Divine Sensual

Divine Sensual


Divine Sensual

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Every time I saw the body creams that oriflame offers, I used literally drool. The huge tub filled with luxurious cream which is heavenly scented used to make me want all of them for hoarding sake . I donno why! But without offer they would cost me 400 to 500 so I used to wait for some offer and finally I could lay my hands on one of them, I had a tough choice between five or six but I picked according to the fragrance I like. I don’t have many body creams, just another silk radiance one from oriflame which is also in a tub form. i have several body lotions but I always thought body creams would be so thick and heavy for me but my perception changed with this fabulous body cream by oriflame, divine sensual body cream!
Oriflame offers various beautifully fragranced body creams like embrace, sensoria, enigma milk and honey, chiffon, embrace, giordani,volare and so on. The catalogue says this about the enigma one: enchanting charm of black rose and night blooming jasmine mingle with the sensuality of patchouli.
About divine sensual body cream:
Price:298 on offer (otherwise 449) for 250 ml
From the catalogue:
Divine: a seductive scent that opens with flirtations, fruity notes before blossoming into a floral heart reminiscent of divine. The tantalising dry down of vanilla amber and sandalwood, which lingers with warmth and sophistication.
Just this time I love the tub form of packaging. The cream is not at all thick and feels so light as if its some gel. It is like whipped or something that’s how it looks inside the jar and it moves like jelly :toothygrin: I totally love the jar and I wanna keep safety pins in later :silly:
The cream is pure white and so fragrant. It smells heavenly with some floral notes and the smell is not at all ott. I totally love the feel of the cream on the skin. I have normal body skin and humidity doesn’t really make me feel like slathering on some thick cream and that’s why I love this cream. It doesn’t feel like anything on the skin but still moisturises it thoroughly(for my normal skin) leaving it fragrant for some time. Don’t expect the fragrance to last for long but just enjoy the moment when you apply and pamper yourself. I don’t know why but I have a thing for these tub form of body creams but this time I love it even more because though it is cream form it is not at all heavy or greasy. If u love gels and light body lotions you will love this. I don’t recommend this for dry or very dry skin as they will have to reapply it throughout the day. For me the moisture lasts whole day long as I use it post shower for locking the moisture in 😉 I totally love this as hand cream too as its so light and doesn’t irritate me getting all slippery with some household chores or changing diaper :toothygrin: it smells absolutely fresh and I totally love to rub some on elbows and knees.
With so many fragrances and corresponding edt and perfumes to chose from, one of these tubs from oriflame is a must have . use it for elbows hands arms knees legs. I don’t see any thing bad in this product apart from the price which may be a little too much for a body cream. I don’t think dry skin will feel drenched with this and not suited to winters either. It’s a nice fresh smelling light cream! I am definitely getting more with some other likeable fragrance.
You know Neha…if not for anything else, I want to get this divine body cream for the amazing pictures you have clicked…… :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho: :jaiho:
ya me too..great pics especially the one where the jar is open and it looks so fluffy and creamy
aap itni sweet baatey kehte ho mujhe shak ho raha hai :waiting:
u r so kind :toothygrin: i read u also got sensoria na
il get chiffon next :stars:
Shaq…woh bhi muj par :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Neha…I will talk to you sweetly and sacchrinely until you give me your camera ka model number…..I know it’s Nikon…I have checked the website….got all confoosed…….. 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐 😐
jomol its L23 or 24 not sure
coolipix :tremble:
whoosh neha….u make this sound so very yummy….. :drool: …looks like a must have….. :thumbsup:
han dimps sachi
if u dont hv a tub form bodycream its a must
next month also on offer
this month too
its great n its the only tub form i hav
Another body lotion.wht happened to our lippy girl??? :tongue: u’ve made it look so tempting :woot: :woot: :woot:
:shy: :spank:
u were asking na how many lotions i have
aur bhi hai :shutmouth:
Hawwwwwww aur bhi :stars: sabke liye u must hv assigned alag alag weeks na :giggle: :tongue:
:stars: so true
i hoard n keep them bas :silly:
I have the Oriflame chiffon and giordani body cream-truly they are a must have!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: just snipe for offers-when they come at 298 bucks 🙂 I got mine on offer too :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
:yahoo: i wanna get chiffon and gg too
Sounds quite divine..nice review Neha!! 😀
Nice review neha! ur review always makes me so tempting to get those 😉 so pls do let me know if its on offer next time.
