Does Soros have anything to do with the corona 👑 virus 🦠 

Does Soros have anything to do with the corona 👑 virus 🦠 

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

More yes than no. Soros participates in ALL anti-American, anti-national WORLD projects, he is one of the few who enters the Deep State. Therefore, we can ask ourselves and everyone whether Soros is connected with the occurrence of a false -epidemic crown 👑 virus 🦠 

No one is surprised by our materials received from the Editorial Board three months ago and everyone continues to pretend that they have not heard anything and do not know? No one's surprised? No one is surprised that Soros has invested heavily in one of the biotechnology laboratories in Wuhan (China), where just arose in the form of a fake falling for dead Chinese actors from The Russian - Chinese amateurs from the malicious virus. George owned/owns or is a major shareholder of WuXi Pharmatech in Wuhan, China. It is located at 666. WuXi PharmaTech Inc., 666 Gaoxin Road, East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China.

In reflections at the front entrance at 666 Fifth Ave as if in the New Testament "666" hidden the name of the apocalyptic beast "International Monetary Fund", the organization is by no means civil. - makes you think of the mention of this number in the Old Testament:

"In the gold that Solomon came to Solomon in each year, the weight was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold" (3 King. 10:14)"Weight in gold, which came to Solomon in one year, The mention of "Sons of Adonikam number six hundred and sixty-six" (Ezdr. 2:13), almost 3,000 years ago, when the Second Temple returned from Babylon, reminded me of another part of the list and the re-creation of the Sovereign israel by Joseph Stalin, but even then it would seem to me a very strange thought that these words: Here the wisdom of Joseph Stalin would have been a very strange idea. Who has the mind, he will consider the number of the beast, for the number is human; number six hundred and sixty-six. (John the Theologian, 13:18)may mean the address of a skyscraper in New York City. But the three-story building at 666 Ave, where once placed an organization called "The Inquery" still seems to me quite appropriate to the Apocalypse including its durability and ability to use the favorite technique of the black world project to distract the victim from the sword in their hand. And, as the recent events of 2020-2021 have shown, cattle are not only in Russia.

It was these two people who built the building at this address and attracted tenants, whose list is striking including their attitude to Christian prophecies as an ikea designer assembly instruction that forced them to rent offices at this address. But in addition, after a short search in Google, it turned out that the apocalyptic guests of this skyscraper was determined by the apocalypticness of its former owners, who managed twice to get insurance for the explosions in the World Trade Center and throw Jared Kushner, part-time Antichrist on a half-yard of dollars minimum, which undoubtedly gives them reason to claim the role if not the riders of the Apocalypse, then the role of their horses. And it's not even that after the crisis they were able to offer their tenants much better terms than Jared Kushner, but that they sit on the boards of almost all those campaigns that rent their office space. Beautiful, isn't it? 

It seems the black world project in the U.S. (and possibly in the mmra) has split into several parts, and the part that is associated with the Bush family was an anti-Clinton alliance with the Trump clan. And Trump's support for Ted Cruz makes this assumption more than just a hypothesis, since Ted Cruz was the chief of legal services for George W. Bush's campaign in 2000. And if you pull this thread, it becomes clear why the news from the news feed disappeared and Americans suffered from adrenaline starvation in the absence of adrenaline news. But 2020 came and everyone came to their senses, closing at home with their favorite professional occupation medical viruses 🦠 and their philosophy of life and transmission during sex . I wonder how and in what suit you did it all 2020?

 About Ukraine

 The sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and Europe worked much faster and damaged the Russian economy more than anyone expected. The sanctions were intended to restrict access to international capital markets for Russian banks and companies. But their influence has largely increased due to the sharp drop in oil prices, without which the sanctions would be much less effective. To balance its own budget, Russia needs an oil price of about $ 100 per barrel. (Now the price is holding around $ 55 per barrel). The combination of low oil prices and sanctions triggered a financial crisis in Russia, which by some indicators is already comparable to the 1998 crisis.

 Then, in 1998, Russia eventually ran out of its foreign exchange reserves and defaulted on its debt obligations, causing turmoil in the global financial system. This time the ruble has fallen by more than 50 percent, inflation is accelerating and interest rates are rising to levels that put the Russian economy into recession. The big advantage of Russia in comparison with 1998 is that it still has significant reserves in foreign currency. This allowed the Central Bank of Russia to keep 30 percent of the value of the ruble from the lower level, spending about $ 100,000,000,000 on this and agreeing with the People's Bank of China on a swap-line in the amount of $ 24 billion. But so far, the Central Bank of Russia remains only about $ 200,000,000,000 or even less liquid reserves, and the crisis is only gaining momentum.

