Diy Fuck Machine

Diy Fuck Machine


Diy Fuck Machine
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For some time I’ve looked through different videos that more or less show details on fucking machines, and have picked up bits and pieces here and there. The result is my own working DIY fucking machine. Though, it must be said that it’s a prototype, noisy and no beauty. You might find your own way to assemble it. Have fun!
I’ve looked for geared electro motors with around 250-300 rpm, but most of the available are too small and not strong enough.
My choice was a 12V wiper motor. It’s not expensive and is powerful enough to do the job. It’s a little noisy, but not too bad. Wish: 268 Nok
You need a way to adjust the speed. This one I chose because it comes with a box for the electronics and is cheap. This controller supports any DC-voltage between 9 and 60 volt, and should handle any motor in this range. If you plan to make a remote-control, please note that the switch carries the power to the motor and a remote cable can’t be a signal cable; the cross section is to small. Wish: 113Nok
As the motor is 12V you need a 12V PSU. There is no info enclosed with the motor, but my PSU delives 3A, and that’s not enough. I recommend a 5 or 6A version. Wish: 96Nok
Depending on the way you assemble this, you might need an extension for the motor shaft. I used a 8mm joint nut 25mm long. That enabled me to easyily mount the rotating arm with an 8mm screw.
The length of the arm gives the stroke length, and you have to be able to easily adjust that.
On the end of the arm you need a ball joint. My choice was made for a 8mm threaded rod.
Then you need a shaft joint for connection to the stroking shaft. Also with 8mm holes and set screws.
The bearings for the shaft need to be mounted so the joint doesn’t crash into them whatever stroke length you might choose. Wish: 186 Nok
This really is the noisy part of this machine. I’ve seen this done with rails for drawers, which might be better.
Let me know if you find a better way!
As the shafts are 30cm you need to extend them. My solution was an length extension for drills (100Nok). To fit the shaft I just mounted it on a drill and sanded the end down until it fitted.
The “normal” way to connect the tools are with air tube connectors.
Wish etc are selling sets with these things, and is easy to fit the female end to the shaft with tape etc.
The male part for the air tube connector can be mounted on a vac-u-lock adapter or simply a flat plate for suction.
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In "Exploring Dominance and Submission"
I have to admit that I am partial to a bit of DIY. It all stems from my Dad, who in my younger days, would say, “You need to watch me fixing this son, it will save you a fortune when you’re older.” He was was right. I have engaged…
Hi. Ive been making my own machine , taking bits of this one and my own ideas. Ive bought the wiper, motor controller and power switch. Im not very electrically minded and im having trouble seeing how its all connected together by the pic. Could you describe what wires go where for me please? Thanks
Hi! That depends on what kind of wiper motor you’ve bought. If it has only 2 wires, they has to be connected to the controller blue and green wires. (Marked with motor on the controller.) As this isolated from any electrical ground, it doesn’t matter which goes to which cord. And on the controller switch, when switching between I and I, the + and – are swapped to the motor to make it rotate the other way.
The powersupply has to be connected +(normaly red) to +(red) on the controller. And -(normaly black) to -(black) on the controller. That should be all…
If your motor has 3 cords you have to look for info on internet, or just test by connecting the motor directly to the powersupply and se how to connect to make it run.
Thanks for your reply. The wiper motor i bought has a male connectorwith 5 ‘prongs’. Christ im terrible. Its connected to the wiper by 5 wires. Green red yellow white and black. Unless i can connect to the wiper with a female connector, i’ll probably have to cut and strip the wires from the connector on the wiper and wire it up to the controller?
Hi. I just replied but it hasn’t shown up so hope im not repeating myself here.
The wiper motor ive got has a male connector with 5 wires soldered onto it. Green red black yellow and white. Unless i find a female connector, im guessing i’ll have to cut the wires and connect to the motor. This is all covered in a clear plastic type silicone.
Hi! Ouch… You need to find out which of the 5 wires to use. Then you just cut them from the connector and extend them to the controller, or somehow connect just two of them to the exciting connector and test by connecting directly to the power supply.
Something like this: . There your would use Common and Low or High speed.