Yeah i want want want :yahoo: :yahoo:
Oriflame body creams are one thing I really wanna try..have heard a lot about them…this one seems so good! must try when on offer 😉
me getting dis net month ..its gonna b on offer . . . hehehe
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Sensuality. What is it? We barely use this term nowadays. And when we do, most commonly we associate it with sexuality. However, back in the times, and even in some modern oriental cultures, sensuality was and still is alive and is going hand in hand with spirituality. More so, it used to help spiritual development for both men and women.
Let’s take a peak into that history and find out what was it that women did to increase their sensuality back then and what we can learn from it.
If we try to look for its definition, we will find “r elating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite ” and “ the condition of being pleasing or fulfilling to the senses ”. The synonym for it is “ sexiness ” or “ sexual attractiveness ”. And another interesting fact that with time, this term was used less and less, if we compare 1800 and 2010.
In reality, sensuality has everything to do with senses , which means – being fully present in your body that allows you to experience those senses. Being fully present in your own body also means that your whole being is pulsating with life and is open to every experience possible. This is why in India this state is something very normal. Since we have incarnated in human bodies, sensuality is truly a divine gift that we should to experience. Ancient Indian people were absolutely sure that the goal of our incarnation as humans is to experience all of the senses and thus experience the beauty of this world.
Woman is like no other creatures knows how many times everything changes in her body. And the more she pays attention to it instead of ignoring, the better she can be in here and now.
So, let’s talk about sensual woman specifically. For her, sensuality is the ability to enjoy all of her senses not only sexually but just literally . She knows how to be fully present in her own body, she is aware of everything that happens with it, and that allows her to stay in the present moment. From this perspective, it is truly a blessing and a gift. Woman is like no other creatures knows how many times everything changes in her body. And the more she pays attention to it instead of ignoring, the better she can be in here and now.
So if she truly does that, she is always elevated, energetically and spiritually. Her heart and mind are stable. She knows to react peacefully to everything. Her energy is flowing through her unhindered. The world is one giant ocean of impulses and vibrations that she gracefully dances with. Such woman truly dances her own life. She fully emerges in her own divine being, in the joy of this experience, and her body is glowing with a special light. And this light turns her body into a sacred temple.
Unfortunately, most modern people were taught that it is better to deny their own bodies in order to be successful. This happens because people were growing up with an idea that body is an obstacle. I mean, think of how many methods and devices we have invented over the years to help us get rid of the “inconveniences of our bodies”. As a result, people almost completely stopped the appreciation of the beauty and sensuality of a woman’s body. And turned it into something more negative, which actually was very special and sacred in ancient times.
As another result of it, people and women especially are confused about what is okay to express as a natural way of being for their own body, and what is not. And if it is normal to express a natural very powerful passionate side of ourselves. When we think about that part of us, we often time feel insecure or shy about it. It is something uncontrollable to us, something that we don’t know what to do with, something untamed. So our deep and intimate feelings are left hidden and untouched. Because there is also another side of things. Women now express their sexuality excessively, that mass media presents to us as sensuality.
Very little of women now still know how to fully connect to our magical, energetic and special side of sensuality, receptivity, refinement and sophistication.
So we know very well what does woman without a connection with sensuality look like. Most women around us are like that. Let’s try to compile an image of a woman who actually knows what sensuality is and befriended it.
First and foremost, such woman she is highly perceptive, or sensitive . She is deeply and fully relaxed and completely enjoys her internal ebbs and flows. This feeling of internal bliss from her own body makes her dreamy . Which in turn helps her to fully embrace her passionate and sensual side and fills herself up with the sweetness of this warm energy, the energy of the feminine. She surrenders to it and enjoys every single moment of it. This makes her mysterious and playful , like if she knows some secret . Which well, she does know.
