đź’• Does anyone else feel guilty about being depressed Reddit

đź’• Does anyone else feel guilty about being depressed Reddit

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Serious Depressed People of reddit what actually helps you

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Millennial depression on the rise Today young people are

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Lonely Burned Out Depressed the State of Millennials

As someone who struggles with depression other depressed

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I can answer this with 100% clarity. The millennial generation isn’t more prone to anything. The millennial generation knows the game is rigged. The millennial generation knows the old and the older people control 90% of historically generated wealth. The millennial generation knows going bankrupt for medical bills is bs. I don't think millennials and gen z are necessarily more anxious or depressed than any other generation. I think we're all just more vocal bc of the internet and social media. We have much more opportunity to talk about the way we feel. I think we're all just more aware of how fucked we all are. Millennial depression on the rise: Today, young people are more likely to suffer from depression and self-harm than they were 10 years ago, even as substance abuse and anti-social behavior continue to fall, a new study says (n = 5,627 + 11,318). Rather than finding the root cause, or, the why behind this generations mental health dilemma, it covers it up with: They're just more likely to report feeling stressed, depressed and anxious, because it's more normal to express your feelings now. Business Insider took a look at the mental-health state of millennials ( defined by the Pew Research Center as the cohort ages 24 to 39 in 2024), and millennials tend to have higher rates of. 25 mars 2024 · 46% among young adults 18–21 years old Gen Zs are aware of the struggle, too. A 2018 survey of teens 13–17 years old reports that 70% of respondents see anxiety and depression as a “major problem”. I often feel super lonely because I don't have anyone because I stopped going out. I stopped going out because it's too much work and effort but now I'm depressed because I have no friends. Trying to find friends just makes the anxiety worse, staying alone makes depression worse. If I'm alone at home too much I'm just teary eyed, lay around and stare blankly and don't want to get out of bed and can't get motivated except for short random bursts of energy that last a day or two. Even though I'm bored out of my mind alone, I have no desire to socialize. But when my boyfriend is home from his 3 day long work. I get depressed when I'm alone. I don't know what's wrong with me. When I go to school and hang out with my friends, I genuinely feel happy and enjoy being with them, but when I get home, I start to get really sad. I feel like no one genuinely likes me and only talk to me because I stick with them. I don't know what to do. An educated therapist* might be able to guide you I'm a direction of which tools are better for you, or if you are using them properly. Even if you are in the habit of being honest with yourself, you might get stock in the old thought patterns that is your depression and that refuels the depression. by asadhumaniguess only depressed when I have nothing to do/am alone? I'm 20, and a sophomore in college. I struggled with depression in high school, but thought I got over it for the most part. When I'm at college and surrounded by friends, I feel great. But the second I am alone in my dorm, I feel like shit. Why do i feel so depressed when im alone? Question. I feel completely fine when my mind is occupied, but the moment i have no one to talk to or something to do this changes. i don’t know if there’s something i can do to stop this. if someone can give me some advice that would help a lot. Vote.


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