If you have AVO meter, check by Ohm setting that you’re not connecting your PSU to wires that are driectly connected in the motor.
On the adaptor (power supply), do i have to cut the end of to expose the wires in order for me to connect them to the black and red wires on the controller?
Yes. But get the motor wires figured out before you connect the controller in between. Test the motor directly to the power supply first..
Hi. Ive got it going now but its slow as hell. Im imagining its the wiper motor? Ive just noticed actually the power supply is only 4amps. Would 6 make a significant difference? Its nothing like my power drill machine lol
The wiper is a 12v motor for a nissan. Its incredibly slow even when the controller switch is on maximum
You night have found the slow input wire. There should be a high speed wire also, or was that even slower?
Oh right ok i’ll try again. I tried putting the wires into a few terminals on the wiper and nothing worked apart from these two connections. Maybe there’s another faster connection. I’ll try it some morel
Hi, I also made my own f-machine, but I used a stepper motor.
This may be a stupid question. But does the rpm = the thrust per minute ???
Revolutions per minute, how many times the motor shaft spins in a minute, and for a good fuck machine you want the motor to spin at least 200 rpm’s
I made a machine using the parts I purchased from a web site called orgasm alley a 120.00 dollar speed control, and a 150.00 dollar motor, I welded my own frame work, it can be adjusted for height, its portable, not to brag or anything but it kicks ass, or should i say well you know it is a fuck machine, if anyone needs parts I recommend orgasm alley, the machine above is very interesting, I may have build a machine that works as good as the top brands out there, but I cant sell them, because they are just to expensive nobody wants to spend that kind of money, no disrespect but i really dont think a wiper motor does the job, my customers have been asking me to build a machine that i can sell cheaper I think i am going to give it a try using this type of motor, but you know that old saying I have to see it to believe it
I’m working on a F Machine using wood and a drill modeled after this design Although I’ve found that the drill can’t be mounted the same way because there is some play in the chuck which causes a clunk. My idea is to make something that can be made by an average person in their kitchen with minimal tools.
Hi, I also made my fuck machine. Please check :
My f-machine is a manual one, just a rocking chair with a flat metal fold up chair bungee corded of face of rocking chair. Now I can mount any one of my suction cup dildos to the metal chair and back my ass up on it all night long
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Have you ever used a drill to make a hole in a wall, and it made you think of something else? Or, perhaps, your partner was passing by and made a sneaky comment about thrust on that thing. Not many people open their toolbox or go to their shed and see the full potential hiding in it. Obviously, going for a rake or a shovel is a bit excessive, but a saw can make for a great DIY sex machine. It can also help with your stamina as you can just sit back and give your wife a ride via a button. On top of that, if you’re inventive, a DIY fuck machine can spice up your workout routine just like Mac’s Ass Pounder 4000!
In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular homemade sex machines, the names of which are just as entertaining, and we’ll also tell you how to build a fucking machine on your own. Let’s get to it!
The simple answer is — yes, you can. But you have to be careful with the way you go about it, which we’ll talk about later on. The thing is, with DIY fucking machines, the sky’s the limit. Just let your kinky imagination flow, and the only thing you need to worry about is yours and your partner’s safety (even if your partner is your right hand). There are plenty of examples online if you’re in need of inspiration. For instance, there’s a cockathrone for your queen wife to sit on while she’s whispering love secrets to your polemarch. As she pleases you, the chair, powered by an electric drill, will keep her motivated, and the pleasure will be mutual.
Basically, with homemade fucking machines, the idea is to allow electrical power to provide the thrust and tenacity a human body cannot. Sometimes, you can have a double-headed Cerberus, with you and your partner facing away from each other like in a weird counter-centipede formation. Often, it takes only a sawsall dildo attachment, and you’ll scream the happiest of screams. If you make it the right way, you can control the speed and the depth if you will. The best part is, you’ll never hear a drill say how that never happened to it before.
Now, this one is not as scary as it sounds. As the name suggests, it involves an electric reciprocating saw, and if you’ve ever used one of these, you know how powerful they can be. You need an adapter, something that will attach a man’s rubber pride to the head of the saw and make it go back and forth, and then back and forth some more. You can use an adapter you already have by cutting off a saw (the pointy, sharp part). Then, you connect it to that dildo you already have (come on, we’re all friends here), and that’s it. Go easy on the voltage, use a less-powerful tool, at least at first, until you figure it out.
