Do Girls Watch Porn

Do Girls Watch Porn


Do Girls Watch Porn
Published January 14, 2015 1:54am EST

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Women are having wilder sex than a year ago with 76 percent admitting to using porn and four in five indulging in role play between the sheets, it emerged Wednesday in a new survey.
The English Netmums website survey found that despite three quarters of women having less sex — due to the demands of longer working hours — they are much more adventurous, The Sun reported.
The findings that 76 percent of women use porn is a 10 percent rise on the two-thirds of females who admitted to watching porn with their partners in a survey last year.
The most popular format is online porn, which is watched by 61 percent of couples.
Just one couple in 20 looks at magazines, while 18 percent get their kicks watching porn DVDs on the television.
The survey of 4,200 women also revealed four in five women like to dress up for their other halves and indulge in role play.
The most popular outfit is a French maid, used by 42 percent, followed by nurses, chosen by a quarter of women.
Policewomen's uniforms were liked by 16 percent of couples.
More than half of the women surveyed used sex toys in the bedroom to add a buzz of excitement.
Women are also becoming more satisfied with their sex lives.
Last year's survey showed more than half weren't happy in the bedroom, but this year more than 60 percent claimed to enjoy fulfilling sex.
The survey also shows women are becoming more self-centred in the bedroom, with more than half saying the pleasure they get from sex is the most important part of a healthy sex life.
Just five percent of women surveyed were concerned with how long their partner can keep going.
"(Women) have busy family lives and careers to juggle. So while they might not be having as much sex as they'd like, they want to ensure they make the most of the precious time they do get," said Siobhan Freegard, the founder of Netmums.
"Our survey shows they are taking control in the bedroom. They know what to do to get their sex lives back on track and are not afraid to experiment and introduce new methods to spice things up."

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With the ubiquity and easy access to porn these days, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people are beginning to study the effects of it on our sex lives. According to a website called , 420 million web pages are dedicated to porn, meaning the non-porn Internet roughly consists of..well, Wikipedia. Scientists at Cambridge University recently studied the brain scans of porn addicts and found that they looked exactly like those of drug addicts. With such an inexhaustible supply of porn at our disposal, there is a growing concern that it is beginning to affect our brains, our relationships, and even our bodies (beyond, of course, your mother’s idle threats of blindness and hairy palms). A recent survey of a Reddit community called NoFap , which is committed to abstaining from porn and masturbation, has helped researchers open the door to a better understanding of the effects of pornography on our lives. While the results are not entirely conclusive, there are certainly some statistics that should give a moment’s pause. Here are some of the reasons why it may be a good idea to stick to Netflix next time you open up your laptop:
For those addicted to porn, arousal actually declined with the same mate. Those who regularly found different mates were able to continue their arousal. It’s known as the Coolidge Effect, or a tendency toward novelty-seeking behavior. Porn, after all, trains the viewer to expect constant newness.
One in five people who regularly watch porn admitted to feeling controlled by their own sexual desires.
12 percent of NoFappers report watching five or more hours of Internet porn every week. 59 percent report watching between four and fifteen (!!) hours of porn every week.
Almost 50 percent of those on NoFap have never had sex in their lives, meaning their only experience with intimacy is purely digital.
42 percent of male college students report visiting porn sites regularly.
53 percent of the NoFappers had developed a regular porn habit between the ages of 12 and 14. An alarming 16 percent said they started watching before they were 12.
64 percent report that their tastes in porn have become more extreme or deviant.
Among 27- to 31-year-olds on NoFap: 19 percent suffer from premature ejaculation, 25 percent are disinterested in sex with their partner, 31 percent have difficulty reaching orgasm, and 34 percent experience erectile dysfunction.
After committing to no masturbation/porn, 60 percent of those on NoFap felt that their sexual functions had improved.
And 67 percent had an increase in energy levels as well as productivity.
So there it is, men. While the evidence may not be scientifically thorough, there’s certainly enough to suggest that porn has a negative impact on our lives. It might be a good time to give that overworked hand some rest, or, at the very least, use it to dial the phone number of a real live human woman and ask her out on a date.
**More: Dating Tips from Eric Andre (AKA The Last Person Who Should Give Relationship Advice) **
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Annie Mishler ,
September 29th 2014

Girls are supposed to be feminine, dainty, clean, fresh and put-together all of the time. Right?
Well — excuse me, but hahaha — that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Girls: I’m sorry for exposing our truths to the world, but it needs to be done. Guys: You might not want to read this if you have a girl in your life that you view as perfect. That perfection is about to be seriously compromised.
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Let’s start out with the obvious: EVERYBODY POOPS. Considering females fall under the category of “everybody,” this constitutes that we — yes, we — poop. Duh. And we like it.
*Checks stomach in mirror to see how much flatter it got*
If we’re wearing pants we probably didn’t shave last night. Or the night before. But most likely all of last week. Too lazy to shave our armpits? Shirt with sleeves it is. No Shave November? Me too.
And regularly, I might add. Lots of times it’ll happen while driving. If I have a booger and no tissues, I’m not going to wait until I can find a tissue — that’s just weird.
We’ve worn the same bra for…an undetermined, yet very very long amount of time. And here’s our logic: I didn’t sweat today, so there’s no need to wear a different bra tomorrow. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. The limit does not exist.
We’ve been forced to use rolled-up toilet paper upon discovering that our period just started. Extra gross points for those who go the whole day like this due to being busy/in class/working. Admit it — you’ve done it.
Gross, or just another way to conserve water? You be the judge.
There are just too many period-related truths about girls, and this particular one simply can’t be left out. We bleed on our underwear. A lot. And then we’ll rinse out our underwear in the sink. We will then leave said underwear in sink whilst going about our day. Then we forget underwear is in sink and subsequently horrify a visitor that goes to wash their hands. Typically we don’t learn our lesson, and this will happen about seven more times.
Our hygiene is questionable at times. We can go four days without washing hair and validate it by using dry shampoo. No time to shower? Wash off armpits and apply a thick layer of perfume all over body. No time to wash face? Too LAZY to wash face? No problem! Re-apply new makeup OVER yesterday’s crusty makeup.
Okay, not ALL girls do this, and certainly not all of the time. Sometimes it’s an accident and you have to roll with it, and sometimes it’s completely voluntary. My current situation describes the latter.
In conclusion: come get us boys; we’re all yours.
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