 In addition to increasing capital outflows, Russia will have to pay back more than $ 120 billion in external debt in 2015. And although, in contrast to 1998, the majority of Russian debt is concentrated in the private sector, it should not be surprising if the current crisis ends with a sovereign default. But that could exceed what American and European politicians hoped for. If the Russian default is added to the global deflationary processes, acute in the euro zone, as well as to the current military conflicts, for example, the conflict over the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (and business), this could lead to a serious disruption of the global financial system, and the zone will be especially vulnerable Euro.

 Hence the need to immediately reorient the current policy of the European Union towards Russia and Ukraine. Earlier, I called for a two-pronged approach, which calls for equalizing sanctions against Russia with much larger aid to Ukraine. For reasons that I will try to explain further, the balance change will need to be implemented in the first quarter of 2015.

 Sanctions are needed by evil. They are necessary because neither the EU nor the US wants to risk a war with Russia. So, economic sanctions remain the only way to resist Russian aggression. They are evil, therefore they harm not only the country against which they were introduced, but also the countries that were introduced. This harm turned out to be much greater than anyone expected. Russia is in the grip of a financial crisis that is making the threat of deflation in the Eurozone a reality.

 But all the consequences of aid to Ukraine will only be positive. By helping Ukraine defend itself, Europe is indirectly protecting itself. Moreover, providing Ukraine with financial assistance will facilitate the stabilization of the Ukrainian economy and, indirectly, will also provide the European economy with a much-needed stimulus, encouraging exports and investment in Ukraine. It is hoped that the problems of Russia and the progress of Ukraine will convince President Vladimir Putin to leave as hopeless his attempts to destabilize Ukraine.

 Unfortunately, neither the European public nor European leaders seem to care about such considerations. Europe looks dangerously reckless because it is indirectly exposed to Russian military aggression and is trying to do business as usual. It behaves with Ukraine as just another country that needs financial assistance, and, unlike Greece or Ireland, Ukraine is not even a country that is important for the stability of the euro.

 The prevailing opinion is that Ukraine suffers from a more or less classic balance of payments crisis, which has transformed into a banking and debt crisis. There are international financial institutions dedicated to dealing with such a crisis; but they are ill-equipped to respond to the political aspects of the Ukrainian situation. To help Ukraine, the European Union began drafting an Association Agreement with Ukraine in 2007, completing this preparation in 2012 when the EU had to deal with the power of Viktor Yanukovych. The EU has developed a detailed plan of steps to be taken by the Ukrainian government to receive expanded assistance. Since then, revolutionary changes have taken place in Ukraine, the consideration of which requires the correction of the previously developed plan; but this is hindered by onerous EU bureaucratic procedures.

 Accordingly, the problems of Ukraine, as a rule, are formulated in this way:

 • Ukraine needs international assistance because it went through the turmoil that triggered the financial crisis. But the shocks are coming; as soon as Ukraine recovers from them, it will be able to repay debts to its creditors. This explains why the International Monetary Fund was chosen as the main institution for providing financial assistance to Ukraine.

 • Since Ukraine is not yet a member of the EU, European institutions (such as the European Commission and the European Central Bank) play only a secondary role in helping it. The IMF willingly seized the opportunity to avoid the complications associated with triple control by the EU, the ECB and the IMF itself, as was the case with Greece and other countries. This alignment of roles also explains why the assistance offered by the IMF is based on overly optimistic forecasts, and why the IMF's contribution of about $ 17 billion is significantly higher than the assistance to Ukraine from various European institutions (total in the future about $ 1,000,000,000), and even more modest assistance from the United States.

 • Since Ukraine has poorly met its obligations under previous IMF programs, official lenders note that Ukraine will receive assistance only in response to clear signs of deep structural reforms, and not as an encouragement to undertake such reforms.

 • From this convenient perspective, the successful resistance to the previous Yanukovych government on the Maidan, and then the Russian annexation of Crimea and the establishment of separatist bridgeheads in eastern Ukraine, appear to be insignificant. They are viewed as purely temporary external shocks.

