Diy Blowjob

Diy Blowjob


Diy Blowjob







Blowjobs are one of the greatest sexual experiences for any man regardless of sexual orientation. Unfortunately, if you aren’t in a relationship they can be quite hard to come by. This is where many men might turn to all kinds of techniques and devices to try and emulate the feeling of getting a real blowjob.
Even men in relationships might have reasons to try some of these techniques. Blowjobs are great at getting men in the mood for sex, but there may be reasons why it isn’t an option for you and your partner. It might be the taste, the size of the mouth or penis, or even some kind of medical condition preventing you.
Whatever the reason you want to simulate a blowjob, we have a few different options for you to try out. How successful they are will be largely down to personal preference, so you may have to try several and find something that works for you.
I almost feel bad for bringing this one up. Every year, hundreds of people across the world end up in A&E with vacuum cleaners stuck to their penises. This is not something I would ever recommend you doing no matter how desperate you are for an orgasm.
That being said, I know for a fact that some people will ignore this. They’ll think that it’ll be fine for them, and they won’t be the ones to end up in hospital. If this is you, then stick to a low setting, don’t fully insert your penis and leave room for airflow, and make sure you’re able to reach the off switch just in case.
Some people enjoy using vacuum cleaners and don’t care about the risks, so that’s fine for them. As I said, I wouldn’t recommend it, and it’s definitely not going to be as good as some other methods at emulating blowjobs.
Using bottles as sex toys can give you some pretty awesome experiences. It will probably take you a while to find a bottle that is the right size for your penis, but it’ll be worth it. You want to have a bottle that is half full, insert your penis and squeeze the bottle. The squeezing creates suction which can give you some intense orgasms.
This one might sound a little gross to some of you, but it can actually feel pretty nice. You don’t want to use any meat that isn’t cooked or that you still want to eat. A chunk of cooked ham is ideal. Cut a hole in it big enough to put your penis in. The great benefit with using meat is you can make the hole as tight as you like. Fill the hole with some kind of sauce, and then heat in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Pop your finger in the hole to check that it isn’t too hot, then if everything is good go to town!
Jelly is an ideal thing to simulate the suction of a blowjob. Put it in a bowl, insert your penis and enjoy! Quickly thrusting in and out of the jelly creates both friction and suction. If you want it to feel even more realistic, try heating up your jelly before you start.
While it isn’t quite simulating blowjobs, some of you might be gifted enough to suck your own penis. This isn’t something that should be taken lightly though. It takes a lot of flexibility to reach your own penis. Obviously having a slightly large one will help too. If you decide to try this yourself, make sure you thoroughly stretch out, and never push yourself too hard or you might damage your back or neck.
Pocket pussies are probably the closest you’ll be able to come to experiencing a blowjob without using a mouth. You can get pocket pussies designed with a mouth at the top complete with teeth and tongue. Several pocket pussies even have ways inside them to simulate the suction you’ll get from a real mouth. For the most authentic experience, warm up your pocket pussy before you start so it feels just like a real mouth!
If you’re willing to move past using any old object you can find around your house, and want to try out a pocket pussy, then head over to our store to browse . If you aren’t quite sold yet, then have a read of our guide to pocket pussies for anything you need to know.

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Dainis Graveris May 13, 2022 August 18, 2020
The four best ways to stimulate a blowjob are: using Fleshlight Turbo, using an automatic blowjob machine, getting the real blowjob stimulator, or simply getting a towel and latex glove and making a DIY version of a fleshlight at home.
However, it’s not always easy to get one (this is why people invest in the best blowjob machine ).
Whether that would be because your partner doesn’t do blowjobs. 
Or because you’re single and don’t have anyone to ask for it. 
It’s a pleasure that comes around rarely for most men. 
People have figured out a way to stimulate blowjobs with various tools.
So, if you’re not getting one anytime soon, you might get yourself one of these tools. 
I have made a list of 4 best ways to stimulate a blowjob while masturbating, and I think you’ll enjoy my list. 
Fleshlight Turbo is a collection of fleshlights that are designed to simulate the feeling of a blowjob. 
They have a different design that has three distinct textures that are supposed to stimulate three different feelings:
The lips touching your penis, the mouth, and the throat. 
While it doesn’ feel exactly like a real blowjob (a warning – nothing does), it does remind of it a bit. 
They have two different models, which both provide different types of stimulation, so it might be worth giving it a go. 
What men are saying about using Fleshlight Turbo:
“I got a free turbo ignition from the BF sales, its quite like a BJ, and being able to thrust it all the way in for a “deepthroat” style feel is pretty nice. The feeling is also quite a change up from some of the FLG series sleeves so its pretty pleasurable.