Once she accepts these natural flows of energy she truly realizes herself as a vessel, full of divine and sacred femininity. She is in awe from her own feminine nature. It makes her happy and satisfied, and it also makes her delicious and alluring . And she knows she is attractive. She fully enjoys her body and her sensual nature, her healthy sexuality. This makes her more and more relaxed and satisfied . Her breath gets gentler and her muscles get softer. All of these multiple sensations bring her one very important knowledge – the knowledge of her feminine power. She knows she is fully safe in her body. And this allows her to open up to wonderful flow of feminine love.
Next time, I will share one meditative practice that will allow us, modern women, get in touch with this divine and sacred feeling of sensuality.
Posted By: Ksenia Sita · In: Womanhood
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Hiya, my name is Yiye (meaning a boat travelling across the ocean). I was made in China and shipped to the UK at the age of 17. I got a First-class dual degree in Maths & Physics, trained as a chartered accountant by PwC afterwards (I know, I know! work permit, you see...) As a natural intuitive & spiritual seeker, I had an intense spiritual awakening in 2011, I then took the leap, left the corporate world and launched the website you are exploring now :) Over the past decade, I've enjoyed mentoring people from all corners of the world to love and express their Essential Self, following both ancient Taoist Five Element wisdom & some of the newest scientific findings. I help you decode the mystery of your Soul using both my intuitive and systematic skills, to reclaim and radiate the lost divine feminine, and find your most authentic abundance. I love dancing, gardening and working out in Nature. I identify with animals and plants, a lot. ps. If you haven't yet, feel free to join my newsletter community, once in a while have a good read with your fave cuppa.
Each one of us, male and female, carries within our psyche both Masculinity and Femininity. Now the divine feminine energy raising up planetarily, there is no better time to tap into it and enjoy more success with grace.
“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you have the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
The real power of your divine femininity is beyond measure. Gone are the days you were a Cinderella waiting to be rescued, it’s not even about being female.
I appreciate that “embracing your feminine power” can be quite vague, so I’ve broken it down into 7 specific steps that you can take.
We grew up in the old energy, where social conditions are harsh. Competitive, insecure, driven by ego – each of us has been there before, because of the stubborn programming that we are not lovable.
We were brought up to ask for external approval consciously and unconsciously.
This tendency only reflects your soul’s and childhood wounding, and it denies your gorgeous divine Self.
Solution? Shower endless compassion towards yourself.
Any dramas, conflicts, and misunderstanding in your life is merely a reflection that you can love yourself more.
Forgive all the “mistakes” you made in the past – without them you won’t be where you are now.
Accept that wherever you are now, you are exactly where you need to be…
When you activate this awareness, you tap into the divine feminine power immediately.
It grounds you, holds you, nurtures you. And your perspective of self-worth will start to shift.
Once you pour unconditional love and compassion towards yourself, you’ll able to bypass the self-sabotage & see a more accurate picture in your life, work and relationship.
Now you have the space to hold your truth and listen to your inner voice.
Whatever that is, honour it. Give it a life and take baby steps, until this becomes a solid part of your daily reality…
You’ve been doing the “shoulds” more than enough for way too long…
Let go of those who are not aligned with your truth (events and people). Thank them for playing a role in your life, but you have to move on for your own adventure now.
Once you recognise and listen to your inner-voice, your intuition will be developed further.
Your 6th sense helps you to connect with your Higher Self. You’ll start to experience more synchronicity and attract more high calibre spirit guides from other realms.
There are at least a dozen guided moments in your every day life. Are you alert and mindful enough to pick them up?
Because of our stubborn intellect, it’s easy to ignore those guided moments and dismiss intuition.
One way to build a better relationship with your intuition is to acknowledge every guided moment on paper – we humans love things in writing, once it is in writing, it’ll become hardcore evidence that you can’t ignore anymore.
If you just started developing your intuition, then make a list of guided moments every day. And ask your Higher Self to double those moments each day. You’ll become better and better picking up vibes gradually.
Our Master Teachers and Light Beings are also fully on board to help us.
As some of you already know I got really sick when I was 21. But that was also the first time I felt endless peace and being utterly comfortable with everything. [ You can read the story here if you wish ].
During the challenging time, I was praying and asking for help from Mother Mary every morning – when you have tried everything but nothing works, you just start to pray – the last resort…
I must say that Mother Mary’s energy is so comforting and magical.
You can connect with Mother Mary if you want
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