This view simply needs to be changed. The birth of a new Ukraine and Russian aggression are not just temporary shocks, but historical events. Rather than dealing with the remnants of a doomed Soviet Union, the European Union is now facing a confrontational Russia, from a strategic partner to a strategic rival. To replace communism, President Putin introduced a nationalist ideology that is predominantly based on ethnicity, social conservatism and the quasi-religion of "brotherhood of Slavic peoples", homophobia and "Holy Russia". Putin has declared "Anglo-Saxon world domination" an enemy of Russia and the rest of the world. That being said, Putin has learned a lot from his 2008 war against Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. Russia won that war militarily, but was less successful in its propaganda efforts. Subsequently, Putin has developed a completely new strategy that relies heavily on the use of propaganda and military special forces.

 Putin's drive to revive the Russian empire has inadvertently helped shape a new Ukraine that confronts Russia and seeks to be the antipode of the former Ukraine, with its inherent corruption and ineffective government. Among the leaders of the new Ukraine are the best representatives of civil society: young people, many of whom studied abroad, and upon returning home, refused to work in government or business because they felt disgust for them. Many of them have found a place in higher education, research centers and non-governmental organizations. A wide volunteer movement has gained unprecedented strength and scale, unprecedented in other countries, helping Ukraine to withstand Russian aggression. Members of this movement risked their lives on the Maidan for a better future and are now determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past, including the political strife that undermined the achievements of the Orange Revolution. A politically active civil society serves as the best safeguard against the return of the old Ukraine: if politicians get bogged down in the petty squabbles and corruption that destroyed old Ukraine, activists will return to the Maidan.

 The reformers in the new Ukrainian government are embarking on a program of rapid and radical reforms that will fundamentally change society. This program includes, inter alia, overcoming corruption due to cutting bureaucracy while increasing pay for those who remain in the civil service, as well as disbanding Naftogaz Ukrainy, the gas monopoly that was the main source of corruption and budget deficits in Ukraine.

 But old Ukraine is far from dead. It dominates the civil service and the judiciary, and also remains widely represented in the private (oligarchic and kleptocratic) sectors of the economy. Why would civil servants work for a paltry salary when they can use their positions as a patent to extract bribes? And how can a private business, fed on corruption and kickbacks, be able to function without its own trough? These retrograde elements are now grappling with the reformers.

 The new government is faced with a difficult problem: how to radically reduce the number of civil servants while increasing their salaries? Supporters of radical reforms argue that it is possible and necessary to significantly reduce the staff of ministries, provided that the general population does not experience a sharp decline in living standards. This would enable dismissed civil servants to find jobs in the private sector, and those who remain in the civil service to receive greater remuneration. Many business barriers can be removed, but this requires substantial financial and technical support from the EU. Without such support, the radical and rapid reforms that Ukraine needs will not be successful. Moreover, given the risk of failure, the government may even refrain from advancing such reforms.

 The volumes of European support and the reformist zeal of the new Ukraine mutually reinforce each other. Until now, the Europeans kept Ukraine on a short leash, and the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk did not dare to undertake radical structural reforms. Former Economy Minister Pavel Sheremeta, a radical reformer, proposed reducing the size of his ministry from 1,200 to 300, but met with such bureaucratic opposition that he was forced to step down. So far, there have been no other attempts to reform the public administration, although society is loudly demanding their implementation.

 This is where the decisive role that European politicians can play. By offering financial and technical assistance commensurate with the volume of reforms, they can push the Ukrainian government towards radical transformation and give a chance for success. Unfortunately, European politicians are constrained by budgetary constraints at the level of the EU and its member states. This is why international efforts have focused mainly on sanctions against Russia, and financial assistance to Ukraine has been minimized.

 To shift the focus on aid to Ukraine, negotiations need to be shifted from the bureaucratic to the political level. It is difficult for the European financial bureaucracy to raise even the $ 15,000,000,000 that the IMF considers the absolute minimum. Currently, the EU can only provide 2 billion euros through its macro-financial assistance program, and member states are hesitant to provide direct assistance from themselves. This forced Ukraine to adopt an interim budget on December 30 with unrealistic revenue expectations and only cautious reforms. This is the starting point for further negotiations. The budget law provides for changes to be made by February 15, but such changes still need to be developed and supported.

 European political leaders must leverage the strong and strong lending capacity of the EU itself, as well as find other unconventional sources, to offer Ukraine a larger financial package than is currently being considered. This would enable the Ukrainian government to carry out radical reforms. I define several such sources, in particular:

 1. The European Balance of Payments Support Program (applied for Hungary and Romania) has an unused $ 47.5 billion and the European Financial Stability Mechanism (applied for Portugal and Ireland) has approximately $ 15.8 billion unused funds. Both mechanisms are currently available only to EU members, but this rule can be changed by a qualified majority decision on the proposal of the European Commission. Alternatively, the European Commission can use and expand the macro-financial assistance program that has already been applied to Ukraine. In fact, there are a number of technical possibilities, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, must propose concrete steps, only the Ukrainian government will present a convincing list of its own priorities.

