Do Girls Actually Squirt

Do Girls Actually Squirt


Do Girls Actually Squirt

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Jessica Migala
Jessica Migala is a health writer specializing in general wellness, fitness, nutrition, and skincare, with work published in Women’s Health, Glamour, Health, Men’s Health, and more.

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Is female ejaculation (a.k.a. "squirting") the stuff of urban legends...or more of rare-but-real-diamond-in-the-rough situation? The answer: definitely real.
If it happens to you, you’ll feel a big gush coming out of your vagina. You’ll probably think oh my god, I just peed all over my partner! But at the same time, it’ll probably feel good, too. So is it actually pee? And, if not, where the heck is it coming from?
10 to 54 percent of women experience female ejaculation.
Research shows that for most women, there’s usually about two ounces of clear fluid in the gush, which is enough to get your sheets pretty wet. And women who do it report ejaculating a few times a week.
Truth is, eh, it’s probably not all pee, but researchers aren’t so sure yet. Some experts say that the fluid unquestionably comes from the skene’s glands (tiny glands surrounding the urethra) and it’s not pee, while others say that it’s absolutely urine, explains Lauren Streicher, M.D., medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause . “This is controversial, and it’s also difficult to study. I think that both are true,” she says.
What does that mean? Well, while some women do have an "ejaculation" from the glands, others may release more diluted urine. Or, both things could be happening at the same time. (It's complicated. Okay?!)
More importantly, Streicher says that to experience female ejaculation during sex is normal, but it’s also normal if you don’t do it.
Nope. Research shows that 10 to 54 percent of women squirt. If you’re feeling left out because it hasn’t happened to you, sex therapist and sexologist Alex Robboy, founder of , says that you may be able to learn. (Not every expert agrees on this, FYI. Streicher doubts that the skill can be developed.)
80 percent of women who squirt say it has improved their sex lives.
Yes! Nearly 80 percent of women and 90 percent of their partners who've experienced this said it was good for their sex lives—so why not give it a go?
You may or may not get there—again it’s not clear if it’s a born or learned skill—but "you should definitely try to set yourself up for it, because it’s fun,” says Robboy. Follow these tips:
Stimulate the G-Spot: Again, while it hasn't been thoroughly studied, sex therapists like Robboy have found ejaculation often happens during G-spot stimulation . You can find your G-spot by sticking a finger in your vagina and making a “come hither” motion—you know you located the spot if you feel an almond-sized area with wrinkly skin, Robboy says.
Get a toy: “You really need intense G-spot stimulation,” says sex therapist Vanessa Marin . Fingers get tired, and a penis is rarely enough, so a special vibrator it is. She likes the Njoy Pure G Spot Metal Wand . It’s stainless steel, so you know it’s powerful. “The curve hits your G-spot in a nice way,” she says.
Hop on top: Not going to lie, it may be difficult to squirt during sex—especially in the beginning. But if you’re game, it can't hurt to try with a partner. Woman-on-top positions—whether you’re facing him or reverse cowgirl -ing it—helps you better control the angle of his penis. Reverse cowgirl is most likely to help him hit the spot just right, says Robboy.
Don’t hold back: Just like you wouldn’t hold back an orgasm, don’t do it here, says Robboy. Just breathe, relax, and let your body do its thing.

