Do I need a slideshow on the article page?

Do I need a slideshow on the article page?

Checklist: “Slideshows are required only if the source article shows several photos or other media as a slideshow or gallery.”

This is not the case, and this could have been completed. The article shows only one image and a link to another page. The galleries on this site are multi-page. One photo - one page.

Gallery-page is a

- photo (optional, maybe 1px stub) example

- the text under the photo. May contain other images, video, embedded posts (example). It may be the same for all photos, and may be different.

Checklist: “If this is the case, do the following:
- Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible.”

It is not possible because:

- If the gallery uses the youtube, Instagram, etc. post as the main content. Instead of an image, a 1px stub is used. Identify such images is impossible. They always have a different img/@src, and the page layout is no different. The slideshow will be filled with blank images.

img/@src always different, even within the same gallery.
img/@alt="juxtapose" for all images without meaningful @alt (not only for stubs)

link to this page

- <slideshow> does not support nested <iframe> (embedded posts)

- we lose all the content under the photo (and according to the rules we can no longer show the link to the original gallery)

- Many pages will require more than 30 @inline, which will lead to INLINE_IFRAME_TOO_MUCH. Often on the page for several galleries. In addition, >30 photos in one gallery is not uncommon. I can limit the number of requests and show no more than 30 photos in total. But then again I break the rule “Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible”

Checklist: “Present all images in the IV as a gallery, if possible”

I saved the link on article page. Moreover, my template collects all the photo galleries on one gallery page example. And shows along with the signatures (text, video, embedded posts etc.). At the same time, duplicate text under the photo is deleted (if possible reliably identify it) example.


If, despite all these problems, the admin decides that you need a slideshow on the article page. I would like to get unequivocal answers to the questions:

1. What to do with INLINE_IFRAME_TOO_MUCH? Ignore, or show not all photos?

2. Do I keep the link to the original gallery under the slideshow?

3. To summarize, is this option acceptable?

4. Another question arose.

What to do with articles that contain only a link to the gallery and no more meaningful content. For example, (there are a lot of such articles). In my current template, everything is clear.

article page in current templage

But in the slideshow version, it will need to be converted to consecutive photos.

Article page, if @inline images

There will be a page with consecutive photos without captions (texts, embedded, etc.) and a link to the gallery page, which also looks like, but with captions. In my opinion, it looks silly.

gallery page in current template

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