Does Vagina Taste Good

Does Vagina Taste Good


Does Vagina Taste Good
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"It’s sort of like when you make out with someone, only wetter."
It’s tough to describe a certain scent or taste to someone that doesn’t have firsthand experience. So if you’ve never tasted a vagina before but are curious (or if you have and just want to see how your own personal description matches up), these people open up about exactly what vagina tastes like.
1. “All vaginas taste different, but they’re all still vaginas. It’s like how sweat is different . Everyone can have a different sweat smell, but it’s still sweat.” — Anna, 27
2. “ There isn’t much of a taste to it, honestly. I t’s like asking what it tastes like when you lick someone’s arm . ” — Steve, 25
3. “It’s really tangy. Well, some can be tangy . Some vaginas are really sweet , too. It’s like how a penis can taste different. It’s all the pheromones and everything going on down there.” — Jake, 28
4. “It's a little bit salty, but there’s not much of a taste to it. It’s almost… some people might think this is gross but it’s almost like an oyster . Just like how an oyster doesn’t taste much like anything. Not in terms of the sliminess.” — Victoria, 26
5. “I don’t know why this is the first thing I thought of, but if she’s just had her period, it can taste really copper-y . Like a penny.” — Nick, 28
6. “If you’ve never tasted a vagina before, this might not sound flattering, but I promise this isn’t a bad thing. There’s a musk to i t, just like how everyone has their own taste to their sweat, but it isn’t bad.” — Kyle, 27
7. “It’s tough to say, because I’m immediately trying to think of a food that would be the closest comparison and I can’t think of one. It’s easy for me to describe something like the flavor of pizza. But a woman’s vagina isn’t a food so it’s really difficult.” — Greg, 27
8. “It’s sort of like when you make out with someone , only wetter. Picture what the inside of a mouth tastes like. It’s that.” — Natalie, 29
9. “It tastes like canned pineapple. Not the consistency or texture, but it’s this light, syrupy sweetness .” — Michael, 27
10 . “Every vagina tastes different. Some vaginas barely have a taste , and some can taste tangy like… a granny smith apple. I don’t think it’s accurate but it’s what I thought of first.” — David, 29
11. “I’m really trying to think on this, because it’s so hard to describe without making it sound foul, which it’s not. But it’s almost like… distilled sex sweat . You know how sex sweat smells good compared to gym sweat? It's like that.” — Peter, 27
12. “It tastes like a lemon, almost. Well, more like lemonade than a lemon but not sugary… there’s just a sweetness to it . It tastes nothing like a lemon but that’s my best frame of reference.” — Will, 28
13. “To be honest, I can really only speak to the taste of my partner’s vagina, although I have tasted myself on occasion. It’s slick and thicker than water, but it’s not thick . It’s a little salty but it’s not strong. In comparison, mine is a bit tart.” — Lindsay, 28
14. “It tastes like a natural body odor. Not B.O. in a bad way, though. Just like people can have a natural but nice scent, this has a natural taste to it.” — Brianna, 26
Answers have been lightly edited for clarity.

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November 4, 2021

When someone asks how the vagina tastes You can bet it’s because they’re planning on dating someone or have done it and wondering if everything is working smoothly.
Unfortunately, there is no single answer. That’s because the vagina, like the rest of the body, relies on its own chemicals. Skin tastes just like the rest of the body if it’s clean, but fluid is another matter.
inside the vagina You will find more skin and smaller holes. called the cervix The vaginal wall has no glands, but the plasma (from the blood) that flows through it creates fluid that women regularly secrete. This fluid is called vaginal discharge, uh.
When your ovulation is imminent Another type of fluid is secreted. It’s called cervical mucus again. Well, it sounds disgusting. But you can call it whatever you like because words don’t matter anymore in the English-speaking world. All you need to know is that women regularly produce this for a number of reasons and they are:
#1 lubrication This happens more often when you are in a state of sexual arousal or when you are in peak ovulation.
#2 clean. The vagina regularly expels waste to keep it clean and fresh from the inside.
#3 ovulation The consistency and chemical composition of the discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle to help you get pregnant or to prevent you from getting pregnant.
That is, no matter what it is used for if you insert your tongue in or near the opening of your vagina It will be there. Conversely, the taste will vary depending on your diet and lifestyle.
That’s because most of the vaginal fluid and cervical mucus are made up of plasma. as mentioned And plasma contains all sorts of chemicals that are gathered from all over our bodies. That’s why STDs and STIs are so easy to catch. They are everywhere!
However, if you want your liquid to have a certain flavor, You should modify your lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and drugs can change to the point of being toxic. Not just in the vagina but also throughout the body
For food, broccoli, onions, cabbage, asparagus, red meat, and dairy products can make them smell and taste slightly worse. If you don’t believe us Let’s hear what others From the real world (eg Reddit) let’s talk about it.
“On the contrary Healthy pussy tastes like unsweetened yogurt”??
“She’s what she eats when you eat hers, so if her diet focuses on fruits and vegetables and stuff like that. (Please don’t use asparagus.) She’ll be sweet. What if she had a garlic-powered meat pizza with pepperoni and fish cakes? One serving is enough.”??
“Not bad. Not bad at all. I really like my full lips. Where is the meat???
“It’s very strange to explain. But it smells and tastes like old french fries. old fashioned hamburger At McDonald’s it smells and sorrow all at once.”??
“I mean, I wouldn’t use vaginal discharge as a topping on my sundae. But I don’t think it tastes horrible. I’m used to accepting the taste. But I noticed that this is the best way to break up with girls. (Most of which I was at least addicted to drugs).”
When vaginal fluids and fun facts meet
“ i just ate 1 A woman’s vagina and in fact it is a fun experience. She tasted really sweet. until a few months later A friend came across a random article stating that most of my vaginal secretions were blood plasma, which I put together two and two… She has diabetes.”
“It’s diabetic.. My first boyfriend said to me one time, “Today you are sweet.” I thought he was trying to be cute. But then he’s like, “Not serious, sweet like sugar”?? So I tested my blood and I was taller than I should have been. He became a psychic and told me when I needed insulin.”??
“It depends on who you live with, what you eat, the status quo, etc. Some of the women I slept with had no taste at all, others had tasted OMFGTERRIBAD. Don’t eat after McDonald’s. Just. Don’t”? ?
“It’s like when you kiss some meat, kiss your neck, body, etc. and it’s a bit salty, yes, but not like table salt. It will drastically change from a woman to a woman. Hygiene will be a factor as well. Do you hope to compare like in food or something? It’s not really a flavor.”?? [Read: 7 smelly body parts that ruin great sex ]

