Documentation Of Material You Bootanimation

Documentation Of Material You Bootanimation




1.) Make Backup of your current bootanimation. Download Mixplorer From Here. Go to product/media or in some roms it would be system/media. You will find there. Copy it to your internal storage and keep it safe incase something goes wrong then you will be able to put it back in same directory. Apply your favourite wallpaper.

2.) Go to 'About Phone' section in settings and tap a few times on Android Version 12. You will see a clock easter egg. Set it to 12:00 time and you will see another easter egg. After doing this you will get new widget in widget section. Check screenshots below.

A12 Easter Egg
A12 Easter Egg
Easter Egg Widget

3.) Add that widget on your homescreen. Open it and copy colour code of A1-100. The colour code will start from #. Paste it in some notes app.

Copy Color Code

4.) Similarly, copy colour codes of A1-500, A3-100 & A1-10 one by one and paste it in notes. Please note that you need to paste these in same sequence that i wrote above. First colour code will be A1-100. Second will be A1-500 and so on A3-100 & A1-10.

5.) After pasting all codes in sequence, write them in a line like below screenshot. Make Sure to add space after adding each color code.

Color Codes in Sequence

6.) Download Base Bootanimation Zip From Here. Open this zip using Mixplorer you downloaded earlier (don't use any other file explorer). You will find a text file desc.txt. open it and replace a line(check screenshot) with the one you wrote in notes app.

Replace Selected Text

7.) After replacing new txt file will look like below screenshot.

After Replacing

8.) Save this txt file and copy this new to the same directory (product/media or system/media) where you first made backup of your current bootanimation.

9.) Enjoy homemade material you bootanimation.


If bootanimation lags or the resolution isn't right then change resolution according to your device in desc txt file. In desc first line shows resolution + fps(bootanimation's frame per second). If your device has 720x1280 resolution then edit first line like given in screenshot below and save it.

Resolution Change

That '60' in first line shows fps. If the bootanimation lags for you try changing it to 30 or 18 or any lower number.

That's it folks!!

Enjoy Your New Bootanimation,


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