Does WarriorPlus accept Bitcoin payments?

Does WarriorPlus accept Bitcoin payments?


The simple answer is that the Wallet is where your commissions and earnings go when a sale is made. But there is A LOT more to it than that...

Here are 6 important things about the WarriorPlus Wallet that will make your business better:

1) It's Proven

We have had the Wallet in place for OVER 4 YEARS now! It's been tested, proven, and continually made more awesome just for you.

It’s built on our own rock-solid, custom technology that has kept WarriorPlus running since 2008.

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The point is: You can trust the WarriorPlus Wallet.

2) It's Automatic

There is nothing special you need to do to use the Wallet. It is an integral part of EVERY WarriorPlus account.

When a sale comes into a Vendor, any commissions or fees due are automatically collected by WarriorPlus at the time of sale. You never have to keep any extra funds in your PayPal account to pay out later or worry about manually paying affiliates and partners.

WarriorPlus Wallet does it all for you - automatically!

3) It Keeps Vendors Safe

One really important feature about the Wallet is that Vendors NEVER have to worry about problems with refunds due to issues with affiliates or partners' payment accounts.

If you ever need to issue a refund, the funds come directly from WarriorPlus back to you. Our PayPal account will never be empty. You'll never get stuck issuing a full refund and losing the commissions you already paid.

Also, since the funds are going into the WarriorPlus PayPal account, you don't have to worry about ever being "connected" to any 3rd party affiliates or partners that you don't know or trust.

WarriorPlus has your back!

4) Affiliates and Partners ALWAYS Get Paid

Have you ever promoted an offer for someone, and then seen the dreaded "delayed" earnings in your account for months on end? Have you not been paid at ALL sometimes? I know I have.

With the Wallet, WarriorPlus is the one in charge of your funds until you get them. You don't have to worry about "manual" payouts, hounding Vendors for your commissions, or anything else.

And, just like in #3 for Vendors, you never have to worry about having your account "connected" to someone else you really don't know. WarriorPlus pays you, every time.

WarriorPlus Wallet makes sure you get paid!

5) Access Your Funds How YOU Want To

When you are ready to access your funds, you don't have to rely on only 1 merchant provider or option to get the money into your hands. (Or wait for someone else to pay you manually, as mentioned in #4. Yuck!)

With the WarriorPlus Wallet, no matter how the payment came in, you choose how it goes out.

  • Want it to your PayPal account? No problem!
  • Want it in your Stripe account? You got it!
  • Want it right to your local Bank Account? Of course! Using Veem, you can send it directly to your bank in nearly 100 countries all over the world.
  • Want to buy other WarriorPlus products with it? Fast and easy!
  • Want your funds in potatoes? OK, maybe not...

But seriously, we want to make getting your funds easy and painless.

6) It's FREE!

You don't have to pay any merchant fees for payments coming in. Forget 3% or more - we like 0% better.

Getting funds out is also free or VERY low cost, depending on the withdrawal method you choose. Want to buy a product listed on WarriorPlus? Never pay any fees in or out.

WarriorPlus Wallet means more FREEdom!

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