Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 9. 

Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 9. 

𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

The CEO of Wayfair, which sold cabinets for the price of children - Niraj Shah. This guy runs the Shah Family Foundation, whose partner is Girls Clubs of America, founded by Julius Epstein (Chicago, Illinois).

Julius Epstein is the father of Seymour George, who is the father of... DRUMANY DROD..,, Jeffrey Epstein.

So we have the right to think that you understand why the Wayfair figure denoting the price of the Yizlen sofa on their website coincides with the coordinates of Epstein Island and how it is all interconnected. But the saddest thing about Friends, all over wayfair's history, is that the CEO of Wayfair runs a children's fund that set up migrant camps.

The scheme of trafficking children on the kind of wardrobes was also revealed in July 2020.

The prices of seemingly ordinary cabinets on Wayfair look a little strange. The price of a pillow for $9,000 is at least strange. In general, the prices of cabinets and accessories are more similar to the prices of cars or, for example, the prices of slaves.

With such sky-high prices and accessories on the site there are no descriptions of them- nothing. Interestingly, if you score the name of the closet in google, get articles about the missing child/children.

For a LOW $30,000 you can get 4 dinosaurs drawn or for $12,000 you can get this children's album "DARK STUDIO JB"

After the resonance that got this theme in Western social media, these cabinets on Wayfair you will not find. Apparently, it was another scheme on child trafficking, hidden in full view of everyone.

Interestingly, the site has a lot of products called Epstein. But, what is most interesting in our opinion is who has a financial participation in this project.

One of those, as you may have guessed, is the notorious George Soros, who also has a financial participation in the Wuhan laboratory 🧫 

Although, it would be enough of one address to understand that the company is owned by Soros, however, let's give a more specific geolocation, so that it is clear that the company is located in Wuhan. As can be seen from the order, Soros owned a stake in WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road for about $250,000. 

The information that Soros owned the company dates back to 2011, which still does not cancel our surprise at the sight of such coincidences, when the near-Sorov headlight, the bio-company finds itself in the center of the coVID19 outbreak. All Soros holdings were included in the list of market supervision and investor protection services of the SEC in 2011.

However, it seems that if Soros has not got rid of his stake in this company at the moment, we can say with a certain degree of certainty that the efforts of Soros and Bill Gates in the care of the health of the citizens of the Earth have merged and summarized.

According to a report released last Friday, the U.S. company Schr'dinger Inc., with offices in Portland and New York, whose software is used in pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology laboratories, and provides molecular modeling and software solutions for enterprises to improve the efficiency of drug search and materials development in for science, has attracted funding of $85 million, which was implemented by the Bill and Melinda Foundation. 

Of course, the Chinese biopharmaceutical company in question, as you probably guessed, is the company mentioned above and is called WuXi AppTec.

Interestingly, funds/companies such as Deerfield Management, Baron, ziming Venture Partners and GV, formerly known as Google Ventures, also participated in the donations.

What is no less interesting, the co-founder of Microsoft and the famous billionaire "philanthropist", since 2010 donated as much as three times to Schredinger - 10 million dollars. U.S. in 2010 and $20 million. U.S. in 2012.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has $50.7 billion in assets in 2017, is a tax-free private foundation that holds the donated investment assets of Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as Warren Buffett. The trust was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

As we can see, the paths of Gates and Soros, so far from the bio- farm and other industries of people, joined in the coronavirus agenda, and Gates' connection with COVID19 is no less obvious than the connection with him of the same Soros 🖕👇

🔹Project funded by Bill Gates and his foundation, as we predicted earlier, is beginning to make money on the COVID19 coronavirus. It is beginning to offer home testing kits that will allow people who are afraid of coronavirus infection to take a swab from their noses and send samples for analysis. 

🔹In the words of Scott Dowell, the so-called "coronavirus response leader" at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the goal is to start processing thousands and thousands of tests a day over time. 

"While there is still work to be done, it has enormous potential to turn the tide of the epidemic," Dowell said, "One of the most important things from our point of view, when we've been watching and working on it in other parts of the world, is identifying people who are contagious so they can be safely isolated and cared for, and identifying their contacts, who can then also be quarantined."

🔹 As reported, the initiative was the result of a two-year Research Project Seattle Flu Study, based at the University of Washington, designed to track the spread of infectious diseases such as influenza. Funded by $20 million from the Bill Gates Private Foundation, the project has already attracted thousands of volunteers and sent them self-testing kits. 