“But overall I think I really like the taste of a woman. Tastes are unique and everyone is different—it’s like their sex fingerprints. It wasn’t that I wanted something that smelled like a vagina. But in general, the taste of the vagina is pleasant to me.”??
“ I can say that some pussy taste better than others. But I only like when her pussy tastes good. I didn’t ask the girls how they got their juice. Because I thought that would be a weird conversation. But I suspect it’s based on the time you smell someone and some smells are more awakening than others.” ??
“For me, the best tasting wax is the one that doesn’t have much smell or taste. which I think is a rather rare phenomenon. One woman I went down with recently had one of the best vaginas in that regard. It makes for a more enjoyable experience.”??
“It depends on the girl. I’ve had a woman who tasted so sweet. Which is great (and rare) and I have women they taste like dead fish and battery acid. which is not scary (and more common)”
“Lick the back of your hand. Wait 10 seconds. Smell. It tastes like that smell.”??
“It tastes like aloe vera marinated on a 9 Battery volts.”??
“Like having your brain smash with a slice of lemon wrapped around a big golden brick”??
“Nutrition, water, salt and orange mingled with the scent of her hair, skin, and sweat. It is intoxicating and intoxicating in every possible way.”??
Now that you know what the vagina tastes like It is your right to go out there to test these observations or not. Have fun and practice safe sex always!
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Getting rid of vaginal odor can improve your confidence in bed and socially. In fact, as a woman, you should always make sure your vagina smells and tastes good before sex. But how can you get rid of the fish-like smell in your vagina?
Here are the best foods for that, with tips on how to make your vagina smell good and taste sweet.
A healthy vagina has a neutral scent that is not foul or unpleasant. A disruption of any nature in the vagina leads to a change in smell and taste.
Making your vagina taste good and better entails a lot of routine practices. Before sex, most women find themselves stressed about the taste and smell of their vagina.
Oral sex can be a daunting experience especially when you find yourself stressed on how your vagina smells and tastes! In a bid to making your vagina taste nice, the greatest advice is to:
A healthy lifestyle along with proper hygiene practices leaves your vagina tasting good.
‘You vagina does not need to smell like a rose flower and taste like ice cream’ is a common saying to imply that a vagina should taste better as a vagina.
The taste down there greatly depends on the type of soaps you use, hygiene practices and your diet. The primary reason why should make vagina taste good is simply to keep your partner interested in getting down on you.
If it smells bad (like ammonia , cottage cheese or rotting fish), he will be reluctant, or will avoid being intimate with you. Some men will not complain, or even tell you what is wrong. Instead, they will just withdraw and try to dodge having sex with you.
Oral sex is fun and plays a significant role in a relationship, and foreplay. A woman’s mind should be free from worries of how her vagina tastes when her partner is down there.
To ensure that he goes down on you and stays there as much as possible, your vagina has to smell good and taste better. Taking a shower and rinsing your vagina thoroughly before sex goes a long way in ensuring you enjoy the full pleasure of the oral.
So, what should you do to freshen things up, and get rid of the bad vaginal smell? Here’s how to make your vagina taste good and smell fresh all the time. You can do it with diet, hygiene routine and more as discussed below.
A healthy lifestyle is important if at all you want to make vagina taste good naturally . Consuming a lot of sugar contained in beverages and processed food is a sure way to lose natural good taste of your vagina.
Proper preparation is important to freshen up your vagina before sex. Here are different ways to make your vagina taste better and smell good at any time:
In cases where you have less than a minute to get yourself ready for love making, you still need to remember why you need to make vagina taste good before sex. It is not a reason to panic. You can make your vagina taste better instantly just before sex.
If your vagina has an ammonia smell , or smells like vinegar, urine all the time, it is likely because of the sweaty bikini area.
Vaginal douching is the process of cleaning your vagina with water or using a mixture of fluids. Some women douche with water alone. Others douche using apple cider vinegar . But is it a good thing to do?
Douches contain chemicals that are irritants. Just dry your vagina with a clean towel. Taking a shower makes you feel fresh and better, but in instances where you need to make love and don’t have time for a full body shower, use wet wipes.
A wet toilet paper also helps you clean the vagina quickly offering you a fresher feeling. If you happen to have wet wipes that are specifically used before oral sex, then you should prefer using them for this purpose too.