In my past experiences, I've only seen a girl get wet during sex and foreplay, but never have i seen a girl squirt. In p*rn the girls do it but , that might just be pee or something, but my question is do girls really squirt? and is it in that much volume like in p*rn where the girls is squirting a lot? and how can i make a girl squirt?
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According to sexual health expert Ian Kerner, squirting doesn’t just happen out of nowhere – it “is actually caused by a deliberate manipulation by the woman of her own body, specifically an intense bearing down on the pelvis. Basically, a forceful clench and release of the bladder.” p*rn makes it seem like squirting is something that only happens when a woman is having basically the best orgasm ever. But actually, Kerner says that some women are forcing themselves to “squirt” just because they want to make their partner happy. In reality, researchers have found that, when analyzed, the liquid from squirting is closer to pee than ejaculate. They’ve also found that doing it can be harmful to your body because it can damage your pelvic muscles. Sure, it can probably really happen to women – but something like that is rare. I guess you could try to manipulate your body into doing it if you want, but that seems like it will take a lot of concentration and could even ruin your otherwise happy orgasm experience.
Yeah girls sure do squirt! Not all do (at least I don't think, please correct me, anyone, if I'm wrong xD) but some will and it can be a lot or just a little spray. I think it's linked to the bladder or something cause in my experience (not that many but enough) she always feels like she has to pee really bad RIGHT before. This is actually how I found out about it is cause she said OMG I HAVE TO PEE REALLY BAD but she kept going and she came right after and it squirt a little but not like gushing. Anyway cool question I'm curious for responses At least I hope my response helped xD
so is it pee or like the girl version of cum? which is it?
Eh I figured I'd add, try and control her orgasm like you would your own. Like you don't keep jerkin the same pace when you're having an orgasm you pause and it shoots out (or drips if you're a dripper haha) and you jerk some more and pause and pause as it squirts out more and more. The same seems to apply for a woman squirting. If she hasn't squirt before then she probably won't know to pause at the correct moments but in my experience the girls do pause too, like with whatever pleasurable sensations you're giving, like if you're fingering her, try and figure out when to pause for her to squirt and when to resume so she can squirt more
@Asker It's NOT pee that's for sure! I'm not sure exactly where the fluid is stored before ejection, but I always figured the bladder might be linked because of the amount of fluid involved and how the incredible urge to have to pee or like feel the sensation of having to urinate a lot. They don't have to pee but then when she's right about to climax she suddenly says she has to REALLY BAD and then if she does climax, out squirts some lovely female liquid I regret not having tasted it or even tried to drink a little, cause I wasn't really sexually experienced yet and I thought it would be gross or gross me out. I haven't had a girl squirt that much since, so I really wish I drank some just so I'd know what it tastes like haha xD Sorry if this is gross
I think women can squirt but it's more like pee rather than cum. Orgasms feel like this big urge to pee and some girls might pee along with the orgams. That's squirting. Otherwise, an O is just a girl really wet with her cum. I think a really nice orgasms and the girls need to pee will make her squirt.
what? so when girls get an oragasm, u get an urge to pee? i did not know that
It's probably because it comes from the same place.
My body is usesless and disgusting and can't squirt but other girls can
I've been reading your comments, and I really feel like I need to inform you that being a squirter is a rare luxury. A woman hating herself for not being a squirter would be like a guy hating himself for not being naturally buff.
Your problem isn't your body, it's simply the method and partner. A lot of women can't squirt because of mental blocks in their head and a partner who doesn't know what they are doing. The best way for a first timer is *Go pee first so you know your bladder is empty. This helps you know it's not pee later. Then kneel with your bum on your heels and your legs apart. This puts pressure on the right muscles inside your vagina, then (it's best to have a partner) put two fingers inside pointing towards the front wall and feel for a ribbed area. That's the g-spot. Stroke this area like spider-man shooting web. You will feel a build up of pressure, like when you have to pee. This is where most women have trouble. If you stop yourself mentally or think it's pee, you will not squirt. You have to know that it's ok and be comfortable with it. I find it's often good to have a vibrator on your clit if you have trouble cumming vaginally. Once you feel that you are going to cum... Put pressure with the palm of the other hand on the outside of the pelvic bone (try and gently push the fingers on the inside against the palm on the outside.) When you orgasm, pull the fingers out, put a little more pressure on the pelvic bone, and you need to push like you are forcing something out of your vagina. Your inner walls will push against the opening of the vagina, and you should squirt. The g-spot will be visible against the vaginal hole, so rubbing the area intensifies the orgasm. Afterward, the inner vagina will be swollen and sex will feel a million times tenser for both partners.
Ya women squirts. I too squirt while fucking Its grt
All women can squirt and NO it is NOT pee! There may be trace amounts of urine because it comes through the urethra but I have made over 12 females squirt. (Most of the females I have been with, All that wanted too) The texture, smell, and taste (yes taste) are different than urine. I had one girl who would mist a fine spray. Being a male who has had prostate stimulation, I can tell you the fluid is the same as the clear fluid which comes from the prostate. It comes from the skene's gland. In porn, a lot of females will either pee or push water out of themselves which was put in them off screen, but a few are real and you can tell the difference if you have ever had a female squirt real fluid.
I have given many orgasms to girls over the years. Of course wetness comes with sex naturally to help out the process, but, never experienced this. What I have noticed in porn is this occurs without penis, also, I've seen girls orgasm cause shaking, moaning, twitching followed my a little wetness. What you see in porn, we'll if that was a real orgasm, I would think she would pass out.
You have to get your fingers in there about2.5 cm in her and pull in and out with an upwards motion digging into the top walls of her pussy and try to rub the clit at the same time but not too hard, she will feel like she has to pee, but she will not pee, when you get past that part squirting is soon to follow, it is a clear odorless liquid and if it smells like piss or is yellow it is likely just urine hope that helps
Lol it sounds like you're quoting something from the internet almost xD What's with the super specific instructions? lol I'm sure plenty of people here know how to pleasure a woman, it's just some seem to squirt and some don't xD
can i drink it? as long as it is NOT piss
Squirting is nothing more than peeing. Just try to urinate. Female orgasms aren't like male orgasms. Women have no prostates to ejaculate. All it is is peeing. I don't understand why this is such a big thing.
I'm not so sure about that. I've heard that only a small percentage of squirt juice is pee. Up to maybe like 40%?
is it safe to swallow it? like how women swallow our cum
Yes, it's safe to swallow. Cum and even urine is sterile.
duh... its like do girls poop... all girls are physically capable of doing it. its more of a talent when it comes squirting.. some girls can do it better/more easily than others.
All girls squirt when properly stimulated, but some girls Reeeaallyyy squirt.
It's like touching your nose with your tongue. Some people can do it, but most can't.
my girlfriend does about 50% of the time
yes all women if you do it rite can.

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