Dog Cums In Condom

Dog Cums In Condom


Dog Cums In Condom
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Knotting is a sexual phenomenon that happens to a male dog when it intercourses with a bitch. So, unless you’re engaging with a dog sexually, there is no way that knotting will happen. But what if the unthinkable happens? What if you get it on with a dog? Hey, I’m talking to you, girl! And even you, boy (we all know that the anus is an entry point and an erogenous zone).
Let’s imagine that a dog knots any of your entry points. The experience will be similar to that of a dog knotting inside a bitch. When the dog’s penis enters, the swelling will start, and the dog will attempt to lock itself inside. If yours is a large one (like a Rottweiler or a Great Dane ), you could get damaged in the rectal area. Since those big dogs mate furiously, the bone-like thing in their penis will make it very painful for a human to keep up with the session.
If anyone decides to mouth the penis, the knotting can also happen. Actually, things can get ugly because of the penis’ hardness – it can cause soft tissue damage to the throat area.
And forget about the knotting for a while; what about dog semen? Since dogs constantly ejaculate when mating and even after knotting, you may drown in the liquid. Indeed, that sounds too disgusting and should beat you out of the whole curiosity about knotting.
So, to avoid the eew-ish subject, let’s talk about dogs and what happens during mating. From this point onwards, this read will focus on why dogs get stuck and knotted during sexual activity. Stick around till the end because I’m sure there’s info here that’ll knock you off!
If you’ve ever witnessed intercourse between a bitch and her mate, you know that things don’t usually have a happy ending. The scene becomes a little too scary since one of the dogs starts acting like they are stuck – and it is typically the male, mostly.
If you’re a breeder , you can get anxious when you see the dogs in the glued, awkward position. For humans, there is nothing to do rather than sit and watch things happening. But you needn’t feel weird, worried, or any kind of I-need-to-do-something feeling. Things eventually normalize, and the dogs get their freedom from each other.
The knot, or what some sources call the copulatory tie , is a biologically normal thing that you’ll understand as you read between the lines that follow:
Because it does – that’s why. Anyway, dogs get stuck because it is the main stage in dog intercourse, and an organ is at the center of all the attention: the bulbus glandis .
This organ (an erectile tissue) sits at the base of the doggy penis. It has one primary role: keeping the ejaculate in the female’s system. For that to happen, it expands (while inside the uterus) and gets locked there. This is a natural adaptation to ensure that conception occurs.
When you see a dog knotting another, smile; nothing terrible is happening, and everything is just going according to plan.
Well, butts will rub each other for anything between 5 and 15 minutes, so it can be a long while before the action dies. Sometimes, the knot will last about 30 minutes before nature calls it off.
But it depends on how the dogs are behaving at the time of the tie. If both of them are calm, the bulbus glandis will contract, and everything will be over. If both dogs are whining and trying to pull each other, well, the position will last.
There is one rule to follow for breeders or anyone who is witnessing the mating position: DO NOT INTERRUPT. You only need to wait for about 20 minutes without making any move, and viola, things will normalize. Once the male dog ejaculates, the bulbus glandis will experience a period of toughness before it starts to relax.
Take your walk; the two love birds (or dogs, haha!) will be done in no time!
For many canines (wolves, dogs, et cetera), the knot is a vital part of the sexual business. When those animals mate, some stages follow, and getting stuck happens either during or after the dog has ejaculated.
When the female starts its flirtatious moves (of showcasing her genital area), the dog gets appetized. It will stop whatever it is doing (playing with toys, et cetera) and move closer to the bitch. Then, the dog will rise to the occasion (literally).
While on top, the dog needs to make readjustments until it has located, identified, and penetrated the vulva. If the dog is having sex for the first time, it may need help from the human or breeder in charge.
The dog does not hump too much. Once it successfully locates the vulva, ejaculation follows shortly after. The fluid that comes out includes semen together with the prostatic fluid.
This stage has not been placed in order since it can happen anytime around the ejaculation stage. During the knotting, the dog’s penis is enlarged. After ejaculation occurs, the penis shrinks, and the knot contracts. Eventually, the dogs’ butts get off each other.
