse. 
It is essential to understand the difference between an orgasm and the culmination of the sexual act. This is important because dogs come into heat which is a specific period during which they have heightened sexual urges. 
Female dogs go into heat once every six months. You will notice more pronounced sexual behaviors during this time, such as humping and rubbing. However, it isn’t easy to understand whether this brings them pleasure. 
All sexual acts of masturbation or intercourse lead to relief. But whether that is akin to what we know as an orgasm has not been determined yet. 
From a psychological point of view, sexual intercourse is important for both male and female dogs. When a female dog comes into heat, it is likely that she will display sexual behaviors and have an inclination towards sexual intercourse. 
However, this does not mean that lack of sexual intercourse will lead to aggressive behavior or medical problems. Most pet owners are more concerned about male dogs than female dogs in heat. This is due to the belief that without sexual intercourse, a male dog that has not been neutered will become aggressive. 
The only way to calm him down is by allowing him to engage in intercourse with a female dog. This is not true. While dogs may seem a little testy when in heat, they will not become aggressive unless another factor triggers the behavior. 
This is true for both male and female dogs. Female dogs may not appear testy but will still masturbate to get some relief from the urges. 
While understanding sexual intercourse and pleasure in dogs, it is essential to comprehend that sterilization is not a way of ensuring abstinence. It is a way to control breeding and overpopulation. 
The medical procedure of spaying a female dog will stop the heat cycle, but this will not hurt your dog. So if you have a female dog who has not been spayed, you will notice sexual desires during the heat. 
After spaying, hormone production reduces and stops , eliminating heat and consequent sexual desires. But they may still exhibit some sexual desires for a while. If you choose to spay your dog, it does not mean that you are curbing her sexual instincts or the pleasure that she derives from the activity. 
Spaying stops sexual urges through a very natural procedure. If you do not spay your dog, those urges will remain and be pronounced during each cycle. Spayed dogs will not care for sexual pleasure. 
In contrast, female dogs that have not been spayed will masturbate or engage in intercourse. Neither of these situations is detrimental if there are no pre-existing conditions like urinary tract infections or urinary incontinence. 
Dogs, when in heat, tend to pleasure themselves. It is best not to interfere and let them deal with their urges. Any interference, even from people they are closest to, can lead to problems, especially if the dog cannot continue intercourse and masturbation. 
Therefore, if you notice that a female dog is humping, rubbing, or licking, it is best to let them be till they can satisfy themselves. To pleasure themselves, a female dog will hump cushions, rub against logs, or even your legs to feel good and to find some relief. 
Now, you may be wondering why your female dog is trying to pleasure herself even after spaying. As mentioned before, after spaying, the production of hormones like estrogen stops due to the removal of the ovaries. 
This is supposed to suppress sexual urges. However, your dog may continue to hump, thrust, and lick because she is used to that act. If she displays any sexual behavior, it is because she remembers feeling good. 
Therefore, despite there not being a heat cycle, your dog will continue to pleasure itself. But this behavior will not continue for a long time. After spaying, you might find your dog pleasuring herself for a while before the urges go. 
This is natural, and there is no need to worry unless you notice any odd behaviors like aggression that may point towards medical or psychological problems. 
Usually, dogs sexually pleasure themselves through mounting and humping. Many pet owners believe that only male dogs hump. However, female dogs too derive pleasure from humping . If a female dog is in heat, she will try to mount a male dog and hump. 
This will also occur during courtship leading upto the heat cycle. A female dog may display this behavior with several “suitors.” During this period, you will also observe flirtatious behavior like licking, bowing, and pawing with ears rotated back and tail up. 
Interestingly enough, two female dogs may also try to mount and hump each other when in heat. This act is to get some pleasure and relief from their urges. It is important to understand that humping is not just a form of masturbation. 
It starts as play behavior in both male and female dogs. Researchers have suggested that this play behavior is in preparation for the heat cycle and consequent sexual intercourse . During the play stage, you will notice two female dogs or one female dog and one male dog humping each other. 
This may happen before reaching the age of sexual maturity and has nothing to do with pleasure. A male dog may also mount and hump a female to exert dominance, while a female may establish social control.
Mounting and humping as a form of sexual pleasure may occur when a dog is excited. In female dogs and male dogs, masturbation becomes a way of dealing with excitement. For example, when your dog meets new people, she may respond to the excitement by getting aroused. 
This is when you notice that she is trying to hump her toys, other dogs, or even your legs. Similar behavior may be seen in stressful situations. When your dog is stressed, she may seek relief and pleasure through masturbation. 
While a female dog may hump for pleasure, it is important to observe when masturbating—masturbation when stress leads to compulsive behavior . Suppose your dog is compulsively masturbating when stressed or excited, and the sexual behaviors are not occasional. In that case, there may be certain psychological issues that need to be checked and monitored. 
If you have a female (or male) dog at home, you need to know the heat cycles and behaviors. It is necessary to let a dog display sexual behaviors when they feel the urge to do so and not tease them or irritate them. 
Masturbation and deriving sexual pleasure are natural. Therefore, you need to ensure that your dog is comfortable and not scared when in heat or otherwise. Any kind of stress leading up to humping or masturbation can be behaviorally damaging for your dog.
Write in the comments below if you notice any sexual behaviors in your dog or are worried about them for any reason. Don’t forget to ask fellow pet owners and dog lovers to give this a read. 