We hope that now you understand who will benefit from the panic, and who will benefit the most, and who may be one of the initiators of not only the panic itself but also its causes 🖕✍️👇

China, Soros, Gates, WHO and the United Nations are working together to implement the New World Order.

As drug manufacturers accelerate their efforts to find a new drug because of a coronavirus outbreak that has caused worldwide panic, a Chinese pharmaceutical company has just announced the start of mass production of an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that "has the potential to fight a new coronavirus." BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology, a company from Suzhou, announced that it has developed a technology to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients of Remdesvir, a drug developed by Gilead Biosciences. Its share price rose 20 percent in morning trading in Shanghai on Tuesday. However, Gilead refuses to issue a patent for Remdesiver to China. 

And the fact that Gilead Biosciences is closely cooperating with the company Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec), owned by "philanthropist, manipulator and operator of the New World Order conman George Soros. Print of soros fund manager's portfolio:

As we can see, the production of Wuxi pharmaceuticals is conveniently located in the epicenter of the outbreak near the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was involved in the production of bioweapons. Taking into account the population density of China, which would not allow in such a short time to localize and eliminate the outbreak of kovid, as we have seen in other countries with less population density, is surrendered, in China there are biological weapons and medicine. But the story doesn't end there. George Soros also owns Gilead Biosciences 

According to The Gateway Pundit, doctors at Providence Regional Medical Center successfully treated a coronavirus patient for several hours using the drug Gilead Remdesivir. Given the current outbreak that has taken the world by surprise, is it important to look at all the current players and how the Soros Gilead Biosciences is linked to this viral outbreak?

Gilead Biosciences is a member of a drug procurement group called UNITAID, whose mandate is to create a "patent pool" for pharmaceutical companies so that they can share their "drug patents" with other companies to produce generic drugs for distribution to poor African countries. 

Royalties from the sale of these generic drugs are paid to patent holders. UNITAID originated from the 2000 UN Millennium Declaration, which has now grown into the UN Global Compact.

UNITAID has several financial sponsors, including WHO, which manages Gates, UNAIDS, the Global Fund and the Malaria Partnership. One of the billionaire investors behind UNITAID is George Soros himself. 

Royalties from the sale of these generic drugs are paid to patent holders. UNITAID originated from the 2000 UN Millennium Declaration, which has now grown into the UN Global Compact.

UNITAID has several financial sponsors, including WHO, which manages Gates, UNAIDS, the Global Fund and the Malaria Partnership. One of the billionaire investors behind UNITAID is George Soros himself. 

Interestingly, both UNITAID and Gilead Biosciences supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. 

In 2009, the UNITAID Council voted to exclude China and some other countries from the pool. However, everything has changed since then, and now UNITAID has included China in its patent pool. 

The minutes of the UNITED Executive Council dated 5-6 December 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco (which coincided with the signing of the UN Global Treaty on Migration) state:

"WHO's REPRESENTATIVE informed the Executive about a recent meeting coordinated by WHO with several global health partners (GPEI, GFF, Gavi, Unitaid, Global Fund) to support the development of a common health narrative. With regard to cooperation with Parliament, he informed about the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOV) between WHO and the Inter-Parliamentary Union and called on Unitaid to consolidate this commitment in its country work. He stressed the important role of Council members in supporting the Unitaid Secretariat by opening new doors and leveraging existing political and other links. He also gave positive feedback on Unitaid-WHO's recent visit to China, which explored opportunities for interaction."

And now, a year later, we have what is known as a global pandemic that came from mainland China, and the Chinese have a patent for a covid drug, and they are also included in the UN UNITAID initiative that will allow them to benefit from lower drug prices as a "poor country". In addition, Gilead, a major supporter of UNITAID, also announced that he was working with Chinese health authorities in clinical trials of Remdesvir as a coronavirus treatment. And once approved, Gilead will retain global rights to sell antiviral drugs.

In short, Friends, to sum up all of the above written, then the fact and essence of UNITAID - it's the UN, and it's the tools of biological warfare, where they control the cure. And China did not steal Gilead's patent; Gilead was a volunteer participant and they are even working with the Chinese government on clinical trials. 

There are still questions:

How this will affect the rest of the countries that are excluded from the "patent pool" that will allow the purchase of cheaper drugs for the treatment of covid. 

-Will the economies of the countries be held hostage by Sino-Soros-Gates globalism/Satanism/medical fascism/imperialism? 

Was the coronavirus outbreak a tool/tool for George Soros, Bill Gates and the United Nations to implement the New World Order? 