When the male knots the female , things can be pretty painful. For example, if breeding is happening for the first time, the sexual process and the knotting stage can knock the dog off. It is because of the breeding inexperience that the dog develops confusion. If the dog does not position itself well, it will feel uncomfortable and painful until the very end of things.
Before I even kick out this topic, you should know that a dog knotting a human isn’t socially acceptable. I mean, many will find it scandalous when you ask such questions, but I won’t. Actually, many forums open you up to the bottomless pit that is human curiosity.
But off with the judge-y tone. If your dog knots you, remain calm. The dog (which will be male) will try to pull itself out, and one of you needs to get things together. So, if you can, relax, even if the experience is painful. It won’t be long until the dog is done. We’re done here.
Any comments? Engage me in the comment box below. If you loved the read, consider going through these dog-related articles:
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I figure I’ll start this off with telling you details about myself.
My name is Carol J. Lowe. As of today, I’m 25 years young. I’m about 5’6″, and maybe 160lbs. I’ve got brown eyes, and dark brown hair with extremely pale skin.
And this is the story of how I lost my virginity to my new dog.
It all started when I was 17. Yes, I was still a virgin at 17. I’d decided to wait until I had found the ‘right guy’, which didn’t seem like it was going to happen any time soon. I’m the kind of girl that has a lot of guy friends, and who all the guys fall for, but never gets serious with any of them. I like to flirt, and generally that’s where it leaves off. Mainly just because I’m afraid of it leading to much else and getting hurt.
In any case, my parents and I had just picked up two full grown dogs from a local pound. It was my birthday weekend, and I wanted nothing more than a dog. I didn’t care what kind of dog it was, but I wanted one. I’m an only child, and our first dog had died when I was 14. I missed the companionship when my parents were gone, and had -finally- talked my parents into letting me pick out a new dog. Originally the plan was to go to the shelter, and just chose whichever dog was next in line for euthinasia. I figured it would be a nice thing to save a dog from certain death, like giving it a gift on my birthday as well. The problem was that they day we came to pick out a dog, there were TWO dogs that were literally just about to be put down. I, of course, being the animal lover of the family, started sobbing, begging my parents to let us take both with us, that it’s the right thing to do–that we were saving lives! After about an hour of my crying, my parents agreed. That night, we came home with two brand-new full-grown dogs; two German Shepards. I loved them both already. I had decided to name them Bruce and Buck. For both being the same kind of dog, the difference in size was astounding. Bruce came up past my belly button, a huge, hulky thing of a dog, while Buck was lucky if his head could reach my stomach at all, and was thin; lanky.
Now, fast forward a few weeks. Everything was going great with the new dogs. My parents were learning to love both of them, even if the hated that we had TWO new dogs, and they seemed to get along fairly well, minus the humping one another thing. We later found out that neither had been neutered, so they were constantly trying to prove their dominance to one another. Generally, Bruce won out.
Bruce was also somewhat of a problem to me. He liked to growl and snap at people, especially at me for some reason. I could be petting him gently, and he’d turn and bite me, often times drawing blood. My parents tried to use that as an excuse to send him back, but all I had to do was cry a bit, and I knew he could stay.
Anyways, everything was going great besides the biting thing, and my parents had decided to leave for a weekend. I said goodbye to my parents, promised not to have any wild parties, nor burn the house down, and sighed a sigh of relief as I saw them leave the drive way. Alone at last.
One of my favorite things to do when I had the house to myself was shower. I know that sounds like a silly thing, but I enjoy taking long showers. Generally if my shower lasted more than 15 minutes, my dad would be banging on the bathroom door, telling me to stop using up all the water. I smiled as I walked into the bathroom. No dad pounding on the door tonight. I didn’t even bother to close the door as I began taking off my clothes. First to go were my jeans, dropping quickly to the ground. I looked into the mirror at myself and grinned. I had on a red and black thong which made my rather large ass look halfway decent. I’d always hated how large my ass was, but the boys generally liked it. Next to go was my shirt, joining my jeans on the floor as my milky white complexion gazed back at me in the mirror. In this bra, I actually had some cleavage. It was red and black also, matching my thong. I had decent, handful sized breasts: 30b. I smiled at myself in the mirror as I took off the bra and thong. It was time to get to buisness.