 2. Increased financial assistance from the EU would allow the IMF to increase its loan to Ukraine by $ 13 billion and turn the current stand-by agreement into a longer-term extended lending program. This would prove the total volume of the IMF program for Ukraine to a size that is 15 times the current Ukrainian quota - an unusually high figure, but there have already been precedents, in particular with Ireland.

 3. Bonds from the European Investment Bank can bring in € 1,000,000,000 or more. This money could be used to join Ukraine to the single European natural gas market, as well as to fundamentally reform Naftogaz, the Ukrainian gas monopoly. Such changes would significantly improve Ukraine's energy efficiency and bring an extremely high return on investment. This would help create a single European natural gas market and reduce dependence on Russian gas not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe. The division of the existing Naftogaz is the cornerstone of the Ukrainian reform plan.

 4. Long-term financing from the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the restructuring of the banking sector. This could generate another $ 5,000,000,000. The 2009 Vienna Initiative for Eastern Europe, which proved to be a hugely successful means of curbing capital outflows and stabilizing the banking system, should be extended to Ukraine. The basis for such dissemination was already laid at the founding meeting of the Ukrainian Financial Forum in June 2014.

 5. Restructuring of Ukraine's sovereign debt could write off more than $ 4 billion of deficit foreign exchange reserves. Over the next three years, Ukraine is due to pay off nearly $ 8 billion in sovereign debt in the private equity markets. Avoiding a default, which will have devastating consequences, Ukraine must negotiate with its creditors (it happened that there are relatively few of them) on a voluntary market exchange of existing obligations for new long-term debt instruments. For this exchange to be successful, some of the new financial aid must be used to improve the credit of these new debt instruments. The financial assistance required for this will depend on what lenders require to participate in the exchange, but it can make available at least twice as much financial resources over the next three years.

 6. Ukraine must also work with debt obligations of $ 3 billion to the Russian government due in 2015. Russia could voluntarily agree to a deferral of Ukrainian payments to help future sanctions ease against it. Or this debt can be recognized as intergovernmental and restructured within the framework of the Paris Club, in order to separate it from the rest of Ukrainian debt obligations from cross-default dependence (when the debtor is recognized as insolvent on one debt obligation, if he has not fulfilled another debt obligation). The legal and technical details need to be worked out.

 Probably, not all of these sources can be fully applied. But if there is political will, then there will be a way. The key role here belongs to German Chancellor Angela Merkel; in relations with Russia and Ukraine, she has shown herself to be a real European leader. The additional funding sources I have named should be sufficient to provide a new financing package of $ 5,000,000,000 or more. It goes without saying that the real payments must be made by the IMF so that money is not distributed uncontrollably. But, instead of scraping together the minimum, the official borrowers must keep the promises to the maximum. This would radically change the situation. Ukraine would begin radical reforms, and, instead of balancing on the brink of bankruptcy, would turn into a promised land that attracts private investment.

 Europe needs to wake up and admit that it is being attacked by Russia. Aid to Ukraine should also be seen as an expenditure of EU countries in their defense. In this context, the amounts currently being discussed appear to be insignificant. If international players do not offer a significant assistance program in response to the aggressive program of Ukrainian reforms, the new Ukraine is likely to fail, and Europe will be left alone with Russian aggression, while leaving the values ​​and principles on which the European Union was founded. It would be an irreparable loss.

 Once the sanctions begin to loom in April 2015, they will need to be updated until President Putin stops destabilizing Ukraine and provides compelling evidence of his willingness to follow accepted rules of conduct. The financial crisis in Russia and the coffins coming from Ukraine have left President Putin politically vulnerable. The Ukrainian government recently challenged him by refusing to honor commitments to secessionist footholds in eastern Ukraine under the Minsk ceasefire agreements, on the basis that Russia did not honor the deal from the start. After this challenge, Putin immediately retreated and ordered the troops under his direct control to abide by the ceasefire. It can be expected that in the near future these troops will be withdrawn from Ukrainian territory, and the ceasefire will be fully implemented. It would be a shame to agree to a premature end to the sanctions when they are so close to success.