Obviously, the easiest way to do this is to buy the adapter online. But if you’re your own man and consider this as cheating the DIY part, you can easily make the adapter by yourself; just make sure it’s safe, and there are no sharp parts involved. There’s a record of a woman going to the hospital to treat severe injuries when the saw cut through the rubber and made chaos in her privates.
This is what you get when you cross a drill with a dildo. Didn’t we tell you they come with spectacular names? This is our personal favorite as far as the name and ease of use go. As with the fucksaw, all you need is a penis attachment (homemade or bought) and a drill. As you probably already know, a drill’s motor doesn’t make it go back and forth as a reciprocating saw’s one does. Drills go in a circular motion, spinning around at high speeds, and as it breaks through walls, it’s actually your hand pushing the drill forward that’s making the hole. So while a drilldo does not provide a penetrating motion, your hand is there to move it forwards and backwards, while the dildo spins around, making your every nerve tingle with joy.
As a drilldoer, make sure you don’t get caught in the moment and push too far, you can severely hurt your drilldoee. If you’ve used a drill before, and we’re sure you have, you’ll know that the drill motor, when up and running, vibrates intensely.
Jillsaw, as you might have already guessed, is a combination of a jigsaw and a dildo. You can see the pattern by now. In your left hand, there’s an electric tool that comes with high voltage and achieves great speeds. In your right hand, there’s a rubber mold of what you looked like back when you were twenty-five, and you weren’t secretly happy your wife faked a headache. Combine these two together, and two plus two equals happiness and tranquility around the house. She’ll even stop asking what’s the point of overtime if a football game ends up in a draw nonetheless.
While most of the time it involves a dildo, the attachment doesn’t necessarily have to be penis-shaped. You can use a masturbator such as a magic wand (still suspiciously shaped like a penis) or a flogger to whip around (great with jigsaws and drills). Basically, do what you’re into, as long as it’s safe, which brings us to...
The number-one concern you should have when figuring out how to build a sex machine is safety. We’ve mentioned this before, but it’s important to say it again. Don’t forget, you’re using an electric tool made for slashing through wood, concrete, and bricks, and now you’re taking it and putting it where our bodies are highly sensitive. In all honesty, the best way to go about these sex toys is to buy them readymade. There are, for instance, drilldos that derive from a drill, but the machine itself was actually made specifically for sexual purposes. With these, you don’t need to worry about something going afoot.
Moreover, while your device may be safe in terms of not creating a wound or a serious injury, don’t forget that these machines are very powerful. Although they might not open you up, they are still greatly intense, and some of us just can’t handle turbo mode. Go one step at a time, consult at all times with your partner, listen to your body, and don’t overdo it. No point in playing a game if it puts you in the ER.
Having said that, that doesn’t mean you have to buy toys from someone else to have fun. You can still make it on your own, just make sure you do everything in order. Without getting too technical, when you start fixing it up, make sure no metal parts will get close to yours or your partner’s body — only the rubber. Also, make sure the adapter you use is on the lengthy side as you don’t want the heated motor touching your skin. As we’ve already said, start out with less-powerful tools and work your way up until you find what tickles your fancy among other things.
If your imagination (or internet search skills) fails you, you can look for a sex machine book, where you’ll find detailed reports on various DIY sex machines and how you can make them. Alongside the three most popular ones we’ve talked about above, you’ll find information on toys such as Velvet Thruster, Hismith Mini, Rocking Sex Machine, and Rumble Seat. Our personal recommendation? Be sure to check out Hide-a-Cock and Extreme Bangin Bench, they are as… determined as they sound.
Oh, and yeah, about that jackhammer you’ve been thinking of since you’ve started reading: just don’t go there...

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There are sex toys, and then there are sex machines. And until recently, there have been a few key differences. Sex machines are typically either large floor-standing contraptions or attachments for power tools like reciprocating saws. You can buy them in kits with assembly required, or jury rig them yourself in your garage.
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