Do Girls Like Giving Blowjobs

Do Girls Like Giving Blowjobs


Do Girls Like Giving Blowjobs

Kitty Fitzgerald ,
November 29th 2016

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1. “It’s actually not a big deal. It depends on the woman’s gag reflex, but for the most part, it’s relatively tame. The only thing that can be a drag is if a guy takes forever to finish.” — Liz, 25
2. “I like it, but I can’t stand swallowing. If it’s someone I really trust and love, I’ll do it. I’m not a fan though. The actual act of the blow job is fine, enjoyable even, but I always dread the ending. And when guys don’t even warn you? The WORST.” — Tina, 26
3. “I’ve always been into them. They don’t require a ton of work. There are certain things you can do to up your BJ game, but for the most part, it’s the same thing. I really get off on how vulnerable men are during them. You have the most tender part of their body IN YOUR MOUTH. You’re 100% in control. I love that.” — Kelly, 23
4. “Being down there you really get a sense of your dude’s hygiene level. It’s funny how many jokes exist about the way vaginas smell. You ever been nose level with balls? It’s not always fantastic.” — Jennifer, 25
5. “It’s a thing you do because you know they like it. But that’s about it.” — Keisha, 22
6. “So, I’m actually waiting until marriage for the full V-card action. Yeah, I know some people consider oral sex cheating but whatever, you’re not my God. Because of this, I find blow jobs to be pretty erotic. Knowing you’re making someone you care about feel THAT good with your mouth/tongue? That’s a turn on.” — Alicia, 23
7. “It’s okay. Not great. Not terrible. Very average.” — Emily, 22
8. “I’m only down if he’s reciprocating. Men seem to think blow jobs are a given, but eating a girl out is optional. Nope. Not if you want something, man.” — Billie, 28
9. “Entirely disgusting. I hate every moment. I only perform them for people I’m really serious about, or special occasions. I’d rather just have sex.” — Sissy, 20
10. “It doesn’t do much for me, but if my boyfriend gets pleasure from it, I’m willing. It only becomes terrible if you’re with someone who hasn’t showered in a bit. Sweaty dick/testicles smell like an old shoe locker. It’s terrible.” — Barb, 24
11. “Tedious. I’ve got TMJ and I STILL do it. Men wouldn’t last one day in our shoes, I swear.” — Viv, 27
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Do women actually like giving blow jobs?
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Anything and everything you’ve ever been TooAfraidToAsk.
Would guess it's kinda like eating a girl out. Some guys like doing it, others do it for their partner, some may not like it at all. Personal preference and all.
I love giving my boyfriend blow jobs for the most part, I even crave it sometimes. But I think it's better when he doesn't have to ask for it. Of course there are days that I don't want to do it, you don't always feel like having a dick in your mouth 😂
Do you like to swallow the juice also? I love eating my turns me on!
I didn’t care for them before my husband. My ex-boyfriends never made it enjoyable or gratifying. I feel like they were more in it for themselves than they were for the give-and-take. It was a chore with them. With my husband it’s not a chore at all, it’s very enjoyable.
How did your boyfriend fail to make it enjoyable?
I like it when my boyfriend feels good. It's a turn on but the act itself isn't for me. It hurts after a while and if the penis gets to deep i will have problems with my gag reflex which also hurts and is very uncomfortable
Maybe your partner is extra sweaty and nasty down there js. Never deal with ball juice myself.
Love giving and receiving oral, always swallow 😊
As a woman : Yes! Hearing him moan and feeling how he gets harder and harder makes me sooo horny!
everybody is different. my SO said his first two girlfriends never did it because they thought doing it was gross.
dunno why, his wiener is fabulous. boy was i excited to make up for lost time. and now we're married. maybe you ladies should buckle up for the ride :) lol jk compatibility is important.
Never expected to hear those specific terms used together haha
I do enjoy it. I love it because they love it and I like making them feel good. It's also fun so there's that
Some do, some don’t. I think there’s very few things that all women, or all men, would agree on.
If the guy is well hung then it can make your jaw ache trying to keep your mouth open wide enough.
I really don’t like doing it. My wrist, shoulders, and neck get sore. My mouth gets sore. It takes forever. I’m in a relationship where it’s an expectation that blow jobs will happen often and they will be start to finish blow jobs only. Not a fan! 👎🏻
You know you're like 50% of the relationship (I assume). Why don't you tell him that you are not a fan
My ex enjoyed blowing me more than I enjoyed it, not even joking. Got a 2 hr blowjob one day, couldn't sit down for like a week.

