Disney Princess Wedding Dresses

Disney Princess Wedding Dresses


Walt Disney's masterpieces still evoke admiration and delight among audiences of all ages. Many girls who watched these cartoons as children have grown up long ago. But the image of the charming bride still remains in my memories. It is with these girls that many associate their ideas for holding a wedding celebration.

Who doesn't want to look like the Little Mermaid or adorable Cinderella on one of the most important days of their lives? Today we will share with you some secrets and tell you how to create the image of a Disney princess and talk about the main heroines of these cartoons.


If you look at the catalog of dresses on the website https://ariamobridal.com/, you will see that many outfits have characteristic features of princesses from popular cartoons. Moreover, this applies not only to Princess style dresses, but also to many others.

There are several characteristic features for such outfits:

  • fluffy and beautiful skirt;
  • lots of decor;
  • tenderness and romance of the image.

Now let's look at the most popular princesses from Disney cartoons and find out how to create this unique bridal look.


One of the most popular Disney princesses in recent years. Young brides are eager to emulate this unique playful look. Usually it is chosen by those who have managed to find true love and are truly happy with their husband and feel like a little girl next to him.

In this case, the outfit should be lush, shimmering and luxurious. However, it is not at all necessary to have luxurious long hair. As you remember, at the end of the cartoon the princess cut her long hair. But this did not change her appearance at all. On the contrary, with short hair she became different, charming and incredible.


Judging by the cartoon, the Little Mermaid wore a Victorian-style dress on her wedding day. This can be easily explained by the puffed sleeves and the unique style of the skirt.

This image was repeated many times in real life by brides. The dress can be not only snow-white, but also blue, mint and turquoise.


An excellent option for those who want to have a wedding in an oriental style. Here the first role comes out to the image of Princess Jasmine from the cartoon about Aladdin and the magic lamp. Such outfits are made as bright as possible, with elements made of gold or its imitation. Here it is important to try to use more details and a variety of accessories.

To replicate Jasmine's look, it is advisable to be a brunette and have long hair. Although this is not a requirement for everyone.

Which Disney princess do you love most and would like to repeat this image at your wedding?

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