Although I was a virgin, I’d often found time to play with myself. That’s why I loved long showers; the feeling of hot water pounding against my back as I slipped a lone finger into my virgin hole was amazing. In the shower, I forced another finger inside me, squirming a bit from the tightness of it. I had already orgasmed a good two or three times by now, and I stepped out of the shower feeling rather good about the fact that I had ‘wasted’ an hours worth of hot water. Once I stepped out of the shower, I was surprised to see Bruce there. He was sitting down, watching me as I wrapped a towl around myself. I didn’t think much of it.While I had many fantasies, bestiality had never been one of them.
Wringing out my long dark hair, I bent down to pick up my clothes. Right as I did so, I felt a cold nose bury itself between my legs. I stood up suddenly, shocked, and pushed Bruce’s nose away. “Bad dog.” I scolded him. I was afraid to hit him; afraid of him biting me as he had before. I ignored him, now picking up my brush to comb out the tangles in my hair. Being so short, I had to get on tiptoe and lean forward to reach where I kept my brush. While reaching, I again felt warm fur between my legs, but this time instead of a cold nose, I felt a warm tongue. I quickly turned around, pushing his face away from my crotch. “No, Bruce.” This time I did swat at his nose. I wanted him to get the picture. Surprisingly, he didn’t snap at me. Instead, he forced his head between my legs yet again, now dragging his tongue up my mound. I wasn’t ready for it. Before he had licked me from behind, but now, now this sent shivers through me. I was frozen as he continued to lick at me. I almost started to part my legs before I realized what I was doing.
I slapped his nose again, this time my voice loud “No, Bruce.” All I got out of him was a low growl before he tried forcing his face back to my folds again. I wasn’t about to let that happen. I decided that I would leave the bathroom, and hope he would follow. If he did, I could run back inside the bathroom and shut the door, get my clothes on and forget any of that had happened. Not without getting myself off again, of course. My mind flashed back to what his tongue had felt like, eagarly licking m–No. I couldn’t do this. I pushed past him, and out the bathroom doorway, and into the hall. As I suspected, Bruce followed me. I walked a few feet down the hall, then turned and ran back the way I had come, hoping to make it back into the bathroom.
Boy could I have not been any more stupid.
Another thing I forgot to mention about myself, is that if I am one thing, it’s certainly not graceful. As I turned to head back into the bathroom, Bruce was closer to me than I had anticipated. I triped over the huge beast of a dog, and fell forward right on my face. I had made contact with the bathroom tile-with my face. When I fell, my towl had come off, lying in a heap on the floor. I layed there a moment, naked and dazed. That was all it took. Just as I was starting to pick myself up I felt Bruce’s weight come crashing down on me. Still disoriented, it knocked me flat back on my face again.. But this time, when I tried to pick myself up again, my back felt fur. Warm dog fur. Even then I still didn’t fully comprehend what was going on. I tried to push him off of me, but he was too heavy. As I pushed harder, a low growl started somewhere near my neck. That made me freeze, my body on all fours underneath Bruce.
It was then I felt his front legs wrap around my waist. It was then that I realized that, when I got up on all fours, I had become the perfect mount for Bruce. It was then that he started humping me, his hard cock grinding against my bare pussy. It was then that I screamed.
But it didn’t matter, Bruce had hold of me tight, and was relentless in his humping, his hard (what I would later measure to be nearly 9″) cock gliding over both my ass hole and pussy. I tried crawling away from him, but every movement simply caused him to hump me harder, and to growl menacingly at me. I started praying that maybe he would cum before he managed to get inside me. I mean, I was a virgin, and I could barely fit two fingers inside me. There was no way I could fit Bruce’s cock.