By the way, the address of the Soros company WuXi AppTec, as well as the notorious patent of Bill Gates contains 666- Address WuXi AppTec : 666 Goaxin Road.

In July 2020, a janitor was allowed to the Editorial Board and offered an insider in the Epstein-Maxwell case from the U.S. Supreme Court Court Janitor

An exemplary conversation 🗣 

"With you a janitor from the courthouse. It's been a while, but I've already sent a few drops on the topic of Giselle. Here's the latest news.

One of the members of the United States Supreme Court is on Epstein's tapes that were found yesterday. I'm sure you'll know who it is.

The most shocking thing is that the canary tells the feds that a nation-state blackmailed this gentleman before he was appointed to the United States Supreme Court.

What does that mean? That justice was smeared at the highest level because it was controlled by blackmail. Sheep in wolf's skin always seems like what it is not.

The cat got out of the bag. Or maybe it's just starting to get out...". (c)

Friends, if someone did not understand about whom our janitor from the U.S. Supreme Court, who is on tapes Of Epstein with children , it is the President of the U.S. Supreme Court since September 29, 2005 John Roberts. His name is also in the black Book of Epstein and in the recordings of the flight magazine Lolita Express, where high-ranking perverts were taken to the children on Epstein Island.

Current Members

John G. Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States

John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States,

was born in Buffalo, New York, January 27, 1955. He married Jane Marie Sullivan in 1996 and they have two children - Josephine and Jack. He received an A.B. from Harvard College in 1976 and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1979. He served as a law clerk for Judge Henry J. Friendly of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1979–1980 and as a law clerk for then-Associate Justice William H. Rehnquist of the Supreme Court of the United States during the 1980 Term. He was Special Assistant to the Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice from 1981–1982, Associate Counsel to President Ronald Reagan, White House Counsel’s Office from 1982–1986, and Principal Deputy Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice from 1989–1993. From 1986–1989 and 1993–2003, he practiced law in Washington, D.C. He was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 2003. President George W. Bush nominated him as Chief Justice of the United States, and he took his seat September 29, 2005.

Hopefully now you understand why Epstein got away with it for so long and how far the investigation went, that the FBI network got this level of official. We can only hope that the investigation and all the podophiles will be punished.

The president of the Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse helped Epstein select children for the sex-joys of the elite.

The woman on the left is Claire Hazel-Ive. Her name is on Epstein's Lolita Express flight log. 

Lady Clare Ive, 4th Countess of Ive (in Jeffrey Epstein's black book is referred to as "Claire Hazel-Iviag"), married to a billionaire heir to the fortune of Guinness, Count Edward Guinness. Their main home is the Elveden estate, located near the Norfolk-Suffolk border, although they also have significant assets in Ireland and Canada. Elveden Hall was the main location for several major films, including Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut".

Claire Hazell-Ive - Lady Ive - worked for Gisele Maxwell in the US and that she (Ive) bought children for Maxwell, says survivor of paedophile Maria Farmer.

According to a study by the newspaper, Hazell-Ivy was among Jeffrey Epstein's guests at the zorro ranch in New Mexico, where she was seen next to a paedophile.

According to flight logs, Claire Hazel flew on the Lolita Express 32 times, traveling with Epstein to New Mexico, Ohio and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Most interestingly, she is president of the West Suffolk National Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse (NSPCC). 

Recall that now Maxwell, who apparently attended all major children's competitions in the U.S. to select children for Epstein, who was probably involved in the most high-profile crime in the U.S. in the 1990s - the murder of JonBenet Patricia Ramsey winner of children's beauty contests in the U.S., is now allegedly in hospital allegedly because of a cooida, from where she would soon never come out.

We hope now you understand, Friends, the broad foot of the flow of child trafficking in the United States, that even the president of the National Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse (NSPCC) is involved in this.

The archives are July 2020 and the liar China 🇨🇳 because the covid is not a new coronavirus, he identified back in 2014. 

In 2013, zheng-li and her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were asked to investigate a viral profile of a mine trunk in Yunnan Province after six miners contracted pneumonia with symptoms similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). After sampling the mine for a year, the researchers identified a diverse group of bat coronaviruses, one of which was called RaBtCoV/4991 (GenBank KP876546) and was partially sequenced as a fragment of a 440-base pair aimed at the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene (RdRp).

In a Nature article dated February 3, 2020, scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (Cheng-Li Shi) stated that the coronavirus RaTG13, isolated from bats in Yunnan Province, showed a 96.2% identity sequence with SARS-CoV- 2 and therefore "RaTG13 is the closest relative" of SARS-CoV-2 is found in nature.

