Do You Know If The Bees Become Extinct, Humanity Can Disappear?

Do You Know If The Bees Become Extinct, Humanity Can Disappear?

Williams Smiths
(Photo by mostafa eissa from Pexels)

The work of these insects is essential for our life and many still do not believe it. If they were to disappear, food would become scarce and biodiversity would have its days numbered.

"A world without bees would be a world much sadder, discolored, boring and of doubtful viability", declared the person in charge of Agriculture of Greenpeace in Spain, Luis Ferreirim facing the possibility that one day these insects will disappear.

The Royal Geographical Society of London also stated that there are no other more important species on the planet than the bee and many people are still not convinced of this. 250,000 species of plants that are the basis of world agriculture depend on these animals, clarifies the British institution.

Their pollinating work produces the formation of seeds and fruits for the survival of all animals and human beings, that is why everyone's life is on their feet.

The founder of the Spanish movement that has spread throughout the world, the Fundación Amigos de las Abejas, insists that the extermination of these insects would cause a catastrophic loss of biodiversity of plants and animals and a decrease in fruits and vegetables that would cause the lack of food on Earth.

That is why, today, on World Bee Day, the United Nations (UN) takes up the need to abandon some “black” practices that are harmful to them. Almost 90% of plants and flowers depend on them and 75% of food crops as well, indicates the UN.

Bad agricultural practices such as monocultures, disproportionate use of pesticides, and industrialized agriculture cordon off the land so that bees do not thrive. But also climate change, land development, and electromagnetic pollution affect them.

If human activity, the development of societies, and the environment achieved a balance, the situation could improve. The key, as Ferreirim believes, could be: "That we are able to control the population and the consumption of raw materials, respect and maintain the biodiversity of plant and animal species on our ecosystems to the maximum."


The products that are extracted from the hive are varied. You get more than honey from them and they all serve a healthy role. The venom that is removed is used as a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic, with the wax healing ointments and medicine grafts are prepared. The jelly from hives is necessary to stimulate the nervous and immune systems. Pollen serves as a food supplement to give energy to the body and propolis has antiviral properties.

Why is the life of bees in your hands? Here we reveal it to you so that you contribute so that the bees do not become extinct. The United Nations Organization proposes the following actions:

1. Grow in your home garden a wide variety of native plants that flourish at different times of the year.

2. Buy honey but unrefined and preferably from farmers in your area or in health food stores that stock the products of local entrepreneurs.

3. Before acquiring a product derived from the hive, investigate what agricultural practices are carried out by beekeepers, if they are sustainable it means that their processes respect the life of these insects

4. Protect wild bee colonies. If there is a hive in your neighborhood or near your house, do not disturb it. Respect their space.

5. Leave a shallow bowl with clean water and rocks or sticks for the bees to drink and not drown.

6. Help them maintain forest ecosystems.

7. Create awareness about your situation, share this information in your circles and social networks. The decline in the number of bees affects us all.

8. Meanwhile, and from the reality that surrounds everyone, we must respect their life, almost imperceptible for many, but completely necessary to survive.

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