Boy, was I wrong. After about a minute or so of unfruitful attempts to anchor his cock inside my cunt, Bruce finally hit home. I was just starting to get calm, thinking to myself that this can’t last forever as I felt something rip inside me. He had finally found the right angle to thrust from, and was now hammering his cock into my poor pussy. I screamed in pain, squirming beneath him, trying harder now than ever to get out from beneath him, but just as I started to finally pull away, teeth sank into my shoulder. I froze again, crying out in pain. His grip on my shoulder lessened once he realized he had gotten his point across. As long as I stayed still, he wouldn’t hurt me. Hurt me more than he was now, anyway.
His cock tore through me, and I’m sure my virgin cunt felt great to him. He had to be about two inches thick, and there was a good 6 inches already inside of me. I was wimpering at this point, trying to overcome the pain. I forced myself to think of other things; anything that could get my mind off this pain would be fine. I could hear Bruce’s panting above me, slobber running off his tongue and all over my shoulder. Gross.I was still squirming under him, and tried thinking of more pleasurable things… Like when Bruce had run his tongue over my pussy.
Looking back, I’d have gladly let him keep licking if it would save me from this pain. I imagined a different senario, this time instead of me swatting his nose away, I’d have spread my legs like I had wanted to, letting him lick from my ass to my clit. I imagined his rough tongue lapping against my clit, the feeling it would have if he licked inside me. I’d have leaned my head back and moaned, letting him lick every inch inside my wet pussy.
That’s when I flashed back to reality and realized that this was starting to feel good. Most of the pain was gone; it was more of a dull ache now. I bit my lip, thinking of how wrong this was… How screwed up I must be to actually start to enjoy this.
That’s when I lowered my head, finally fully submitting myself to him. I pushed my hips back against him, trying to time my movements with his. His dick felt warm inside my tight cunt, and I could feel precum oozing out of him inside me. That, and I could feel my juices dripping down the inside of my thighs. I spread my legs wider, moaning now. As I relaxed myself, I could feel that more of his shaft was entering me. He was finally loosening me up enough to fit the majority of his cock. I enjoyed it, pushing my ass up higher, letting my dog make me his bitch. I could feel myself on the verge of an orgasm, and I let it wash over me. I groaned, the noise sounding like some kind of snarl, and Bruce responded with his own low growl and started humping with new enthusiasm.
I orgasmed not once, but three times like this, with Bruce pounding his hard member into me. After my lastest orgasm, I felt something hard starting to hit my opening. I had felt it before I climaxed, but didn’t think much of the pain. Now I felt it again-something hard, and very large hitting into me every time he thrust.
I stopped breathing. I knew what it was… It was his knot. He was trying to force his knot inside me. I began to struggle again for a moment, knowing that if he were successful that I would be in pain again. But I stopped myself, knowing that after the pain subsides, there is pleasure. And now after having Bruce fucking me like this for a while, I was starting to really enjoy knowing that I was his bitch. I wanted him to use me-I wanted him to fill me with his seed. His precum was already doing a decent job; I could feel his hot juices flowing inside me. I wanted to feel him shoot his load inside me; I wanted all of him inside me.
As I stopped struggling, I started pushing back against him once more. With every thrust, the pain grew. His knot was hitting me over and over again. I wimpered again, wondering just how big it was when finally, with one powerful thrust, his knot entered me.
I screamed out again, unable to help myself. I felt torn in half by the massive buldge in his shaft, but the thought of me now being tied to my own dog helped me get through the pain. And soon enough, I was enjoying it again. I climaxed again, this time more powerful than ever, my pussy clutching his shaft with my culvultions. I felt him speed up just then, and finally unload inside me. I buried my face in my hands, moaning loudly as I felt stream after stream of his come shoot inside my pussy. Not a drop of it managed to escape, however. That was how tight a fit his knot was in my cunt. We stayed like that for some time, his knot in my abused cunt, my head in my hands as I slowly still rocked back and forth against him, sure to milk out every drop of his seed. After a few minutes, he started to pull away, and I lifted my head to see Buck sitting there, his dick hard and well out of its sheath as he stuck his nose between my legs, licking at my pussy and at Bruce’s cock as he finally pulled it from me. Dog come as well as my own flowed down my thighs, and Buck la
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