An easy way to always have your vaginal smelling good is to wear panties made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton.
Also, avoid wearing tight pants that cause you to sweat. Remember that sweat can change the taste of your vagina greatly.
Avoid thongs. That tiny strip helps spread bacteria from the anal area to your vagina making you lose that instant good taste and smell.
Most women smell good and taste better right before sex, but what about during sex? How can you manage to keep the bedroom smelling good even after several climaxes? When your partner ejaculates in you, your smell instantly changes.
A scented lube keeps your vagina smelling and tasting good during and after sex. Besides that lubes containing menthol increase sensations making you feel sex-hungry again hence long lasting, better sex.
If you still want your man to take his tongue down there, even after multiple rounds, then it would be better to talk him into using condoms. A condom holds the semen after sex eliminating contact with your vagina. You can then go ahead and sit right on his face; you are smelling and tasting better!
In fact, keep your entire pubic area clean if you want to have a vagina that smells good and tastes nice. Proper hygiene is the basis of a fresh vaginal smell. In order to make sure you have a healthy hoo-ha, you should largely look into your diet as well as your bath habits.
Hot showers as presumed by most women to improve the smell of a vagina overnight. Hot steam depletes good bacteria present in your vagina leaving it prone to infections.
The only possible way to make you taste good down there is by properly cleaning using plenty of water and a mildly scented soap (or no soap at all). Do not forget that pubic hair retains moisture and can be the main reason for odor. Always trim bikini hair as soon as possible. It is preferable if you wax your pubic hair.
Home remedies are always a better way to deal with problems such as constant fish-smelling vaginal discharge .
They are readily available and come with few or no side effects. Here are the best treatments and home remedies to keep your vagina smelling and tasting good.
Apple cider vinegar contains both anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that help eliminate bad odor both of the feet, vagina and even body. Vinegar is widely available at the stores at a low price makes it an excellent remedy to rely upon when getting rid of vaginal yeast infections and discharge odor.
Here’s how to use apple cider vinegar to get rid of vaginal odor fast and make it taste good.
Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can sting the skin a little bit. If you feel a burning sensation in the bikini area after using it, stop using it. Rinse with plenty of water.
Ginger is a powerful antibiotic. Apart from being useful in throat related infections, it has also shown excellent efficacy in eliminating odor from the vagina . Ginger keeps your vagina environment free of harmful bacteria which in most cases is the cause of your vaginal fishy smell .
What you will need pressed ginger (powdered), clean water and a sieve. Here’s how to use ginger to get a nice tasting vagina with home remedies.
Neem is full of antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, which help balance bacteria in the body. Neem has also shown strength in stimulating body response of white blood cells that help fight disease-causing organisms in the body.
If the discharge and bad odor from your vagina are caused by a fungal infection, this home remedy will help get rid of it.
Tee tree oil is a powerful anti-fungal as well as a great antiseptic. These two characteristics are what makes tea tree oil an excellent remedy for vaginal odor. Collect tea tree oil, a cotton pad, witch hazel, and water. Here’s what to do to make your vagina smell good and taste great.
Dilute tea tree oil can help get rid of mild bacterial and fungal infections in the vagina. Such infections can cause a foul green discharge if left untreated.
What foods should I eat to make my vagina smell good? Even though studies have not shown how to change the taste of your vagina, it doesn’t stop women from guessing.
One thing to note is that a healthy lifestyle always has your vagina tasting and smelling great. Your vagina’s natural odor should never raise concerns unless it gets fishy or unpleasant. Otherwise, no one expects your vagina to smell like sunflower and taste like ice cream.
Here are is how to make your vagina smell good with foods. Try to eat or include these four superfoods in your diet to help make your vagina healthier and more pleasant.
Eat pineapples everyday. Yes, they are highly believed to make your vagina taste sweet. There may be no documented studies to show that pineapple changes vaginal odor. Therefore most women are skeptical about trying out this home remedy.
Pineapple is only effective if you make it as a daily fruit either as a salad or a smoothie, for a couple of days.
But garlic smells bad, right? How can it make you smell and taste great down there?
Garlic smells awful to the majority of people but is a powerful natural antibiotic. It is able to get rid of many urinary related infections.
Its antioxidant property makes it suitable
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