Do You Want To Eliminate Your Double Chin?

Do You Want To Eliminate Your Double Chin?

Williams Smiths

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Do you want to eliminate your double chin? These exercises can help you. Sagging tissues, age, and being overweight are causes of a double chin. Maintain a slender and firm neck with these recommendations.

Time passes for everyone, but with some, it is crueler if special care has not been taken for the body. Wrinkles, spots, fat accumulated in the abdomen due to a sedentary life, and gray hair are just some visible signs ... but there is also the hated double chin or "double chin".

That accumulation of fat under the chin is a nuisance for many women. This can vary in size due to being overweight, flaccid tissues, age, among others.

Although cosmetic surgery may be the "quickest" solution, it is important to take into account some exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home or even in your office. Remember that a surgical procedure, no matter how simple it may seem, carries risks.

We share seven exercises that the "fashion bible", Vogue magazine, suggests for those women who want to show a more youthful face.

1. Reach for your nose: stick your tongue out as far as you can and bring it to the tip of your nose and try to touch it. Make sure your lips are extremely relaxed. Repeat 5 times.

2. A kiss to heaven: raise your head as high as you can. With your neck stretched out, bring your lips together and bring them together, as if you were blowing kisses with your head tilted back. You can do this exercise every day in three sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Exercise with a ball: place a tennis ball under your chin and hold it by pressing it against your chest. Press and release. That flaccid area will gradually get stronger.

4. Inverted smile: put tension on the sides of the neck by making an “inverted smile”. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and relax. It is suggested to perform 10 repetitions three times a day.

5. Fists and resistance: put your hands in a fist shape under your chin, slightly lower the lower jaw, and press against the fists. This will help your neck muscles have resistance.

6. Chew gum: Although it seems a little crazy, the action of chewing strengthens the jaw. Choose a sugar-free gum.

7. From one side to the other: stretch your neck back (without forcing), hold that position for a few seconds. Do the same posture but "stretching the head down, to the left and to the right." In each direction, you must count five seconds. You should keep the men relaxed, but not move them. Run this routine every day.

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