The free floating “lip, tongue and throat” does a pretty good job to stimulate but of course its not going to be anything like a real BJ cause its just a toy. Definitely better than just the usual hand stuff, and its given out for free again with an arguably better Christmas sale, so no harm in getting one for free. Only complaint is they made the rear cap angled for some unknown reason, and now it cant stand on both ends like a normal FLG case would be able to.”
If you have a regular fleshlight and don’t want to invest in a Fleshlight Turbo model, you can do one thing that will make it feel more like a blowjob.
You’ll need a cork that fits into the hole of your fleshlight from the other side. 
Once you’re ready, insert your dick inside the sleeve. 
Then, insert the cork on the other side of the fleshlight and start pumping. 
The suction this creates is pretty similar to the suction you get during a blowjob. 
This is so far the best method to stimulate the blowjob with a regular fleshlight, I encourage you to give it a go!
Now, if want something more refined and intense that a simple fleshlight, I have a solution for you:
There are many on the market that are high quality, high-tech versions that are worth your attention, but they do cost more than a simple Fleshlight.
You can use the discount code SEXUALALPHA to get 10% off on purchases from Kiiroo.
I have two recommendations for you to consider:
What men are saying on Reddit about the KIIROO Onyx+:
“ My goal in purchasing this was to achieve sensations different from my hand or a manual masturbator. This does that. It’s a weaker sensation than I expected, but this could end up being a good thing.
I’m “addicted” to compulsive masturbation, meaning I crave orgasm even when I wish I didn’t, and when I do it multiple times a day, it requires a stronger grip to achieve it.”
This other way to stimulate a blowjob will get you excited. 
This La Bocca Della Verita toy is the most realistic blowjob simulator on the market, and it’s shaped just like the lower part of the face. 
What’s very unique about this toy is that it has teeth, tongue, and throat texture that gives the experience of deep throating. 
It’s not very expensive, only $75, and can be a great toy to have if that’s what you’re looking for. 
If none of the toys I’ve mentioned before don’t look good to you. 
If you just don’t have the budget to buy more toys, I have an alternative for you. 
A few homemade alternatives to be exact. 
This won’t cost you a fortune, and you probably can find these items around the house anyway. 
So, let’s start with the first homemade alternative – ‘towel fleshlight’:
You can either use it with your hand or put it between the pillows on your sofa and pound at it like that. 
Now, another homemade option is – the glass with tho sponges :
I don’t know how desperate you need to be for a blowjob if you think using a vacuum cleaner is a good idea. 
There are so many stories worldwide from men who decided to try this method and ended up in a hospital. 
While I know, it might look tempting to try, and I bet it feels good while it lasts, it’s very dangerous. 
And you don’t want your solo play session to end in a hospital with needing to explain why you put your dick into the vacuum cleaner…
Another thing I recommend NOT to do is use raw meat. 
I know that using food ingredients might be great for masturbation, but using raw meat is a bit dangerous. 
It has all kinds of bacteria that die when you cook the meat. 
So, if you’re not going to put it in your mouth raw, why would you put it on your dick raw? 
I mean, if you’re not grossed out by the idea and don’t think you can catch an infection, then go for it…
… And don’t forget to share your experience on Reddit, so all of us know how it went!
So, here you have it – 4 best ways to stimulate a blowjob if getting a real one is not an option. 
While nothing will ever feel as good as a real blowjob, these four methods do come very close. 
You can choose one that fits your preferences best by experimenting and trying out different things like virtual sex .
Don’t be shy about doing that. You can be pleasantly surprised!
I hope you enjoyed this guide and leave your questions in the comments if you have any. 
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Home » Blowjob Tips » How to simulate a blowjob? 12 Easy-To-Follow Ideas
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Mak Adikami, Co-Owner, Co-Founder, and blogger at I love to figure out myths and facts about giving and receiving a blowjob through personal experience and research.
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Hey! This is Sam Kryplone & Mak Adikami. We are friends and got some good and real experience in this field. We have learned many new things on this journey. In the beginning, there were many common things that we were confused about. So, we thought to clear all those common questions to you guys. Thus you get proper knowledge which we didn't get at that time.
You can do a lot of things to simulate a blowjob. This question may arise in your mind when you are bored with your old masturbation technique to pleasure yourself, and you want to feel something new, feeling like a blowjob without a girl . There are numerous ways to simulate a blowjob.
You can simulate a blowjob using fruits like a banana, a melon, cucumber, or a homemade toy using toilet paper, a cup, moisturizer bottle. You can also give yourself a blowjob-like feeling by performing autofellatio. But you can get real sensation using a real sex toy which is specially made for a blowjob.
In this blog, I will try to cover the food item including fruits which can use for this purpose. Before suggesting a company-made sex toy, you can try a DIY homemade sex toy to get the same feeling as a blowjob.
