

Protocols4Life (感謝群友 Q 的投稿分享!)


· 印度頭髮果子 Shikakai / Indian Gooseberry

學名:Senegalia rugata

· 無患子 Reetha

學名:Sapindus mukorossi

· 西印度醋栗 Amla(梵語 'Amalaki')

學名:Phyllanthus emblica

~ 選擇性材料:

· Fenugreek葫蘆巴籽

學名:Trigonella foenum-graecum



Shikakai - 髮之果果樹


· 防止掉發

· · 治療頭皮屑

· · · 解決頭皮瘙癢等頭皮狀況問題;




一、7 到 8 片乾的 Shikakai (印度髮之果)

二、7 到 8 片乾的 Reetha(無患子)

[ 我喜歡用種子已取出的那種 ]

三、1 小把乾的 Amla(西印度醋栗)

四、1 到 2 湯匙的 Fenugreek(葫蘆巴籽)

[ 選擇性材料 ]



首先,我們有 Shikakai,中文譯為 「印度頭髮果子」 / “髮之果”。幾個世紀以來,它被用作頭髮和身體的清潔劑。它含有“皂素”,所以這就是為什麽它有一些泡沫,可以像清潔劑一樣發揮作用。它富含維生素和抗氧化劑,因此有助於促進頭髮生長,幫助減少掉髮,其抗真菌特性有助於解決頭皮屑等問題。而且,它的 pH 值較低,所以它不會使你的頭髮失去天然油性。因此,它對你的頭髮所帶來的好處是驚人的哦!

接下來我們有 Reetha,中文稱為「無患子」。你可能已經看到它被宣傳為“天然洗衣粉”的替代品,這是因為它也含有皂角苷。因此,它們是清洗頭髮、皮膚,甚至衣服的一種溫和物。而且,它還含有天然的抗菌和抗真菌特性,非常有助於改善頭皮狀況。

* * *【無患子和皂角的分別:皂莢/皂角的小葉先端鈍圓,無患子的小葉先端急尖;皂莢的枝上有棘刺,而無患子無棘刺;皂莢的果為莢果,而無患子的果為漿果。】* * *

然後,我們有“阿姆拉”——印度梵語是 Amalaki, 中文稱為「西印度醋栗」。Amla 對頭髮來說是如此的神奇。眾所周知,Amla 能加強髮根,減少掉髮,促進頭髮健康生長。據說它甚至能防止頭髮過早變白,對頭皮和髮質都有很大的好處。

接下來,我們有「葫蘆巴籽」,也被稱為 Fenugreek / Methi Seed 。它有助於防止掉髮,並幫助促進頭髮的健康生長。葫蘆巴籽是可有可無的成份,但我認為它還是有很大的不同,所以我總是經常把它添加到我的自製洗髮水中使用。人們常說,它有助於增厚髮質,是一個“偉大的防脫髮劑”!



另外,你也可以添加「楝樹」或 Tulsi 等東西來幫助護理頭皮,或者添加「迷叠香」和「鼠尾草」等草藥來幫助護理頭髮,但今天我想保持簡單就好。







短髮的話,比如長到胸口的頭髮,可能衹需要半瓶就夠了。(這是我媽媽的使用量,她的頭髮是中等長度)而 頭髮非常短的話,可以用八分之一到四分之一瓶不等。我父親使用時,能用一瓶等於用了很多。所以,要測試一下,看看你頭髮的長度和髮質所需的量哦。


我把大約半瓶子用於頭皮,把剩下的淋倒在頭髮上。你會震驚於它對頭髮的清潔效果!這不會像傳統洗髮水那樣產生泡沫哦。所以,可能需要一些時間來適應,但它眞的能在無泡沫的情況下徹底清潔你的頭髮。我幾乎感覺像是在做“頭髮沖洗”,我衹是輕柔按摩,我也喜歡把它留在頭髮上 2 到 5 分鐘左右。

我想說的是,我發現在我給頭髮上油時,洗髮水有點太溫和了,不能把所有的油脂完全洗掉。因此,當我做髮膜或精油護理時,我更喜歡使用普通的 Calia 洗髮水。而當我衹是想用溫和的洗髮水時,我就使用這一款草藥配方洗髮水。





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DIY Herbal Shampoo


I’m gonna show you how I make my own natural shampoo. This gentle shampoo will help prevent hair fall, it helps heal scalp conditions like dandruff and itchy scalp and it leaves your hair so soft and shiny. And I did not invent this recipe,  it’s a recipe that’s been used in India for centuries. However, I love it so much and I wanted to show you exactly how I make and use it. Because I think it’s absolutely incredible and it’s the perfect thing to add into your holistic haircare routine. So to make this shampoo, you will need seven to eight pieces of dried Shikakai pods, seven to eight pieces of dried Reetha. I like to use the kind that already has its seeds taken out. A small handful of dried Amla berries, and one to two tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds. You may need to adjust the proportions of these ingredients for your hair type depending if you have oily hair, dry hair, thick hair, thin hair, and find what works best for your hair type.

So let’s take a look at some of the benefits of our key ingredients.

