Do Women Like Cum On Their Face

Do Women Like Cum On Their Face


Do Women Like Cum On Their Face

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Do any women here enjoy having their faces/mouths ejaculated on?


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ive been ok with the mouth, (they usually come in the mouth) - only every know and then, its usually more with a BJ. - but i wouldn't like it sprayed all over my face.

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What is disrespectful about it is the fact that a man is covering someone's face they supposedly care about with their muck. It's not nice at all. Kinda like peeing on someones face.

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If that is disrespectful, then getting your mouth gummed up with all sorts of vaginal secretion whilst you have your head stuck between her legs must be as get my point?

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it's very objectifying, the woman gets NO satisfaction from it.

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In that case, why did you post a thread saying you were angry because you let her pee on you?

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EternalSingle ,
December 27, 2009 in Sex and Romance

Back in the day I only had one ex who really enjoyed that. Most wouldn't let me do it at all. Seems most women don't like it at all...

What is the general consensus here?

Do females enjoy having it done to them?
im not a woman but im pretty sure they dont enjoy it.
ive been ok with the mouth, (they usually come in the mouth) - only every know and then, its usually more with a BJ. - but i wouldn't like it sprayed all over my face.

What about it specifically do you not like? Just because it is messy?
Just think it is. It's more for slappers in porn movies.
I hate it, I've done it once, and will do it if my boyfriend and I are able to trust eachother 100%. Another thing I'll only let it happen if I am drunk!!!

But generally I think it is VERY disrespectful.
Why would I enjoy it? Seriously, what's my payoff?

I don't care if someone comes in my mouth, but on my face, no.

But generally I think it is VERY disrespectful .

Why does everyone use this word again and again? What is disrespectful about it?
it's very objectifying, the woman gets NO satisfaction from it. also if cum gets into the eye it is VERY painful.
My ex enjoyed doing it and I enjoyed the fact that he enjoyed doing it. It was often me that initiated it or told him to do it ... he really loved that. Having said that he did say that I was one in a million and he hadn't meant many women that enjoyed it ... but I quite liked that fact too. (Wonder if that meant he has had a million women lol?!)
What is disrespectful about it is the fact that a man is covering someone's face they supposedly care about with their muck. It's not nice at all. Kinda like peeing on someones face.
I think of it as quite like being spat on. It's the sort of thing you'd find in porno's, most real women don't act like the women you see in those videos...

If that is disrespectful, then getting your mouth gummed up with all sorts of vaginal secretion whilst you have your head stuck between her legs must be as get my point?

Err, no. The counterpart to oral sex is oral sex. Not having someone use your face as a "&* dumpster so they can pretend they're in a porno.

Many reasons not to want it done to you.

Many reasons not to want it done to you.

that's what causes me to want to puke when I smell it!!! eww...
I'd say that is completely different. Without being graphic, that's pretty much standard procedure. the same as what a woman will do for a man if you know what I mean. I'm saying that it makes a difference where the man's stuff goes. That it the whole point of this thread isn't it? Plus, men LIKE doing that, god knows why, but they do so it's their choice.

huh? my ex LOVED my cumming in her mouth and anywhere on her body except inside her chocha...

my first g/f that would let me do it.

she LOVED IT and of course i LOVED IT too...

here's my point- when i'm going down on a woman- she gets wet wet wet...all of her love juices are all in my mouth and on my face.

Heck yes i LOVE having my woman's love juice all over my face (so long as she's got a good taste)

because i KNOW that she's having all that love juice because of her hotness for me...

i think if more women let me cum in their mouths or faces (at least married women) then relationships could be much better...

its all about letting go while having sex....

i even let my ex pee on me one time- she stood over me while i jerked off...(i had no idea she was gonna do it) and she was rubbing baby oil all over her body and dripping it down on she moved her body to the latin music in her mind...

then i looked up and saw some moisture on her chocha...i was wondering if it was her love juice and suddenly she let it drip down right on my penis and then let it shoot out in streams...

but i was open to something new sexually ... and not hung up on what was going on.

i would draw the line if she would have pooped on me tho!!

ps- one time she accused me of being in the relationship with her just for sex...i was like - at least that part of our relationship is pretty rock solid.

I only wished we would have had that real mental/spiritual connection to have MIND BLOWING sex...
In that case, why did you post a thread saying you were angry because you let her pee on you?

i was drunk posting late last night and was mad because we were not together getting at it last night..

now i have a little nostalgia for it once i read this thread.
Ah no worries then. It is a little different though for a man to make contact with a womans woo woo with his face and for a man to aim his stuff at a womans face.

Its sad to think that a relationship will only last if you let a man ejaculate on you!! Although its something I enjoy I can quite understand why most don't.

then i looked up and saw some moisture on her chocha...i was wondering if it was her love juice and suddenly she let it drip down right on my penis and then let it shoot out in streams...

Now that is something I wouldn't do. What about the sheets? The mattress? Eew!!