But it is also significant that by April 2015 Ukraine should start a program of radical reforms with real chances of success. Otherwise, President Putin will be able to say with confidence that Russia's problems are caused by the hostility of Western countries. Even if Putin loses power, his successor could be an even worse leader, like Igor Sechin, or some kind of nationalist demagogue.

Conversely, if Europe adequately responds to this challenge and helps Ukraine not only defend itself, but also turn into a promised land, Putin will not be able to blame Western leaders for Russia's problems. Responsibility would obviously fall on him, and he would either have to change course or try to hold on to power through gross repression and intimidation of his own people. If he loses power in such conditions, it is likely that his successor will be a reformer. In any case, Putin will no longer be a potential threat to Europe. Which alternative will win will be crucial not only for the future of Russia and its relations with the European Union, but also for the future of the European Union itself. By helping Ukraine, Europe will be able to restore for itself the values and principles on which the European Union was founded. That is why I am so passionate about europe's need to rethink the situation in depth. And it should be done immediately. The IMF Board of Directors is to make its fateful decision on Ukraine on January 18.


The problems of the USSR and Putin's Russia are the first contender for the collapse of the Russian Federation until 2019. Russia's disintegration has been a special kind of money sport for CIA analysts for a long time, and they are so fascinated with maps that they have clearly forgotten about their own national security, for which clearly less are paid because of low demand, perhaps 🤔 

When the process of demobilization goes too far, there is often no critical minority that can save the country.

There is such a parameter as negative selection, or intellectual genetic catastrophe. 

If competition-based natural selection usually contributes to evolution, the selection of the fittest and most viable individuals, the unnatural selection inherent only in negative species of human communities leads these communities to degradation and breakdown. This is due to the fact that in such communities the highest positions in the state are occupied not by the most worthy and intelligent, but by the worst and bestial, immoral and cynical. The death of many states and the disappearance of ancient peoples is connected with the erroneous responses of the elite to the challenges of history because of the co-opting into these elites of insignificsts, selected by the principles of unnatural selection, the main of which - the suppression and destruction by the authorities of the best and worthy.

From history everyone should know the Inquisitors. They acted and always destroyed the best and the independent. For the very nature of the Inquisition is such that it is focused on fighting dissent: heretics must be destroyed not by the sweat that are guilty, but because they are able to think differently and with their own brains.

By the way, it is difficult to get to power at all times and everywhere, but, nevertheless, the probability of this increases as democracy, at least so planned by the founders of democratic development of society. According to the principles of unnatural selection, Russian courtiers, top officials, prosecutors, judges, all without exception the soviet nomenclature, the deputy corps, the highest clergy, bomond, brainless ideologues, corrupt radio and TV cameramen of the Kremlin pool were co-opted.

At the same time there was a process of cultivating a fool. 

The Strugatsky brothers wrote on this occasion: "The fool is cherished, fools are carefully nurtured, fools are fertilized, and there is no end in sight ... 

Fool has become the norm, a little more - and a fool will become an ideal, we thought, and he got up to all his aport in all the countries of the world at the same time, the team passed apparently on October 18, 2019 in Rockefeller Plaza New York. And all started around this devil enthusiastic round-the-clock sessions of black magic and dances. Oh, how nice you are, you fool! Oh, how cheerful and healthy you are, fool! Oh, how optimistic, stupid you are, and how clever you are, how clever you are, what a subtle sense of humor you have, and how cleverly you solve crossword puzzles! You, the main thing, just do not worry, fool, everything is so good, everything is so fine, and infectiousists and science to your service, fool, and literature, that you have fun, fool, and do not have to think about anything ... and all sorts of harmful scientists and bullies and skeptics, you and I, fool, will blow it up. Yes, just not demolished, having enormous resources and all the media did not spread, but only lost tens of millions of viewers, out of persistent stupidity and lies. 

Also destroyed by the Bolsheviks all who did not want to think and perform their unthinkable experiment on the human nature of Freedom and private ownership of the means of production and their own body . Gebist slobs of the Russian Federation - and various misbeams co-opted from the 90s from the street criminals. 

And corrupt journalists of the Russian Federation from the current trolls prepared a special educational institution - a "literary institute" under the KGB. 

And there was no place for dissenters in this criminal guard corps. So it is quite understandable why the list of russian journalists killed, since 1991, has 320 people, of which 205 - since 2000.