Quick Suggestion To Simulate A Blowjob
Vibration speed: Speeds and patterns
Many guys use food items to give pleasure to themselves. According to refinery29 , below are the top food used by many people to satisfy their blowjob or sexual needs.
No doubt, masturbating with food concept was introduced by Actors of American Pie . This movie introduced a generation of horny teens to the concept of masturbating with food. There is a scene in the American Pie movie where a character is masturbating with a pie.
We consider cooked pasta to simulate the blowjob:
Before using fruits for this purpose, you have to read the warning of Bustle , according to Bustle, the sugar in fruit can lead to rather unsexy yeast infection, or you may also face some other problems when placed this fruit directly onto your delicate bits. But you can still use the below fruits if you wrap them in a condom or keep them from making full-on contact with delicate parts of your penis. There are twelve fruits you can use to simulate your blowjob:
Now you know the complete list of fruits that can be used for this purpose but let me show you how to use these fruits effectively.
Before making these DIY toys, there are a few requirements like condoms and lubricant. Durex Intense Sensation can be helpful as a condom and these water-based lubes can be the best pick for this purpose. 
The most easy and common way to feel yourself great. Most of us may have tried already.
Pro tip: When you are using a homemade sex toy, you can interact with a live cam girl for getting the same feeling like you are receiving a blowjob from that girl. You just need to signup and confirm your email.
Make sure that hole fits the circumference of your penis. Do not over exaggerate as it will not work correctly.
The following food is cucumber, but the question may arise here that the cucumber is big fruit, how can you use it for simulating your blowjob. The answer is pretty simple; you just need to find yourself a big and thick cucumber.
According to Wikipedia , Cantaloupe, rockmelon, sweet melon, or spanspek is a melon that is a variety of the muskmelon species from the family Cucurbitaceae.
If you want the same feeling as a blowjob without a girl, you can try to perform autofellatio. It may be difficult for beginners to perform autofellatio, but you don’t need any girl for a blowjob once you learn this technique. Sorry, I forget to tell you what autofellatio is? Well, According to Wikipedia , Autofellatio is the act of oral stimulation of one’s own penis as a form of masturbation. To perform autofellatio, a guy needs three basic requirements:
But the sad news is only three or four men can perform autofellatio out of thousand men said, Kinsey . But if you really wish to perform autofellatio, you can learn it. You can read out our blog, which is a complete guide on how to suck your own dick?
There are numerous ways you can make a homemade toy to simulate a blowjob. You can use homemade things to use to make a toy. I have selected four homemade toys which you can make by yourself.
Make sure that you use enough lubricant using the homemade toy. You have to avoid rubbing it raw.
This homemade toy is pretty interesting to use. To make this toy, you need to use a paper towel roll or wrap paper rolls if you need a different size.
You need a Ziploc bag, a scissor, and lubricant. Now, let’s start making the last homemade toy to simulate a blowjob without wasting your time.
No matter how you have beautifully made DIY homemade toys, you can not replace the sex toys that professionals have made. If you really want to simulate a blowjob, you can not beat the homemade toys with real sex toys. Actually, there are only two ways to simulate a blowjob; the first one is to get a blowjob from a real girl and find a sex toy that can feel the same sensation you will feel while getting a blowjob from a real girl.
Before proceeding to the masturbator in detail, I want to tell you why I highly recommend this toy for simulating a blowjob over fleshlight. The answer is pretty simple: No doubt, the fleshlight feels really good, and there is a variety of fleshlight you can use for this purpose, but fleshlight is not automatic like masturbators. You can not jerk off with your hand. Using fleshlight can make you feel the same as masturbation. But if you are using automatic masturbators like Kiiroo Keon Combo Set with Stroker , it feels like you are really getting a blowjob from a girl. You just have to put it on your penis and leave it there. The sensation is totally different since you don’t use your hand. You can stimulate this pleasure to the next level by watching your favorite movie or you can interact with live cam girls to get the same feeling of blowjob and leave that masturbator on your penis. It really feels like someone’s giving you a blowjob. It is because you are not touching yourself. It’s kind of an incredible experience. Kiiroo Keon Combo Set with Stroker is the best choice to simulate your blowjob.
If you have a tight budget and are not able to buy the above masturbator you can buy Pipedream Extreme Toyz Tight Grip Dual Density Squeezable Strokers – Pussy & Mouth
No one can replace a girl to make you feel awesome through a blowjob. But I know nowadays, making a girlfriend is not easier. But I have something for you: you don’t need to find a girlfriend directly in the age of the internet. Everyone is moving online to for making their partner. Don’t worry if you are shy, just like you are desperate to find a girl; many girls are also desperate to find a guy. That’s why dating sites grow daily. I have chosen the best dating site for you; this site claims that every minute a boy or a girl meets their partner. You should check this incredible site , you just have to create an account and answer few quizzes.
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