Do Cock Rings Really Work

Do Cock Rings Really Work


Do Cock Rings Really Work
Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on December 16, 2020
Cock rings are rings that go around the penis and/or scrotum. They slow blood flow out of an erect penis and can help make erections harder and longer-lasting. Some may also have little vibrators to increase pleasure for you and your partner.
Cock rings are also known as penis rings, tension rings, and constriction rings. They may also be marketed as erectile dysfunction (ED) rings, but people without this condition may want to use them, too.
Soft and stretchy rings. These are the most common and generally the cheapest rings available. They are circles of a soft material, often silicone. They’re easy to use and remove. It may take some trial and error to find the right fit.
Adjustable cock rings. These use lasso adjusters, velcro, or other fasteners to allow the wearer to adjust the fit as needed.
Vibrating cock rings. These have a small vibrator attached. The sensation may feel good for men, but these are generally designed to stimulate a woman’s clitoris during sex.
Solid cock rings. These rings are only for very experienced users. Even then, you may want to avoid them. There is a danger of penis strangulation with metal cock rings that fit poorly, get stuck, or are left on too long.
Cock rings make sex more intense and last longer. Specific benefits include:
There are a few common misconceptions about cock rings:
They’re Only for Older Men with Erectile Dysfunction
Not at all. People with no medical issues use cock rings. They may want the erection to last longer, increase sensitivity, or add a new element such as vibration or texture for their partner.
No. Cock rings cannot help you avoid pregnancy in any way.
When you use them correctly, cock rings should not cause pain. The new sensation may take some getting used to, but if it hurts, remove the ring right away. It may be a symptom of something else or simply an indication that you need a different size or style of ring. 
Pick a beginner-friendly ring, something soft, stretchy, and easy to remove. Use the least constrictive size that still stays on and helps maintain your erection .
Psychologist and sex expert Antonia Hall, in an interview with Cosmopol itan magazine, recommends putting the ring on while the penis is flaccid or only semi-erect. Use lubricant to make it easier to slide the ring on, and then continue stimulating the penis until it’s erect.
If you want to wear your ring over your testicles, Hall suggests sliding them in one at a time. Remember: the fit should be snug but not uncomfortable.
The best way to use a cock ring to help with ED will depend on your specific problem.
If you can get an erection but have trouble keeping it, you can try the cock ring by itself. If you struggle to become erect, you may want to use your ring with a penis pump.
After pulling blood into your penis with the pump, slip your ring around the base of your penis before you remove the pump. The erection should last long enough for sex. A little light bruising afterward is normal.
Because cock rings restrict blood flow, it’s important not to wear one for longer than 20 minutes. Start by wearing one for just 5 minutes at a time to give yourself time to get used to the feeling. If you feel discomfort, take it off immediately.
If you’re using the cock ring as a sex aid for erectile dysfunction, make sure that you’ve talked to a doctor about your symptoms. There are many health conditions that can cause ED or make it worse, including heart disease, diabetes, alcohol problems, and mental health issues. It’s important to get help for those conditions and not use a sex toy to mask the symptoms. 
Also, consult a doctor before use if you are on blood-thinning medication or have a bleeding disorder.
Do not fall asleep while using the ring, and don’t use it while you’re impaired by drugs or alcohol. It could lead to potential injury. 
Allow at least 60 minutes between uses.
Remember that sex toys can transmit STIs . You may also risk other kinds of infection if you don’t clean them properly.
For most toys, water and a mild dish soap or antibacterial hand soap should do the trick. If your device vibrates or otherwise uses power, you may not want to submerge it in water, but make sure you get it fully clean with soap and a damp cloth.
For further instructions, refer to the directions on your sex toy’s label. At the very least, it should list the material, which may require special care.
Cosmopolitan : “Can You Use Cock Rings for Stronger Orgasms?”
Food and Drug Administration: Center for Devices and Radiological Health: “Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: External Penile Rigidity Devices.”
Journal of Pharmacy : “Successful Removal of Metal Rings Causing Penile Strangulation.”
Mayo Clinic: “Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments.”
Men’s Health : “How Penis Rings Can Help You Have Better Sex.”
Self : “How to Clean Your Sex Toys So You Can Use Them Safely.”
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By TOM18458 | 13 posts, last post 11 months ago

Kate Smith
answered this
What Causes Erection Problems? Should You Be Worried About Erectile Dysfunction?

I am 34 and currently having trouble maintaining an erection. I never used to think about it a few years ago but now my penis kind of has a nap whilst I am pleasuring my girlfriend.

I try thinking about stuff to get it back but it wont get 100% hard.

My g/f has told me to get a penis ring. I have bought 5 different kinds!
Any tips? When do i put it on?
Can they be dangerous? Will it help?


Cockrings serve many different purposes for different people.
First, they are safe, provided that you do not wear one for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Basically, they trap the blood vessels that drain the penis, allowing it to stay firm for 15-20 minutes at a time. Wearing one for longer than that risks that the structures will not be getting fresh oxygenated blood, and cells may start to die.

Second, the usual use for a cockring is to maintain an erection when either the male is too tired, or stimulation has gone on for too long, and he may loose the errection before either partner reaches a climax. This may be due to age, or lateness of the hour, or too much direct stimulation..... any number of reasons.