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Of all the sex acts out there, blow jobs are shrouded in the most mystery (maybe aside from anal sex or pegging, but still). For something that has to do with your mouth, there's not always a ton of communication that goes down between two people, pre-BJ. Here's to hoping we can clear up all the misconceptions someday, in a future that is bright and shiny.
1. I know what you're doing when I suddenly feel my head being nudged in a certain direction. Yeah, your "subtle" please-give-me-a-BJmove is not subtle at all. Women are all talking about this behind your back. We know what's going on.
2. The very first thought that goes through my head is, "Do I know when the last time this dude showered was?" Some penises smell foul, and almost always, those penises have not been washed recently. Especially in the summer, when all the little nicks and crannies of our bodies are filled with tiny pools of sweat, showering pre-oral sex is a nice courtesy. You can always just turn the shower into even more foreplay.
3. The very second thought that goes through my head is, "If boys don't wipe, is there, like, leftover pee dribble on this thing?" Seriously tho, can someone answer this for me? Should I be concerned about the pee residue?
4. When my face is that up-close to your dick, time moves at least four times slower than normal. Maybe this is because gravity's pull is stronger on objects that are closer to the ground, or maybe it's because penises actually bend time to make it pass more slowly. Who knows. All I know is that time comes to a standstill down there.
5. I have literally zero clue what to do about your balls. Like, do you want them included in this situation? Should I touch them? Putting my mouth near them seems ... gross. But please. Tell me. I have no idea.
6. Giving a man a blow job does not equal going down on a woman. Like, I am sure going down on women is difficult in its own ways, but having to concentrate on suction and moisture and looking hot while you're doing it, all while dealing with a gag reflex and tired jaw muscles is a chore .
7. It freaks me TF out when you're dead silent. Please gimme some feedback, some way of knowing that what I'm doing is even remotely OK. So many women are insecure about their BJ abilities. Maybe don't complain about how we don't give them enough when you make us feel terrified of screwing it up?
8. I start getting bored after, like, 30 seconds. It would be really ideal if all penises had a tiny little TV screen on them, so at least I could watch Netflix or something while I'm at it, but the human body doesn't have that customization option yet. Maybe in the 2017 model.
9. You absolutely do not get to come in my mouth/on my face without clearing it with me first. This is the best way to make sure I never talk to you again in my life and drag you online forever and ever. It will be so deserved. Do not be this person.
10. I don't have to swallow anything if I don't feel like it. And sometimes I'm in the mood for this, and other times I'm not. Women are nuanced beings. We can have different opinions on different days. Don't assume that just because I did something once, I'll do it every single time. This is why no. 9 is so crucial. ASK FIRST.
11. It's incredibly discomforting when you have zero pubic hair, TBH. I played with Ken dolls as a kid because Barbie needed a guy to hang out with, but I don't want to play with them anymore.
12. It's also a little cumbersome when you have a ton of pubic hair. Killing two birds with one stone is a great way to save time, in most cases. But flossing while getting your boyfriend off is definitely not one of them.
13. I'm going to stop the second my jaw gets sore, even if you haven't finished yet. Seriously though, in the immortal words of Samantha Jones, "They don't call it a job for nothin'." It's hard (LOL) work.
14. I'll give you a blow job when I want to, and only when I want to. The myth that women either hate or love doing this is wrong. I mean, obviously. Some women like it, some women hate it, and for most women, it just depends on the parter and the ~vibe~. Know that when I do it, it's because I want to. And when I don't, that's the end of the conversation.
15. Just because I'm on my period and don't feel like having sex does not mean I'm going to give you a blow job. Maybe I will if I'm feeling generous and flirty, but probably if I'm not in the mood to get off, I'm not in the mood to get you off either.

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