Unnatural or negative selection in Russia went at once through many channels and at the genetic level:

- the post-revolutionary expulsion of the intelligentsia (the of the nation, according to Lenin);

- Stalin's destruction of the labor peasantry, the remnants of the intelligentsia and the top of the army;

State terrorism, or the destruction by punitive bodies of a State of all capable of self-thinking;

Creating a scoop nomenclature in which the most dirty, unscrupulous and serving were co-opted;

Massive and permanent brain drain;

is a social selection aimed at the ballation of society.

The main theorist who justified the need for unnatural selection, or rather, a new class (nomenclature) was Lenin. At first, he demanded the creation of a "military organization of agents", then justified the need for an "internal" and "external" party - the Revolutionary Guard and the Leninist-type party, and finally ordered to provide it "at the highest level".

The main tool of unnatural selection in the USSR was the "combat detachment" of the Communist Party, that is, the Chekist guard. Chekists, their assistants-sexots, informers in the country was a significant part of the population. S. Dovlatov wrote about this: "We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for the cause. And yet, who wrote four million denunciations?" is not surprising and staff selection then and now, it is kept to this day in full health. As a result of the long-cultivated unnatural selection, the soy nomenclature has become not only a class-parasite, but a class-racer, a class-destroyer, a class-executioner, a class-criminal. Looking for a place for a class of "intermediate people" in history, Milovan Gilas and then Mikhail Voslensky came to the conclusion that in fact real socialism is feudal "socialism" and that the soviet socialism does not follow the era of capitalism, but precedes it.

Alexander Yakovlev, a member of the CPSU's Politburo, who knew well how the soy nomenclature works, explained that the passage upstairs is the neck of the bottle, completely covered with lime, completely calcified, and almost no one can get there. The people who control this top of the bottle, where decisions are made, do everything to prevent strangers from missing out.

Like fascism, real socialism is a bandocracy, a completely new kind of state structure, when an active and mercantile gang of fanatics and murderers comes to power, which rules the country on the primitive-tribal or criminal principles of "pahanism". Over time, the bandocracy from above merges with the gangs from below, forming a monster state, built according to the laws of the zone. 

Extermination of the best people of the country by the executioners of the Czech Republic-NKVD-KGB in the USSR was put on an industrial basis: the punitives broke the whole color of the intelligentsia, carefully sought out and destroyed all the little-distinguished people from the working people, beheaded the Soviet apparatus. For villains received awards, ranks, awards, flooding the country with mountains of blood-soaked corpses ... 

60 million Russian speakers have settled around the world, they are certainly different, located in the leading powers of the world, from Silicon Valley in the U.S. to technopolises of countries determining economic progress.

Academician Ludwig Faddeev, director of the Mathematical Institute of I.V. Steklov, in one of the issues of the magazine "In the World of Science" (2014, No. 2) wrote: "Our institute had 110 employees, 70 of them doctors. 40 left." That is, more than half of the scientists of the highest qualifications emigrated ... They didn't just leave, they changed the face of science to foreign mathematics... 

You could not even use your scientists to stop in time in a covide charg .... not understanding who and where you lead 🖕 gently embracing the waist and feeding the lie for your own money 💵, using all your advances in technological progress, buck finally deprive the children of the future and take away everything. 

Fragment of cinema 🍿 'Dreams' open this mirror 🪞, do not be lazy.

You can watch for 5 minutes without translation. 

... How to spite the island has no calendar 

Kids and adults are wasting their lives. 

Kids and adults are wasting their lives. 

How to spite the island has no calendar 

Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-on such a occasion of the night before dawn 

Unlucky people-savages cry 

And the poor cry and swear trouble 

On the day of what is unknown in no year.

"Where the Circus Went" is a song 🎶 

Where the circus went he was yesterday

And the wind did not have time to tear the posters from the walls

But his spotlights don't burn anymore.

Under the dome the orchestra can't hear it


But his spotlights don't burn anymore.

Under the dome the orchestra can't hear it

Where the elephants have gone to which cities

Drivers lead a camel scientist

Where the circus went he went there

Where someone is waiting for a fairy tale and believes in a miracle

Where the circus 🤡 went 

The fakir carries its tired snakes there

Paper pigeons are blown away by the wind

The old year goes there on New Year's Eve

Children go there on the carousel


The old year goes there on New Year's Eve

There on the carousel go children 👶 

There's music rattling today like yesterday

Once again the hall filled and the audience all the same

The circular swirls of the burning spotlight

And miracles are performed on the arena

The circular swirls of the burning spotlight

And miracles are performed on the arena

Where the circus went where the circus 🎪 went 

The end .

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.


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