Third, the cockring can be used to add some spice to a relationship that has grown predictable. Imagine expecting the same ol', same old thing when you turn in, only to be surprised by your girlfriend telling you to lay back and slip a ring over your penis. Just the surprise of it is likely to make you swell with anticipation! So, it can be used for a little extra spice, for a short period of time.

You should NEVER fall asleep with a cockring in place! Make a pact with your partner that you will set a timer (baking timer that countdown to beep or ring, whatever) to make certain this won't happen.

Fourth, some women find their male partner too long for their vagina, or deep penetration to be uncomfortable at some times of the month. Others prefer more exterior stimulation, but find they don't get that "impact" or "contact" from their partner's genitals alone. In this case, a cockring can either act as a limiting device, keeping the shaft from driving too deep, but still giving both parties direct stimulation during intercourse. Some women prefer feeling the cockring around the shaft snuggling up against their clit... and there are some forms of cockrings that feature either a vibrator, an extension, or a finger that will do this job quite nicely.

This brings me to your final point. You say you have purchased FIVE of these items. I assume that you are speaking of the disposable kinds that feature a vibrator as part of the cockring. Yes, they are very good, but depending on how long you run the vibrator, the battery will go dead in about a half hour, and then it's over. Those types of cockrings expect that you will throw them out when the battery runs dead.

There are other styles that simply surround the shaft, but other more professional models thlat can be found at an adult sex shop will also encircle the scrotom as well as the shaft of the penis. Some are stretchy laytex, some are leather belts, some are velcro straps, some are rubber straps with snaps, and some are little more than string. Whatever form you buy or make from household items (cat collars, dog leashes come to mind) try to stay away from narrow rubber bands or single strands of string or cord.

While these make very effective pressure points for pinching off the veins, they also are murder to get off at the end of your session when everything is wet and slippery. Take a tip and go with a somewhat wider strap or something of molded laytex that has a portrusion that can be grasped easily and pulled off or released with just a tug or two. When that timer goes off, you'll want to have a quick release. (It kind of kills the mood to send your partner running to the kitchen to find a pair of sharp sissors or a knife to cut off a rubber band that has dug deep into swollen tissue!)

Finally, you asked when to apply the cockring. Usually, it is applied just before intercourse begins, or as soon as the male has a big enough or firm enough errection to accomplish penetration. Some guys try to put it on WITHOUT an errection in place, but that's difficult, as a deflated penis tends to squirm away and won't stay in place while you attempt to slip a ring over it or wrap a strap around it and the scrotum.... making fastening it more of a challenge. You also will want to apply it and tighten it BEFORE applying any lube to the genitals. That way, it tends to stay in place better. Set your timer as soon as you fasten the cockring in place. NOW!

LASTLY, some guys try to experiment with a firm metal ring, or a plastic ring (like a shower curtain ring or similar) and while that novelty may appeal, again we are left with the problem of quick release , or, once the penis swells to fill out and traps the blood in place, there may be no easy way of releasing or sliding that ring off when the timer goes off. Plan ahead.

Good luck, and let us know how this works out for you. At age 34, it is not very common to have erectile difficulties, but not unheard of. If this is an on-going problem with you and your girlfriend, you may want to speak with your regular doctor about it, and see if he has any additional options for you. (PS: I'll bet he's not as familar with all the types of cockrings that we spoke about here... but who knows!)

I use a metak keyring, can be had in different sizes..I only use it fo rmy ***edited by moderator*** ** inappropriate posting**, works great..

Hmm ought to look into shower rings..a bit bigger, maybe for my whole package

I had thought of key rings also. Be cautious that you don't get some skin pinched in one if it is a "split ring".

And, yes, it sounds a bit more safe that an shower ring... expecially since you're wearing it around just the penis.
Unfortunately, there's no quick release with a metal ring.

Keep us informed what you observe.

I began losing my erection before I was thirty - still in my twenties.
Never until after I turned fifty did I have any problem getting an excellent erection - making it last has always been a different story.
The point being, I've used cockrings all my life - wouldn't attempt penetration without one - and they definitely help me stay at least hard enough for long enough.
When I was younger the only rings available - that I knew of - were the shiny, metal ones. Unfortunately when I was younger the erection I was able to get with the help of the rings was rock hard and stayed that way after ejaculation. There were more than a few times I worried I wouldn't be able to remove the rings and had nightmares re the Emergency Room.
Now I use the stretchable latex rings and I can remove them easily when the time comes.
Also, I vary the way I wear them - sometimes over the top of my penis and under my balls and other times I put a smaller ring only around the base of my erection but not under the balls.

How tight do you have to wear it to be able to stay hard after ejaculation?

In reply to MiamI Loko on 2015-01-30 - click to read

I don't have an erection problem; but a premature ejaculation problem. Could a cockring help with this problem?

In reply to anonymous on 2017-02-13 - click to read

In reply to Kevin B69177 on 2010-06-27 - click to read

Im getting a ring today also im 57 thanks for the insight.

Will a penis ring keep meerect after ejaculation

one thing to note, if you're having erection problems at a young age (i did in my late 30s) is that may indicate other health problems, one specifically, vascular disease. you may have artery blockages elsewhere in your body, like your heart, as vessels in the penis might also be developing blockages. i had to have a coronary bypass a few years after i lost my erection.

In reply to Kevin B69177 on 2010-06-27 - click to read

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No, thanks


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