Do Women Like Penis

Do Women Like Penis


Do Women Like Penis
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Those times when you watch a penis just ~*~*fLoAt~*~*~ up by itself like it's at a slumber party with a bunch of other penises playing Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board, and other dick-related thoughts.

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3. It's scary when you get those "grower" ones that looks like a mushroom when flaccid and then gets enormous. Then again, it makes you feel like an excellent dick gardener.
4. When penises aren't circumcised it looks like they're wearing a little hat.
5. When they're hard and they jump a little bit by themselves and you're like, "WHAT."
6. There's no way they make guys sit with their legs THAT far apart on public transportation. Quit playing.
7. Do penises get in the way when guys do stuff? I don't know what kind of stuff. Walking? Working out?
10. Why are balls always more dangly in real life than they are in my memory?
11. Penises are nice in every way but aesthetically, I think. Is that insulting?
12. I wish I just could feel it without having to look at it.
13. Am I hurting it? Chafing it? Bending, spindling or otherwise maiming it in some way?
14. I can totally deep-throat this.
15. Never mind, I cannot deep-throat this.
16. What if I drew a face on this penis?
18. I guess my vagina's no prize, either.
19. I don't think this penis fits right.
20. Oh, great, this fits perfectly.
21. Hahaha, you do not need a Magnum.
22. Shit, we're gonna have to run to the bodega and get Magnums.
23. Penises reminds me a little bit of that Portlandia sketch. (Okay, maybe that one is more specific.)

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Elizabeth Palermo

published July 23, 2015

What makes a penis attractive? Not sure? Well, don't rely on your opinion to answer that question — science has the answer.
A new survey, published yesterday (July 23) in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, aimed to find out which qualities women consider most carefully when deciding whether a penis is attractive. Researchers from the University of Zurich in Switzerland first asked a group of 105 women, ranging in age from 16 to 45, to look at pictures of male genitalia and rate how "normal looking" they found each penis to be.
Next, the penis oglers answered questions about which penile qualities they considered most important when assessing the attractiveness of a man's package. Specifically, subjects were asked to rate the following attributes in order of importance: length of the penis, girth of the penis , position and shape of the meatus (the opening where certain fluids come out), shape of the glans (the rounded tip or head of the penis), appearance of the scrotum, appearance of the skin on the penis, appearance of pubic hair and the overall cosmetic appearance of the penis. [ 8 Wild Facts About the Penis ]
Which of these qualities were most important to women? Perhaps not surprisingly, the position and shape of a man's meatus didn't matter much to the ladies. Almost as insignificant was the appearance of the scrotum, the researchers found. However, you might be surprised to learn that the third least important penis quality was length . That's right, fellas — it's not the size of the boat that matters.
So, what penile qualities do women care about? It turns out that ladies are looking for the total package, so to speak. Survey participants ranked the overall cosmetic appearance of a penis to be the most important quality they consider when assessing a man's genitals. But more specifically, they cared about hair — pubic hair, that is. The survey found that the appearance of body hair was the second-most important quality that women consider. Tied for third were girth and the appearance of penis skin, followed by the shape of the tip.
But besides answering a long-debated question, the penis assessment survey also had a scientific purpose: It was conducted to inform doctors who work with male patients with a condition known as hypospadias , in which the urethral opening of the penis (the aforementioned meatus) is located on the underside of the penis, instead of on the tip. Men who undergo surgery to correct this condition often report feeling that their penises look abnormal, even though health professionals tend to report that their patients' surgically altered penises look just fine.
As part of the survey, women were shown pictures of circumcised penises that were otherwise unaltered, as well as penises that had undergone surgery to correct hypospadias. The researchers found that, overall, women thought that the surgically altered penises looked just as normal as penises that hadn't undergone hypospadias surgery.
 Follow Elizabeth Palermo @ techEpalermo . Follow Live Science @livescience , Facebook & Google+ . Original article on Live Science .
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This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

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This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Ashley Oerman
Lifestyle Director
Ashley Oerman is the lifestyle director at Cosmopolitan, covering fitness, health, food, cocktails, and home.

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As much as we love this male reproductive organ, an initial encounter with one can spark some mixed emotions. First off, if you're in the presence of one, it's very likely you're about to participate in some exciting sexy time. Score. But since his package can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, it's totally normal to have a few thoughts on the status of his junk before it all goes down. Here, 10 things you've definitely thought after catching a glimpse of his man-parts. 
1. "Woah, I definitely should not have judged this guy on his height." Surprise—it's huge! You did not see that one coming. 
2. "Score—he's a manscaper!" You're not afraid of a little fuzz, but it's definitely more enjoyable if you don't have to maneuver around those hairs. 
3. "Hmm, I've never seen that kind of curve before." Like snowflakes, fingerprints, and Beyoncé's hairstyles, no two penises are exactly alike—except maybe ones belonging to identical twins. Note to self: Google that later. 
4. "It kind of looks like one of those wrinkly dogs." Turns out, this guy is uncircumcised and is hiding a tiny pug in his pants. 
5. "It looks like he's a shower, not a grower." He has all his cards on the table, and you're not mad about it. 
6. "Is that an ingrown hair, or..." Oh, man, looks like it's time for the STD talk. Better safe than sorry. 
7. "OMG, this might be a genuine micropenis!" You've only read about these extremely rare peens , and now that you're face-to-face with one, you feel like you've won a sexual treasure hunt. Hopefully your prize is mind-blowing oral.
8. "Would it be weird if I named it?" Obviously it's his property—but you can't help but feel a little territorial about the thing that's going to get so well acquainted with your lady-parts. 
9. "Where else has this been?" If his member could talk, you would ask it about all the locations it's explored. Hey, you're just curious. Unfortunately, you'll just have to ask your partner. 
10. "Let's test this baby out." Now that you're done inspecting the goods, it’s time to take him for a test drive. 

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