First up, we have Shikakai. Shikakai translates to fruit for hair, and it’s been used for centuries as a cleanser for the hair and body. It contains saponins, so that’s why it kind of suds up and can act like a cleanser. It’s rich in vitamins and antioxidants, so it helps promote hair growth, it helps reduce hair fall, its antifungal properties help with things like dandruff. And it has a low pH so it won’t strip your hair off its oils. So it’s basically amazing for your hair.

Next we have Reetha also known as soap nuts, and you might have seen them before being advertised as a natural laundry detergent alternative and that’s because they also contain saponins. So they’re a gentle way to wash your hair, skin, or even your clothes. And they also contain natural antibacterial and antifungal properties to help with scalp conditions.

And then we have Amla, commonly known as Amalaki or Indian gooseberry. Amla is so amazing for the hair. It’s extremely high in vitamin C. Amla is known to strengthen the hair roots, reducing hair fall and encouraging healthy hair growth. It’s even said to prevent premature greying. It’s just wonderful for the scalp and hair.

And next we have Fenugreek seeds also known as Methi seeds, and these help prevent hair fall and help promote healthy hair growth. The fenugreek is optional, however I think it makes a big difference, so I always add it into my shampoo. With regular use, people say it helps thicken their hair and it makes a great detangler because of its high mucilage content, so it adds that slip to the shampoo. That helps kind of condition and add shine to your hair. And fenugreek is also amazing to help eliminate dandruff and other scalp conditions and it just adds volume to the hair and makes your hair feel soft and shiny and smooth.


You can also add in other ingredients to suit your hair type as well. For instance, I love adding in marshmallow root because like Fenugreek, it helps condition and detangle the hair and both Fenugreek and marshmallow will slightly thicken the shampoo as well.

You can add things like neem or Tulsi to help scalp conditions or herbs like rosemary and sage to help condition the hair but today I wanted to keep it really simple.


One thing to note is Shikakai and Amla can darken your hair over time. So if you have a really blonde hair, you might want to take that into consideration.

So place all herbs into a bowl and then add about three cups of filtered water and let that sit overnight. Next morning you can see it’s already starting to foam, you guys, it’s like real shampoo, it’s so cool. However, we’re gonna cook it to make it even more concentrated. So I’m just gonna transfer the herbs and liquids into a pot and bring that to a boil. And once it’s boiling, I turn it down to a low heat and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Then I turn the heat off completely and just let it cool down. And I’m just taking my hands and kind of mashing it up to get all the goodness out of those herbs. Now I just strain it to separate the liquid from the solid matter, you can probably even use a nut milk bag if you want. Then I transfer it into a squeeze bottle. Now you could just put this in a cup and just pour it over your head. However, the squeeze bottle method is the best way to use this in my experience.

This shampoo will last around a week in the refrigerator, or you can freeze it in an ice cube tray and you can hust toss them out whenever you need to wash your hair. And if you’re wondering how much of the shampoo you need to use, well for my long, thick hair, that’s longer than my waist, I use the whole bottle. And then for someone with shorter hair like maybe up to their chest, they could probably get away with half a bottle, that’s how much my mom uses and her hair’s a bit medium length. And if you have really short hair, you can get away with a quarter or even eighth of the bottle. When my dad was using this, he was able to get many uses out of one bottle. So just test it out and see how much you need for your hair length and hair type.

Now I find this works best when first applied to the scalp on dry hair. So I just take mu squeeze bottle and kind of separate my hairs so I can apply the shampoo directly to the scalp. Since I have a lot of hair, this helps me get it right into the roots and I just find it’s easier to apply this way. I use about half of the bottle for my scalp and then I put the rest on the length of my hair. You’ll be shocked at how well it cleans your hair. This won’t lather like traditional shampoo. So it might take some getting used to but it really cleans your hair without the lather. I guess it almost feels more like you’re doing a hair rinse. And I sort of just massage that in and I like to leave it on my hair for two to five minutes.

I will say I find on days when I oil my hair, the shampoo is a bit too gentle to get all the oil completely out. So I prefer to use my regular Calia Shampoo when I do a hair mask or an oil treatment, and then I use this when I just what a gentle shampoo. And a little tip, if your ends are really dry, you can first apply a bit of oil like jojoba or argan oil into your ends before shampoo your hair. And to apply it to the rest of my hair, I like to wet my hair from mid length to the ends. And then I take a little basin or a bowl and squeeze the rest of the shampoo into that and then I fill it up with shower water and just dump the length of my hair into the basin and swish it around. So I like to apply it onto my dry scalp but then I prefer my ends to be wet when I apply it. And this is just what works for me since I have such long hair, but you can also apply the shampoo directly to the length of your hair or you can just put the shampoo into a cup or a basin and dup that over your hair and scalp.

And this is very important. Make sure you keep your eyes closed while using the shampoo because if it gets in your eyes, it stings like crazy, and it’s gonna leave your eyes bloodshot. It’s gentle in your hair but not on your eyes. and believe it or not, I usually don’t use conditioner on my hair while using the shampoo. I find that it leaves my hair feeling nice on its own, but you could throw in sone conditioner on your ends if your hair is really dry and damaged. Or you could just finish it off with an herbal rinse or an apple cider vinegar rinse. And then I just usually air dry my hair after using this to keep my hair as healthy as possible.

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