Do I Need a Drink Driving Lawyer?

Do I Need a Drink Driving Lawyer?

Joseph Westrom

Getting caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is unlikely to result in a good consequence. At Mandslawyers, we work on these situations every day and have for many years. Our extensive expertise with these sorts of charges provides our clients with benefits that they would not otherwise have if they attempted to navigate the judicial system on their own.

You've come to the correct spot if you're wondering if you need a drunk driving lawyer. We'll go through many of the details involved in assessing drink-driving accusations and the consequences that come with them. We hope that this information will help you make an informed choice regarding your DUI case and whether or not you need to hire a lawyer.

How Drink Driving Charges are Determined

An individual's blood alcohol level is usually measured on the spot and confirmed by a breathalyzer test or blood test. If your blood alcohol level is more than 0.05 percent, you will almost certainly be arrested for drunk driving. The charges you will face following a drunk driving event are determined by the range of your blood alcohol concentration, often known as the PCA level.

Financial penalties and criminal records may be just the beginning of the consequences of a drunk driving offense. Most drunk driving offenses stay on your criminal record for ten years, affecting many aspects of your life. You might lose your job, be required to disclose your charge to a regulatory employment authority, be subjected to medical tests before being permitted to drive again, see your insurance rates rise, and have your vacation plans jeopardized due to visa limitations to countries such as the United States.

Pleading Guilty to Drink Driving

Most Australians will prefer to admit guilt to a drink-driving offense since admitting responsibility will likely result in a better overall outcome. You may or may not require legal assistance to enter a guilty verdict, depending on the facts of your case. If you feel your charges are suitable for a section 10 remission or clemency, we strongly advise you to cooperate with us to navigate the judicial system.

Pleading Not Guilty to Drink Driving

Not all DUI offences are created equal; in fact, some turn out to be incorrect owing to legal errors or omissions. If you feel your drink-driving charge stems from this type of carelessness, you should contact a lawyer right away to understand how to defend a drink-driving accusation.

Study Shows Australians Don’t Know the Drink Driving Laws

Budget Direct, a vehicle insurance business, recently conducted a poll of men and women to determine their understanding of Australia's drunk driving regulations. You might be shocked by the results, just as we were. Only other nations (automatic incarceration) and El Salvador have more stringent drunk driving regulations than Australia (rumored to have a death penalty).

Here's some of the study's results that may allow you better comprehend Australia's alcohol and drug driving regulations:

The PCA legal alcohol limit of 0.05 percent was unknown to 26% of Australians questioned.
Twenty percent admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol. Men accounted for 24% of the total, while women accounted for 16% of the total.
In Australia, alcohol is involved in 30% of traffic deaths. This compared to 9% in Germany, 16% in the United Kingdom, and 31% in the United States.

In Australia, drink driving is a serious offense that has resulted in hundreds of deaths that may have been avoided. A drink-driving offense was responsible for 19% of the country's 1,293 road deaths. This figure explains why the penalties for individuals found driving under the influence of alcohol is so severe.

Whatever type of drunk or drugged driving circumstance you've found yourself in, whether you're the perpetrator or the victim, we'd be glad to hear about it. To schedule an appointment with Mandslawyers immediately. Before making any legal decisions about drunk driving accusations, it is important to understand your rights and alternatives.

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