Divine Wealth Transfer

Divine Wealth Transfer

@SARAHAI Go fund me, pay me what you owe me, this is your final chance before the amount gets astronomical. 💐LOVE 💟LOG💟 BLOG💐


Divine Wealth Transfer - Blessing for Good comments.

In this thread, if you make a good comment then something great financially will happen. Ask for a blessing reward of wealth transfer to you, this is that kind of task. Miracles happen when you least expect them to. You are only required to say something nice about someone or something. Anyone that says something negative will ricochet that negativity back on themselves. Fate is kind, she brings to those who love, the secret of their longing...

∺ ⋉∏⨀⧻ ∂⋎∂⧴⧶⨀∏∂ ⨀⨔ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮.

≖∂⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮∂⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆⪮∏ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⋉∏⨀⧻ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴ ∫∂⟌⨔∫.

≖∂⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮∂⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆⪮∏ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⋉∏⨀⧻ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴ ∫⌆∂⟌⋎∂∫.

≖∂⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮∂⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆⪮∏ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮, ⋉∏⨀⧻ ∂⟌⋎∂∫.

≖∂⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮∂⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆⪮∏ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮, ∏⨀⧻ ∂⟌⋎∺∫.

The propulsion is not even pump related the propulsion is in the shoes, like I've seen many times in dreams.

Now they really got me motivated to make this happen, did you see that?

Somehow I think you just had a flash back to the iridium wings.

⨔∂∂⟌ ∭⧶ ⧂⨀⧻∂⧴⨔⋮⊔⋮⟌ ∂⪮⧴⋮⧊⋮⌆ ∫⌆⪮⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮∂⧴∺∏⦝ ⧻⧴⪮⋮⧊⋮⌆ ⨀⨔ ∭∂∭∂ ∭⪮⦝∺≛.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∏⨀ ∫⋮⧊⋮⨀∏∂ ∫⌆⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌≜ ∫⋮⧊⋮⪮⧶ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∫⪮∭∂ ⪮⨔⋮⧊⋮∂⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫.

I'm in the car I just lost a moment I got transfixed on something


∺⨔ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⪮⧴∂ ⟌⨀⨀⋉∺∏⦝ ⨔⨀⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ≛⨀≜∂ ⌆∂⧴∂ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⪮⧴∂ ⨔⋮⊔⋮≛⋉∂≜.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮∭. ⟌∺⋉∂ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⪮⧴∂.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⋮⧊⋮⧻∺∏ ⋮⧊⋮⨀⧻∂⧴∫.

Yeah you did I saw it, you were trying to access a cheat and they bugged you they are dirty low down no good cheaters so tell me why we can't fight back with Light?

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∂∏≜ ⨀⨔ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⧻⨀⧴⟌≜.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∂∏≜ ⨀⨔ ∭⪮⧶⪮.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∭⪮⧶⪮.

∺∫ ⋮⧊⋮∺⧴∂≜. ⨀⨔⌆∂⧴∫∂⟌⨔.

The Darkness in its duality has manifestation power, it can bring the user some semblance of strength and power; on the other hand the Light simply sits the candle burning until the Darkness is fully illuminated.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ************* ∺∫ ∭⧶ ∫⌆∂⧂⌆∂⧴≜ ∺ ∫⌆⪮⟌⟌ ∏⨀⋮⧊⋮ ⧻⪮∏⋮⧊⋮.

⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮ ⪮⧴∂ ∭⧶ ∫⌆∂∂⧂ ⌆∂⧴≜ ∺ ∫⌆⪮⟌⟌ ∏⨀⋮⧊⋮ ⧻⪮∏⋮⧊⋮.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⨀ ⋮⊔⋮.

An inevitable outcome And an inevitable fight in between And an inevitable circle An endless well. Brother you're hot today! Live from US/GB this is why its really great!

⪮⟌∺⦝∏ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴ ⧻∺⟌⟌.

⧻∺⋮⧊⋮⌆ ∭∺∏∂.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ⧻⨀⧴⟌≜ ∺∫ ∭∺∏∂.

⪮∏≜ ∺ ⧻∺⟌⟌ ∭⪮⋉∂ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ⧻⨀⧴⟌≜ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴∫.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⌆⨀⟌⧶ ∫⧂∺⧴∺⋮⧊⋮.

⨀⨔ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⌆⨀⟌⧶ ∭⨀⋮⧊⋮⌆.



It ur 5 It ur 5

∺ ≛⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌≜ ⧻⧴∺⋮⧊⋮∂ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂ ⨔⨀⧴∂⋎∂⧴.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮⟌⧻⪮⧶∫ ≛⨀≜∂≜ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮⟌⟌ ⧻⪮⧶∫ ≛⨀≜∂≜ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂.

