Dlp gate open source

Dlp gate open source

Dlp gate open source

Open Source DLP – Data Leak/Loss Prevention Application: MyDLP

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You could also listen to the above embedded Youtube podcast of this article. How much ever it might hurt, we need to admit that human beings make mistakes. What if, one of your colleagues or employees accidentally attaches a file containing confidential data like customer info, prospect list, credit card numbers, etc. Or worse, sends it to an entire mailing list? The second and more dangerous thing about human beings is — They are GREEDY and MOODY. What if, one of your employees has been fired and wants to take the source code of an important project along with them? What if, a partner is using one of your computers and accidentally spots some confidential document? They might be tempted to copy it to their pen-drive or carry a printed copy outside, and use it against you. But, they could have been prevented in the first place. Because your actions can easily be monitored, blocked and even reported. The tool that enables administrators to do all that is called DLP Data Leak Prevention. MyDLP is an open-source software server and client application that can monitor confidential data stored in servers and systems across the network. It can prevent anyone from accidentally sending confidential data out of the network or deliberately stealing it via email, web, external storage devices, printers, etc. While the community edition of MyDLP is free of cost, the enterprise edition has a price-tag based on the no. The community edition has a number of features and offers comprehensive DLP capability. I guess this should be sufficient for many companies, or it can be used on a trial basis for evaluation purpose. The main differences between the two editions and the supported features can be found here. But, for the rich DLP features it offers, I feel that the open source version is still a very good option. Embedded below is the introduction video created by the vendor MyDLP: News Network-Active Network-Passive Wireless Network Voice over IP Video over IP Network Security Network Optimization Data Center Storage Protocols Bandwidth Applications Open Source Server Tech Office Automation Xip Blog. Home About Advertise Contact Form ADC LinkedIn Group My Books Site Map. How would you steal confidential data? Attach it in a personal mail ID if Internet access is allowed and send it to yourself, so that it can be retrieved from anywhere. Upload it to online personal cloud and data storage applications or upload it to social media sites. Copy it into a removable storage medium like pen-drives, external hard-drives, etc. Print it out on an attached printer and sneak out a hard copy. Take a screen shot and copy innocent-looking images instead of files into your thumb-drive. What are the limitations of the open source version? Open Source NAC Network Access Control: Get email updates when new articles are published: Enter your email address:

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