Do Hay Fever Cause Asthma & How They Relate and Treats?

Do Hay Fever Cause Asthma & How They Relate and Treats?

Springtime brings a sense of renewal and beauty as the earth blooms, and life is reborn; however, for those who experience hay fever, this season can be difficult to endure. Half of all those struggling with hay fever are also affected by asthma; certain allergens, like pollen, can set off an attack for people with allergic asthma and exacerbate the symptoms associated with hay fever.

Allergies and hayfever can be complicated to manage, so it's important to understand their relationship and available treatments. Do you suffer from hay fever and asthma? If so, your asthma is likely worse when pollen levels are high. Learn more about how hay fever can worsen the symptoms of people with asthma, along with practical tips to help minimize these impacts during peak allergy season.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is an enduring illness that affects the lungs and can make respiration difficult. If you have asthma, signs such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing are typical indicators. However, there are cases with milder symptoms that only show up occasionally. Therefore, it is paramount to identify their causes and learn how to control them to mitigate the severity of these symptoms. Cough & cold are two common factors that can worsen this condition.

What is Hay Fever?

Hay fever is an allergy caused by breathing in pollen, dust mites, pet fur, or mold particles. It often leads to various unpleasant symptoms that can impact your day to day life. Symptoms are typically experienced during the warmer months when the wind carries these particles more easily, but they can also occur any time of year in high concentrations. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat.

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Why can Pollen Increase Asthma Symptoms?

Hay fever can occur when the body's immune system mistakes pollen for a foreign invader and produces excess histamines. Due to this overreaction, people often have uncomfortable effects such as watery eyes, a runny nose, and clogged sinuses. 

These conditions can be especially bothersome for those with asthma since their breathing is affected by nasal blockage. As such, anyone suffering from allergies should know how their condition could influence their breathing if left unmanaged.

How does Hay Fever Trigger Asthma?

Asthma is already a serious concern, with the airways swelling and narrowing, leaving you feeling breathless and your chest tight. Adding hay fever to this mix only exacerbates the situation as it increases inflammation of the airways leading to far more severe symptoms.

When you're diagnosed with allergic asthma, your physician will likely supply you with a reliever inhaler and a preventative inhaler to reduce and combat symptoms when they occur. 

Although the condition is incurable for life, an abundance of individuals realize that their symptoms pass once hay fever season ends. First, however, it would help if you noted what triggers your asthma to avoid them as much as possible.

How to Reduce the Risk of Hay Fever Causing an Asthma Attack

It is critical for anyone struggling with hay fever and asthma to take preventive measures to avoid the risk of life-threatening attacks. You can easily manage both conditions by following your GP's instructions and taking your preventer and reliever inhalers as prescribed.

To best protect yourself from the debilitating symptoms of hay fever season, you should take hay fever medication like antihistamines daily to prevent your allergies before they can start. 

You can conveniently purchase antihistamines and other hay fever remedies from an online pharmacist. It gives you a simple and easy way to get medication, enabling you to properly control your symptoms without leaving your house.

The Bottom Line

Hay fever and asthma are chronic medical conditions that can be challenging to manage, especially when the two overlap. Therefore, it is important to take particular care when managing these two conditions together due to the potential danger of an asthma attack if left unmanaged. 

To reduce your probability of a hay fever-induced asthma attack, adhere to all physician's instructions and pursue preventive steps like buying antihistamines through an online chemist. Doing so will ensure you have the medication to manage your symptoms safely and efficiently.

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