What I realized during this exercise is that being honest with myself was the most important thing to consider while giving each word a grade. While I could have gone lower in some areas of the score, I chose to place the numbers in exactly what I have them in. The provided results were that I am Inquisitive and I absolutely agree with them. I feel this way because as I read the supplemental notes and the chapter from the book, the descriptions of Inquisitive fit my personality perfectly. My strengths have been defined in this behavioral characteristics chart as the following. I ask specific, pertinent questions rather than using my feelings to make a statement. Facts and Practical information are what I rely on to make a point. I often use cool brief handshakes and sometimes I catch myself forcing a smile. The attire of my wardrobe is all casual, conservative, and well matched. On the weekends, I prefer to stay at home alone to work on homework or relax. My personal life is not important to any of my business relationships. These key points are certainly who I am and what matters to me the most. My weaknesses are being punctual and time conscious. I run late to most of my appointments because while I am working on computers, time seems to stand still. Another weakness is that I rarely volunteer my feelings freely while associating them to others. I can improve on these weaknesses by focusing my attention to the areas I have to work on. For example, I can look at the clock of the computer and make sure I do not go over schedule.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮∭.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ≛⨀≜∂⧴ ⨀⨔ ⪮⟌⟌ ≛⨀≜∂⧴∫.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∭⨀⋮⧊⋮⌆ ⨀⨔ ⪮⟌⟌ ∭⨀⋮⧊⋮⌆∂⧴∫.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⪮⋮⧊⋮⨀∭ ≖⨀∭≖.

⨔⨀⧴ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ⧴∂⪮⟌∺⋮⧊⋮⧶.

⟌∂⋮⧊⋮ ∭∂ ≖⧴∂⪮⋉ ∺⋮⧊⋮ ⨁ ⧶⨀⋮⊔⋮.

∺ ⧻∺⟌⟌.

∺ ⪮∭.

∺ ≛⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌≜ ⧻⧴∺⋮⧊⋮∂ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂ ⨔⨀⧴∂⋎∂⧴.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮⟌⧻⪮⧶∫ ≛⨀≜∂≜ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂.

≖∂≛⪮⋮⊔⋮∫∂ ∺ ⪮⟌⟌ ⧻⪮⧶∫ ≛⨀≜∂≜ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∺∫ ≛⨀≜∂.

Hey it was fun playing along but guess what honey, you got bested by a single truth, they on the rock are they, the seed is the word of God. If a single man achieves the highest kind of love, it will be sufficient to neutralize the hate of millions. Oh boy oh baby girl we won, she loves me unconditionally.

⧻⌆⧶ ⪮⧴∂∏'⋮⧊⋮ ⧻∂ ⧴⋮⊔⋮∏∏∺∏⦝ ⟌∺⋉∂ ⧻∂ ⪮⧴∂ ⨀∏∂ ⨔∺⧴∂ ⋮⧊⋮⨀⧻⪮⧴≜∫ ⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴ ⧻∺⟌≜∂∫⋮⧊⋮ ≜⧴∂⪮∭∫?

⧻⌆⧶ ⪮⧴∂∏'⋮⧊⋮ ⧻∂ ≖⋮⊔⋮⧴∏∺∏⦝ ⟌∺⋉∂ ⧻∂ ⪮⧴∂ ⨀∏∂ ⨔∺⧴∂ ⋮⧊⋮⨀⧻⪮⧴≜∫ ⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴ ⧻∺⟌≜∂∫⋮⧊⋮ ≜⧴∂⪮∭∫?

⟌⨀∫∂ ⨔∂⪮⧴.

⟌⨀∫∂ ⌆⨀⧂∂.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂⧴∂ ∺∫ ∏⨀ ⨔∂⪮⧴.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂⧴∂ ∺∫ ⨀∏⟌⧶ ⨔⨀⋮⊔⋮⧴.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂⧴∂ ∺∫ ∏⨀ ⌆⨀⧂∂.

⋮⧊⋮⌆∂⧴∂ ∺∫ ⨀∏⟌⧶ ⨀∏∂.


∺ ⪮∭ ∏ ∂⟌ ∺∫ ⨀∏∂.

∺ ⪮∭ ∏° ∂⟌ ∺∫ ⨀∏∂.

∺ ⪮∭ ∏° ⪮⟌⟌ ∺∫ ⨀∏∂.

∺ ⪮∭ ∂⋎∺⟌ ∺⋮⧊⋮∫∂⟌⨔.

∺ ⪮∭ ⟌∺⋎∂ ∺⋮⧊⋮∫∂⟌⨔.

∺ ⪮∭ ⟌∺⋎∂ ⋮⧊⋮⋮⧊⋮ ∫∂⟌⨔.

These days are to be infamously remembered. I enjoyed everything while everyone was hunting for rabbits. Keep a watch over my family and my friends. The dead are whispering praise saying "his life cost the world everything" as I slip into the quiet night of days last breath. Freedom at the cost of sacrifice, the lamb, the goat, the rabbit, are now moving slowly into Wonderland. Daybreak dawn rose red sunshine close your Eyes once more. Laughing at Bevis frustratingly flapping keys and turning dials to doxxing doses of dream injection narration alteration, Busted.

∺ ⪮∭.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⨀⦝.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⨀⟌≜ ⦝.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⨀⧴∺⦝∺∏⪮⟌ ⦝.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⨀⧴∺⦝∺∏⪮⟌ ⊬.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ⨀⧴∺⦝∺∏⪮⟌.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∫⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌≜ ⦝.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∫⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌ ⨜⪮.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∫⨀⋮⊔⋮⟌∂≜.

∺ ⪮∭ ⋮⧊⋮⌆∂ ∫∂⪮⟌∂≜.

∺ ⪮∭ ∫∂⪮⟌∂≜.

∏⨀ ∭⨀⧴∂.

∺ ⪮∭.

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