A month later, on March 17, 2020, the article "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2", widely cited by scientists and the media, confirmed the conclusion that RaTG13 is the closest relative of SARS-CoV-2.

The entire RaTG13 genome was uploaded to genBank National Health Bank on January 27, 2020 and updated on March 24, 2020. There is no mention of RaBtCoV / 4991 in these applications. However, in the Chinese virus database of March 7, 2020, the source code RaTG13 and RaBtCoV / 4991 are listed as the same virus. This means that China knew from the beginning that RaTG13 was not a unique coronavirus, but simply a duplicate of RaBtCoV / 4991, and kept this important fact a secret.

This statement was supported by Peter Dashak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance and a longtime employee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology: "We found the closest relative of the current SARS-CoV-2 in a bat in China in 2013. We sequenced a bit of the genome and then it was placed in the freezer; because it didn't look like SARS.""

Although the virus is unique enough to be considered a new strain and associated with the outbreak, RaBtCoV/4991 subsequently disappeared from scientific literature.

According to new information, Chinese scientists have experimented with RaTG13 during 2017 and 2018. In short, the facts clearly and unequivocally show that China not only lied about the origin of COVID-19, but also, undoubtedly, itself and produced it.

We hope you understand how the communist idea of the world revolution, social distancing, AI, chips and China, whose laboratories are invested by Gates and Soros, and where they are already experimenting with the immune passport and social status of the citizen are connected.

An investigation began into the Clintons and Epstein, and four weeks later her body was found in a hotel.

The FBI interviewed an alleged Epstein rape victim, Bill Clinton's boy. Senior FBI officials interviewed the victim, who said he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was just eight years old. The interview was conducted by an FBI task force that was set up to investigate sexual assault and human trafficking cases involving Jeffrey Epstein and his staff.

Once upon a time, Jen Moore provided details against Bill Clinton and other elite politicians to child trafficking experts at DHS's Department of Homeland Security and the FBI in July 2018. Moore, a lawyer who investigated children who were abused and abused, was then under investigation for allegations by a 26-year-old man that he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites.

But Moore and the traumatized victim wanted to first contact the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to find out if they would file a criminal case against Clinton before making the case public. Their fears were true.

Four weeks after contacting the feds, Jen Moore was found dead in a hotel room in Washington.

After Moore's death, the victim, fearing for his life, decided not to make the interview public. But now the victim still tells his story to the FBI.

 wonder if the Clintons' victim will suffer the same fate as her departed lawyer Jen, who so carelessly started the case ...

Yesterday it became known about the arrest of the FBI Gislen Maxwell and the charge of six counts.

1) Conspiracy to inseding minors to engage in unlawful sexual acts

2) conspiracy to transport minors to engage in unlawful sexual acts

3) transporting minors to participate in unlawful sexual acts

Maxwell's indictment - where she trained minors for Epstein - focuses on 1994-1997- the abuse of minors in New York, Florida, New Mexico, London.

After pre-indictment Maxwell's six counts of aiding Epstein in rape, a request from the court to speak to Prince Andrew was added.

"Maxwell played a crucial role in helping Epstein identify, befriend and care for underage victims, in some cases Maxwell was involved in abuse," prosecutors also noted during the trial that paedophile Prince Andrew should come "to talk to us."

The pandemic no longer works. Go and start a race war.

"I'm going to destroy the United States by funding black hate groups. We're going to put them in a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to "manipulate" - George Soros (interview with the German edition of BILD-September 2014), "The destruction of America will be the culmination of the work of my life."

"The pandemic no longer works. Go ahead and start a race war," Soros must have said or said to whoever was performing.

That's all you need to know about the protests in the United States.

So what is the difference between the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, between Epstein and Gates? 

In early April 2020, it was reported that the Gates Foundation was funding The Washington-based IHME models used by the conman Tony Fauci and Deborah Birks. The models were completely inaccurate, but helped "experts" spread the catalysion of panic among the U.S. population. Later, Bill Gates went to CNN to praise China for treating this "dangerous disease" that has killed "tens of thousands of people around the world."

On Monday of the same month, news emerged that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had bet on the tech giants in the first quarter of 2020, according to a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

The Markets Businessinsider : 

According to a recent statement from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation relied on technology titans in the first quarter. The trust, which manages the assets of the world's largest private fund, has opened new positions in Apple, Amazon, Google-parent Alphabet, Alibaba and Twitter. His shares in the first four were valued at between $100 million and $130 million as of March 31, while his Twitter assets were worth about $7 million.

