DivKit 29.15.0

DivKit 29.15.0


  • Added ability to set a specific logging level using DivKit#setLoggingSeverity .
  • Added ability to forcibly release video players by releaseMedia()  method of Div2View .
  • Recreating subscriptions to local variables in case Div2View  is recreated after destroying its lifecyclerOwner  in order to preserve the state of local variables.
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException  when invalid base64 preview  setted in DivVideo .
  • Fixed NoSuchElementException  on handling disappear_actions .
  • Fixed accessibility of gallery  children, when exclude a11y mode, turned on.
  • Fixed that video  the screen could show up before preview  was rendered.
  • Fixed state variable binding loop.


  • Removed mask from GalleryView to reduce offscreen rendering.
  • Added method arg.toString()  and function toString(arg)  for arrays and dictionaries.
  • Removed unnecessary re-creation of gestureRecognizers .
  • Fixed resetting inconsistent gallery  state in pager .
  • Fixed allocated unfair lock in DivBlockStateStorage .
  • Added scale  support in Lottie animation.
  • Added len  function for arrays.
  • Fixed resetting video when elapsed_time_variable  is not set.
  • Fixed pager  state after reuse.
  • Fixed looping of video player events.


  • Persistent variable storage has been implemented, including the action set_stored_value  along with the function getStoredStringValue  and others.
  • Fixed an issue with calling disappear_actions  when destroying a component (for example, when hiding a tooltip).
  • Supported flag is_enabled  for input .
  • Fixed an issue with the patch changes after the tooltip action.
  • Added toString(string)  function.
  • Added support for methods in expressions, including toString , getString , getBoolean , getInteger , getNumber , getUrl , getColor , getDict , getArray .
  • Added support for the menu_items  property inside action with an additional customization  properties menuPopupClass  and menuItemClass .
  • Fixed an issue with the nested longtap_actions  and simultaneous actions  and longtap_actions  processing.

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