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publish in Images on October 30th, 2019 by storminator | Report Post Tags: Donald Trump , Humor

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The same thing happens every time I try listening to classical music while I study or work.
First, I get snobby. I start skipping the pieces that I think are too well-known—“classical clichés”. I think I’m more sophisticated than someone who needs a recognizable tune to enjoy classical music. I start spending more time skipping and searching than I spend studying.
Then, I start skipping the pieces that aren’t “impressive” enough (usually too slow).
Then, I’ll hear a piano piece like Chopin’s Fantaisie-Impromptu Op.66 and get excited. I’ll head to YouTube and watch and listen to a series of faster and more insane piano performances. Invariably, these will culminate with the most impressive piano performance ever recorded--the one that blows my mind every time I see it:
Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2:
When August Dvorak introduced his keyboard layout in 1938, he claimed a typist’s fingers moved only 5% of the distance on it than they would on a QWERTY keyboard. This guy on the internet uses a computer program to judge that while Dvorak was making a wild claim, the Dvorak keyboard does reduce travel distance for your fingers to about 62% of what it would be with QWERTY. Typing speed and efficiency aside, others have reported that after making the switch to Dvorak, hand and wrist pains have been reduced significantly.
The Colemak layout builds off QWERTY and is designed to be an easier switch than Dvorak. It changes only 17 keys from the standard QWERTY layout. While QWERTY does 32% of keystrokes on the home row, Dvorak does 70% and Colemak does 74%. Typing with Colemak reduces the distance traveled by your fingers to about 45% of QWERTY.
The ‘Mother of All Demos’ introduced the electronic keyboard, the computer mouse, and the “chorded” keyboard all at the same time in 1968. Just watch this video for five minutes and be blown away by how little these guys could have known that they were demonstrating widely standardized and infinitely iterated technology of the future. Also, am I the only one who kind of wishes the five-button “chorded” keyboard had survived?
And then there’s this. This guy might have too much time on his hands but he’s definitely got some pretty skilled fingers on his hands too.
Presenting, the Turkish March on a computer keyboard:
Actually, this guy has some incredible undiscovered piano (regular piano keyboard) talent on his little channel. Check out Joseph Joseph! and Douce Ambiance, Django Reinhardt. Piano Variations to see some more.
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Un petit-fils pervers pénètre sa grand-mère BBW
Engagé en couple dans le sexe oral d’amour, avec son élu, et avec grand plaisir que le gars fait cunnilingus.
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