Now that is something I wouldn't do. What about the sheets? The mattress? Eew!!

i was speaking tongue in cheek about relationships not lasting. LOL

she put some towels down on the bed and told me- papi, i want you to jerk off for me while i watch...

i said what's with the towels? she was like- i don't wanna get the baby oil on the sheets- now hush up and do it!!!

i got all hot...i was like "WTH is she planning to do?"

i still have that memory of the sun shining between her legs on her dark skin and suddenly seeing what can only best be seen as that slow leak that you notice in your the water slowly forms a droplet...

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I was talking with the man in my life about the pornization of sex and used the cum on the face thing as an example, positing that women don't really enjoy that. He was surprised because his last GF was really into it.

So I come to you, women of Metafilter (and men who know women who are frank about this sort of thing). Do you enjoy cum on the face? If so, is it because you've seen it in porn and that makes it sexy, or is it just innately enjoyable for you?

No. posted by otherwordlyglow at 3:23 PM on February 8, 2010
I don't. It's pointless and itchy. I personally prefer it when ejaculation happens somewhere, uh, internal to me. posted by KathrynT at 3:24 PM on February 8, 2010
Not if it's spelled "cum?"

Otherwise, depends on the come and the context. It's not something I crave, but it has its place in a repertoire of things to do with a partner.

(Not porn-influenced, as I don't really find any aspect of mainstream porn movies to be sexy.) posted by desuetude at 3:28 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 5 favorites ]
there are lots, and lots, and lots of articles online about this specific topic .

but, heck, i'll bite...

i love facials. i love ejaculation on pretty much any part of my body. i find it sexy and alluring and silly and fun. i can't be positive, but i'm pretty sure i received my first facial before i saw it in porn. in any case, when i first started hunting out porn, i searched for money shots, not because i saw them and thought they were sexy, but because i think they're sexy and wanted to find more pictures/videos/stories. posted by nadawi at 3:28 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 7 favorites ]
Yeah, not really my thing. posted by Maisie at 3:29 PM on February 8, 2010
also - is there a reason you only seek out the female response? are you not interested at all if men who like men also enjoy come on their face? posted by nadawi at 3:29 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 9 favorites ]
In fact, for me, the "cum shot" is the least appealing part of most porn by a country mile.

heh heh see what I did there posted by KathrynT at 3:30 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 2 favorites ]
Another vote for yes, sometimes I do like it messy, other times, not so much. Depends on the person and the mood. posted by MuChao at 3:33 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 2 favorites ]
I love giving oral sex because they love getting it, not because it's innately enjoyable to have a mouthful of meat or a big warm mess on my face. It has nothing to do with pornography, and I actually tend to dislike blowjob-porn. It's boring. Pleasing your partner is much more exciting!

just don't get it in my eye... damn that hurts. posted by sunshinesky at 3:33 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 4 favorites ]
nadawi, thanks for the google-keyword help. I didn't know these were called facials. We were talking specifically about woman, so I'm mostly curious about straight womens' experiences. posted by paddingtonb at 3:34 PM on February 8, 2010
Of course, I was implying I also 'enjoy' facials, just that it has nothing to do with porn or 'innate' enjoyment. posted by sunshinesky at 3:35 PM on February 8, 2010
fwiw - here is a blog post by madison young responding to an anti-face shot article posted at bitch media , if you're curious how a self-described feminist porn star feels. posted by nadawi at 3:38 PM on February 8, 2010
We were talking specifically about woman, so I'm mostly curious about straight womens' experiences.

oh, well, then my contributions aren't needed. i'm bi.

this conversation almost always turns itself around to feminism and women's place in porn - and it would seem just as useful to the discussion, if not more useful to see how men who sleep with men feel about this particular sex act. it allows the discussion to be more than "it's demeaning to women!"/"feminism is about doing what you want!"... posted by nadawi at 3:47 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 7 favorites ]
Not really opinionated either way on the question itself, but as a helpful side note - PLEASE avoid the eyes! You would not believe how badly that hurts. posted by lucky25 at 3:50 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 1 favorite ]
I always thought it was demeaning and objectifying. Then I was with a woman who told me that, to her, it was a celebration of the male orgasm and that it made her happy in the same way that I felt happy when I brought her to orgasm. When I pointed out that I didn't need to celebrate her orgasms with a shampoo afterwards she countered with, well, you do go wash your beard, and I had no answer to that. I still think it's demeaning. But there are women who like it. I suspect that there is a significant subset of those women who like it because they've been pornified and thus expect sex to be bomp chicka wow wow instead of two mammals rutting while the spaghetti sauce cooks and the kids are at basketball practice, but that's just conjecture. posted by BitterOldPunk at 3:52 PM on February 8, 2010 [ 13 favorites ]
Nope, don't like it, not one bit. Total deal breaker, I'd dump my b/f's ass in a heart beat if he insisted or complained. Growing up I heard one too many boys talk about "jacking off" (and much worse. also, their expression not mine) in the face of some girl that had bruised their ego in some way, so I ended up seeing it
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