Distance Between Cities in Texas

Distance Between Cities in Texas

If you require to know how far apart places within Texas are, you have come to the right place. Our list showing the distance in between places in Texas a point-to-point measure of the distance from downtown to downtown. This is certainly useful for knowing how far apart the cities are if you take The distance by air between towns does not consider into account driving distance, which might be different to account for natural barriers such as mountains or lakes, or even just because of the way the roads are laid out between your starting point and your destination point.

Because the earth is curved, it's normally not accurate enough just to put a ruler on a map to look for the flight distance between a couple of places. You can also use the mileage chart below to estimate how many air miles you'd earn on your following flight. Of course, since it's a crow-flies chart, it may possibly only offer a rough estimate of gas costs if you choose to drive between two locations, but it really is still useful to know which places are close and which are further apart.

FromToDistancePlanoAmarillo331 miBrownsvilleIrving479 miLaredoCorpus Christi131 miAmarilloDallas334 miPlanoLaredo416 miBrownsvilleCorpus Christi130 miCorpus ChristiIrving349 miCorpus ChristiArlington342 miIrvingGarland19 miFort WorthSan Antonio240 miIrvingSan Antonio252 miPlanoDallas17 miSan AntonioPlano270 miDallasCorpus Christi345 miSan AntonioEl Paso502 miAmarilloBrownsville692 miDallasEl Paso570 miPlanoLubbock301 miCorpus ChristiAmarillo575 miDallasAustin182 miGarlandFort Worth42 miCorpus ChristiLubbock479 miHoustonAustin147 miFort WorthBrownsville473 miEl PasoGarland580 miDallasIrving9 miLaredoAmarillo549 miPlanoIrving19 miBrownsvilleSan Antonio250 miDallasGarland13 mi

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