Part of HuffPost Crime. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Authorities say they found disturbing video clips on a cell phone.
Mar 24, 2016, 12:53 PM EDT | Updated Mar 24, 2016
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Part of HuffPost Crime. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost
A Naples, Florida, woman was caught on tape having sex with her dogs multiple times, the Collier County Sheriff's Office said.
Miranda Johns, 21, was arrested Monday on misdemeanor charges of sexual contact with an animal, according to the sheriff's report.
The footage surfaced after Kurtz Villavicencio was accused of sexually battering Johns, investigators say. When law enforcement interviewed Villavicencino, he offered his phone to an officer as proof he did not attack Johns, the report indicates. He then told the officer he had videos sent by Johns on his phone of her having sexual intercourse with her pets.
The officer in the sheriff's report said he saw several clips of Johns receiving oral sex from the dogs while she masturbated. One clip allegedly showed Johns "attempting to get one of the dogs to penetrate her vagina with his erect penis."
Villavicencio, described as Johns' boyfriend by CBS affiliate WINK News, had allegedly encouraged her to send him images of her sex acts with the dogs. She said the two had discussed the possibility of her having sex with a bigger dog, according to the report.
General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost


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One day while my bf was out to get more wood for our future chicken coop, i decided i was sick of him saying he wasn't ready yet and i saw our beautiful red cattle dog Jake lying down and thought about all the dog s** stories i have read in the past so i called him over to me and removed my trosers and panties then got in doggie s** position, Jake emideantly responded by trying to climb on my back and f*** me, not wanting to scare Jake away i said "that's a good boy you keep f****** me" and wanting to help him get to my already wet c*** i grabed his d*** which scared him off a little with the chance that i had i took off my shirt and bra so i could be as naked as he was, i got back into dog s** position Jake seeing what i was doing immediately jumped back up jabbing in random directions until he hit the spot and pushed in depper with each thrust, i was moaning and screaming in pleasure until i felt something hard and huge like a baseball bat and remmbered that it was the dogs knot, it felt lime h*** untiil it got in i was screaming in pain pleasure almost the entire time, when the knot was in he started pumping his hot doggie c** all in my p**** , after Jake was finished he tried to hop off but i stopped him until his knot properly shrunk and could fit out of my tight p**** . I dont regret having s** with jake at all because we still do it to this day when my bf is not around

Great story -- I would love to f*** her like jake did

The dogs knot does not swell until it enters the v*****

I bet the dogs spelling is better than yours as well

You are the like it or you don't and if you do Mr best feeling different strokes for different float I was taking it 5 years old accidentally my male dog playing on the lawn he jumped on the back of me and you tradies c*** straight up inside me and I didn't even know what was going on yourself beyond the backyard I was lucky he was in and out he didn't not otherwise I have been in trouble I knew nothing I don't know whether I liked it or I didn't it happen so quickly few weeks later when was playing at the back he came back for more I'm starting to get sexually excited directions all the time masturbated take me to my room to help me stuckey's tongue I wish you would like a finished tongue feel good at pull down with shorts I was hard electro me I had my first o***** I couldn't believe what happens I didn't know what your o***** was he quickly gold it down on that day off that's where I would get my sexual pleasure and for all my life Tasmanian women turning to me just to sequel as to talk sometimes I just want to be fucken leaked f***** and filled with cool just to be different Apple dress up for the dog are you stalking skirt the full works teasing I just like it I think it was because it's my introduction to s** without a choice really suck anything if you get a feeling food you want more I haven't had any for 10 years I don't have room for a dog if anybody has a dog a big hard c*** and I will service him for you give him the time of his life

I felt the same like you my first time. my BF had brought this like a wolfhound to our house. He said it was a gift from a friend. Then my BF had to run off to work leaving that damned dog with me. I was sitting on the couch watching TV. It was a hot movie and I kind of started to feel silly so felt myself a bit. I was getting so wet when this crazy dog stuck his nones right in my place. I pushed him away but he came right back and then just started licking me there. I was first disgusted and tried to pull away but then it started to feel so good. I never had such a licking done to me and this crazy dog seem to know just how to do it. I came to my senses and got myself away from this beast, trying to stand up. As I walked away, this huge monster flung hisself on my back, knocking me down onto my hands and knees. While I was there, still without pants or even panties on, he started humping me. I thought this was kind of funny and wondered what this dog thought he was doing. All of the sudden, I did not think it was so funny when I felt his thing poking me and then it started to go inside. I tried so much to pull away but he held me tight with his forelegs around my chest. He was too strong and I felt helple
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