Do All Girls Cum

Do All Girls Cum


Do All Girls Cum



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Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a chemical found in the male prostate as well as female para urethral glands. Biochemical analysis shows that orgasmic expulsions of women contain a prostate specific antigen level comparable to males.
Many studies done on the composition of female ejaculate focus on proving that female cum is not urine but something unique.

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Davidson JK, Darling CA, Conway-Welch, C (Summer 1989). "The role of the Grafenberg Spot and female gushing in the female orgasmic response: an empirical analysis". J Sex Marital Ther 15 (2): 102-120 Wimpissinger F, Stifter K, Grin W, Stackl W (September 2007). "The female prostate revisited: perineal ultrasound and biochemical studies of female ejaculate". J Sex Med 4 (5): 1388-93, discussion 1393 Bell S. (1994). "Feminist ejaculations". In Alison Jaggar (ed.). Living With Contradictions: Controversies in feminist social ethics. Boulder: Westview. pp. 529-36. ISBN 978-0-8133-1776-2. Huffman, J. W. The detailed anatomy of the paraurethral ducts in the adult human female. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 55: 86-101, 1948 Sevely JL, Bennett JW (1978). "Concerning female ejaculation and the female prostate". J Sex Res 14: 1-20.doi:10.1080/00224497809550988 Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth

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very simple question. What does female cum look like?

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Female Cum And Orgasm

Pee or Precum?

hey wats up

What does it mean?

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can precum make a girl pregnant? what is the difference between precum and semen?

discharge after masturbation!;

male and female ureatha

White musus (looks like clumpy glue stick)


Im am worried my precum will get my g/f pregnant

Precum on fingers, could it impregnate a girl?

getting pregnant for the first time and what to expect

What was that semen like liquid

urine and blood in female ejaculation?

Cymbalta and Sex Drive

Green Light Laser and retrograde ejaculation

Experiences with Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate, HoLEP, Laser Surgery

The intercourse was on the 8th and 9th day of my cycle, and I ovulate on day 14

DO guys know when there about to cum?

I'm 15 and probably pregnant I'm really scare

When does precum happen?

Prostate ache/pain after orgasm

A DARK yellow semen like substance came out with my urine

is there sperm in precum?


urethral pain flare-ups, nausea, and generally blah!

No more retrograde ejaculations!

Some females ejaculate during orgasm just like males although the purpose of ejaculation is different. A male orgasm expels semen into the vagina for procreation. The purpose of female ejaculate is not known.
Female cum is made up of secretions produced by glands around the female urethra (para urethral gla
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