It also revealed $301 million. Schrodinger is a group of drug search software developers. Also missing from Gates' portfolio are five million berkshire Hathaway shares, representing 10% of his stake in the Warren Buffett conglomerate.

We hope now you understand that globalist tax-exempt funds with direct access to....including the Clinton Foundation and the Melinda and Bill Foundation were funded and funded by the CIA's In-Y-Tel investment arm, which would be better called the CIA investment company, which focuses primarily on Big Tech Co and technology investment. That is, in fact, all funds is a hand in glove, which helps much faster (in our case, if we are only talking about them) faster to separate Americans from their freedom and other. 

All funds of this kind are in fact as a "private person" and their mutual connection with American (and other) foreign intelligence agencies certainly cannot be denied. If you know that Jeffrey Epstein was an Israeli intelligence agent whose role was to lure the elites into a honey trap for their continued use, it's clear that Gates has a lot in common with Jeffrey Epstein, who, as we all know, didn't kill himself.

Funds such as Melinda and Bill, Clinton and others are used as a key mechanism of globalist elites in subversion of governments. The 1954 Dodd-Committee report to the Funds Committee referred to such a negative impact, particularly on the American government. Dodd pretty clearly demonstrated a plan that worked for decades. However, at that time the Committee was quickly closed by puppets of the elite from Congress.

So what's the difference between the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, Epstein and Gates? And Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea and Melinda Gates wear an upside-down crucifix. Melinda Gates appeared with him around her neck on one of the morning talk shows. 

The CDC recognizes that 98 million Americans have received the cancer virus through a polio vaccine.

Friends, in light of mass vaccination in a voluntary-forced manner, omitting the issue of ethics, which in the aspect of vaccination was dismantled at the Nuremberg process, where it was decided that mandatory universal vaccination violates several points of the Nuremberg "code", I would like to tell you about another important vaccination moment.

The fact is that five or less or more years ago, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, known to our reader as the CDC, acknowledged that between 1955 and 1963, more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccination, which was infected with a cancer-causing virus called the 40-virus vacuolia Simiana 40 (SV40). 

However, for obvious many reasons, the CDC quickly deleted the recognition page, but the site fortunately managed to be cached. Not only has the cache also been cleaned up, but already, as you know, the giant Google, but caring people, anticipating the obvious removal of the article from the cache of Google, managed to save the screen page of the CDC with recognition, so that we could once again lead this greatest recognition in the crime against Humanity. 

The address of the Google cache

Pictured is the same as it appeared on 11 July 2013 at 06:49:38 GMT:

Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"More than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963, while part of the vaccine was infected with SV40; it was estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have obtained an infected SV40 dose of the vaccine. The SV40 virus has been found in some types of cancer in humans, but it has not been found that SV40 causes these cancers," the CDC said in a statement, "... Most scientific evidence suggests that the vaccine infected with SV40 did not cause cancer; however, some of the results of the studies are contradictory and more research is needed. Polio vaccines used today do not contain SV40. All modern evidence suggests that polio vaccines have been free of SV40 since 1963. Additional fact: In the 1950s, rhesus macaque cells, which contain SV40 if the animal is infected, were used to prepare polio vaccines. Since THE SV40 was not opened until 1960, no one knew in the 1950s that a polio vaccine could be contaminated... Not all doses of IPV were contaminated. It has been estimated that only 10-30 million people actually received a vaccine containing SV40... Some evidence suggests that taking a vaccine contaminated with SV40 may increase the risk of cancer."

As can be seen from the deleted confession, the CDC has tried to absolve itself of any blame for the deaths of tens of millions of vaccinated people, and has even cited studies that have not proven a link between cancer and the contaminated vaccine. Apparently, even the CDC revered the evidence so childish and shaky that the article with the recognition in the death of "10-30 million Americans" was still decided to remove.

However, to confirm this incredible recognition, Dr. Michelle Carbon, an assistant professor of pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, independently verified the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples of patients who died in that era. He found that 33% of samples of human remains with osteosarcoma, 40% with other bone cancers and 60% of lung mesothelioma cancers contain this obscure virus. 

There is no way we can reach the airfield in order to finally fly, we can not crawl because of the many red lines crossed carelessly, recklessly, brazenly. Part of the red lines above 🖕in 9 chapters, and more serious part may soon 🔜 in order of numbers from 10 chapters onwards, according to the rules of arithmetic numbers and life will live in a novel with a different name. 

A similar description of furniture and flights ✈️ in the following parts. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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